Monday, June 26, 2023

The Kung Fu Kid

The Kung Fu Kid- a story against black racism

A group of black teens are watching the movie Men in Black in which an insidious racist movie actor incites violence against little white girls by saying that the image of an eight year old white girl with a book of quantum physics is an alien monster in disguise that he would choose to shoot at. Not realizing that they have been brainwashed by the insidious racist to commit racial violence, the black teens go out to play on Halloween night. When the black teens see some white girls passing by, they make racial slurs against them even though the white girls do not provoke them in anyway. Then the black teens start to assault the white girls viciously. One of the white girls suffers severe head injury when one of the black thugs uses a skateboard to hit her hard on the head while shouting “I hate white people.”

The black thugs are arrested but, because of the rise of black racism in America, none of the black thugs has to go to jail. They are sentenced to the so-called house arrest or reform school. The white girl who suffered severe head injury has to undergo several operations to restore her fractured skull and the damage to one of her eyes. The black people who rioted after the beating of the car thief Rodney King are so racist that, instead of protesting the beating of the innocent white girls by the black thugs like they protested the beating of Rodney King by the cops, they protest the conviction and a slap-on-the-wrist sentencing on the black thugs as racism against blacks.

Many years later, the white girl has a son called Bryan. Bryan’s mom lets him learn Kung Fu from a good Chinese Kung Fu master so that he can defend himself and the family if they are attacked by black racists. The good Chinese Kung Fu master has nothing against black people as he has black students too but he hates black thugs who commit extortions and robberies on the Asian mom and pop store owners as his mother was shot and killed by a black robber who robbed her store.

The black thug who hit the white girl with a skateboard also has a son. His name is Jason. Jason’s father also lets him learn Chinese Kung Fu not for self-defense but for bullying white kids. He learns Kung Fu from a Chinese Kung Fu clown and traitor who pretends to be a Kung Fu master. The Kung Fu traitor has used Kung Fu for his own greed at the expense of vilifying little Chinese kids as bullies against a black kid and as losers in their own turf of Chinese Kung Fu in a black racist movie with a fabricated story which has no merit in truth nor in history. The totalitarian Chinese regime allowed the Kung Fu traitor to film the movie in China even though the movie vilifies little Chinese boys as bullies against a black kid because the Kung Fu traitor is a sycophant of the totalitarian regime by saying that the Chinese people need to be firmly controlled by the government.

Jason, just like his father, continues to bully white kids in school and in the playground and he has become the leader of the black thugs in his school. Bryan does not go to the same school that Jason goes to but his girl friend Vanessa does. She tells Bryan that Jason often bullies the white boys in her school and that Jason likes to insult the white girls, saying that he will make them his bitches like Tiger Woods makes many white sluts his bitches. One day, Vanessa complains to Bryan saying that Jason tried to molest her. She says Jason tried to force a kiss on her after he saw the new movie The Karate Kid in which Jaden Smith kissed a Chinese girl. She has complained to the school but the black thugs lied to the school principal saying that they saw Jason stumbled as he walked pass Vanessa. The school principal who is black says he believes it was just an accident and a misunderstanding on Vanessa’s part. So Bryan goes to give Jason a warning to stay away from Vanessa when Jason is leaving school. But Jason is defiant and he challenges Bryan to a fight.

Bryan tells what is happening to his good Chinese Kung Fu master. The Kung Fu master realizes that Jason will only become a bigger bully if he is not taught a lesson so he tells Bryan that he will allow him to fight Jason but only in a Chinese martial art tournament that is coming to the city. So Bryan and Jason agree to fight each other in the coming tournament.

Bryan practices very hard for the fight so does Jason. Before the fight starts, Bryan’s mom tells Bryan that Jason is the son of the black thug who severely injured her head with a skateboard in the hate crime on Halloween night many years ago. She is filled with tears as she sees Jason’s father bring a skateboard to the tournament to taunt her. Bryan’s father is hugging her and comforting her. The good Chinese Kung Fu master tells Bryan solemnly to remember that he is not just fighting against Jason, he is fighting against the evil of black racism in this country as well. On the other hand the Kung Fu traitor who teaches Jason is very happy around Jason’s family. He is joking around with them like he jokes around with some black comedians in his movies.

Finally it is Bryan and Jason’s turn to fight. Jason did quite a few impressive moves that keeps Bryan at bay. Bryan doesn’t like fighting but he likes Kung Fu as a form of martial art. Since his mom told him that she was severely injured in the head by some black racists so he really wants to learn Kung Fu for self-defense as well. As Bryan thinks about self-defense most of the time and Jason thinks about bullying white boys most of the time, that makes Bryan much less an aggressor than Jason during the fight and Bryant suffers more punches and kicks than Jason does. As Bryan is driven to a corner, he hugs Jason while keeping his head under Jason's right arm to prevent him from punching his head. Bryan's mom suddenly pulls out a big picture from her handbag and goes near the stage to show the picture right in Bryan’s face. “This is the injury I suffered from Jason’s father who hit me on the head with a skateboard while shouting “I hate white people”. You must fight to defeat the black racists, ” Bryan’s mother pleads him. Bryan takes a good look at the picture and is horrified to sees her mother’s disfigured face in a bloody mess. He did not know that some black racists can be so vicious as to cause that kind of injury to an innocent white girl.

Fueled by his desire to defeat the black racist Jason and the determination to prevent himself from become another victim of black racism like his mom, he sees the need to fight aggressively. At that moment, he suddenly sees a vision of Bruce Lee who tells him that he hates to see Chinese Kung Fu being betrayed by a Kung Fu traitor who vilifies the boys of his own race as bullies and losers in their own turf of Kung Fu and, instead of calling the Chinese martial art by its Chinese name Kung Fu, the traitor allows it to be called Karate which is a martial art of the Japanese who have a shameful history of bullying the Chinese and murdering millions of Chinese civilians when they invaded China. Bruce Lee also tells Bryan in the vision that he will help him to defeat Jason, the student of the Kung Fu traitor.

As the vision disappears, Bryan feels that he is being possessed by Bruce Lee’s sprite. Not only that he fights as aggressively as Bruce Lee, his fighting technique, agility and demeanor are just like that of Bruce Lee’s in the movies. Jason is surprised by Bryan’s changes and he got kicked so hard in the head that he starts to lose his balance. As Jason’s father sees that his son is losing, he runs towards the stage with the skateboard in his hand while Bryan’s back is facing him. Bryan feels something is happening behind him. He turns back to look and is struck by the fear that Jason’s father might hit him with the skateboard like he had hit his mother, so he turns his attention to Jason’s father. However, Jason’s father immediately puts the skateboard down on the floor and starts pounding the stage with both of his hands to cheer Jason on. Seeing that Bryan is distracted, Jason wants to strike Bryan with a flying kick to knock him off the stage. However, Bryan is able to duck in time to avoid the kick. Jason ends up flying off the stage and lands with one foot first on the skateboard. He then slips on the skateboard and the back of his head hits hard on the floor. As Jason has passed out after his head hit the floor, Bryan is declared the winner.

After several minutes Jason regains consciousness with the help of a doctor at the tournament. The first thing he says after regaining consciousness is “I can’t see. I can’t see. I can’t see....”.

Many years later, Jason is still blind. He can no longer practice Kung Fu nor can he bully anyone anymore.

Bryant has become a famous movie star in a series of movies called The Kung Fu Kid after he won the tournament. After learning more from his good Kung Fu master and winning more Kung Fu tournaments, Bryan becomes the Grandmaster of a new Kung Fu school. Bryan and Vanessa later get married and they live happily ever after.

Note: The above is only a fictitious story. No part of the story should be construed as facts even though the story contains dramatizations similar to certain real events or characters. Rights of the story reserved. 

Friday, May 26, 2023


Free Speech Censored by YouTube

(Note: Corrections and minor changes have been made to some of the posts here after copied from YouTube.)

Part 1

My comments and replies below are censored by YouTube under their respective videos without justification: 

*Hunter Biden owns a gun. 

And he bought it by lying on the Federal Background Check Form after he was fired from the US Navy for testing positive for cocaine.

*Biden's real "secret weapon" in elections:

*VIDEO: Lia Thomas BANNED from Women’s Swimming!!!

International Swimming Federation (FINA) has made the decision to ban Lia Thomas from competing with women in international swimming competitions.


Warming to YouTube: There is no justification at all for YouTube to censor my comment citing the video "Lia Thomas BANNED from Women’s Swimming!!!".  I only report a decision made by a legitimate international organization for administering international competitions in water sports. This is a violation of my First Amendment right.  The censorship of this comment by YouTube may be use as an example of YouTube's violation of the First Amendment when YouTube is sued in the court of law.

*When the radical leftists hate scientific truth that exposes their lies and prejudice so much that they would ban the scientific definition of a woman, of course no answer can escape from their unreasonable criticism when that answer does not fit their distorted views. 

YouTube censors who are censoring this comment are minions of the radical left politicians who prefer lies based on corrupt politics instead of the truth based on science.

*The NWO politicians who allow those violent migrants to invade their own country are traitors who should pay for their crime in jail. 

Who wrote the book, "THE DESTRUCTION OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION as Seen Through Islam, Christianity and Judaism"?


It was the same man who sponsored Obama into Harvard Law School in the USA and the same man who incited black racists to cut the nose, ears and flesh off the body of white people out of racial hatred and Obama turned out to be the same man who created and expanded the power of ISIS/ ISIL.


VIDEO: Obama, I ordered to speed up the training of our ISIL forces


VIDEO: ISIS : Lt. General McInerney says Obama helped build ISIS with Weapons from Benghazi (Sept 03, 2014)

*"The FBI time and time again has proven that it's nothing more than a left-wing, uh, what's the word?, lap dog for the Democrats" - Something obvious from the mouth of MR. OBVIOUS.


VIDEO: Ethan Klein On H3 Podcast Tells Listeners to Bomb The NRA Convention

Did the FBI arrest leftist terrorist Ethan Klein for inciting his radical left cohort to bomb the NRA Convention?

No?  Now that is surely another proof that MR.OBVIOUS's opinion about the FBI under the control of the radical left is right.

*Mr. Pro China John Cena does not even want to show his compassion for the Chinese people being forced into starvation by the Chinese government. He left China that he praised so much before the draconian Shanghai Lockdown begun.

VIDEO: In the name of epidemic prevention | China: 45 Cities/370 Million People in Lockdown.

*In the communist playbook, voluntary comply to a directive of the communist leader is actually mandatory because bad things just happen if the people don't comply. Did all the Jim Jones followers drink the KoolAid to commit suicide voluntarily?

No, not all of them did. Some just preferred to die by poisoning instead of being shot to death  by Jim Jones' commie guards.


If this were still a real pandemic in China, we would see people drop dead in the street like it was at the beginning of the pandemic. Now, there are only Chinese starved to death by the communist leaders. (Posted June 17, 2022)

Part 2

*I don't think that brainwashed minion of the radical left politicians who calls herself a climate activist knows about Joe Biden's using dirty politics to help his son Hunter Biden to become a money-grubbing fossil fuel bigwig at Burisma in Ukraine after Hunter Biden was fired from the US Navy for testing positive for cocaine. She is pathetically stupid to think global warming / climate change scammers blaming on fossil fuels and CO2 like Joe Biden is really care about people like her.


​ *@barbiel BarbieD  Candace Owens says she has no problem with nationalism and that "IF Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, Okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany."

Both Ted Lieu and you are so deceptive to smear her of legitimizing Adolf Hitler. The use of the world IF by Owens means she does NOT think Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well. That means she does NOT think Hitler's persecution of the Jewish Germans and leading the Aryan youths to invade other countries were things that made Germany great and run well.

 @barbiel BarbieD 

First I want you to watch the video below about your leftist master Obama.


My opinion is that, "If Obama just wanted to make peace with other countries and make peace among people of different ethnicities in the USA, he deserved the Noble peace prize that was awarded to him."

Does it mean I legitimize the warmongering of Obama and his insidious persecution of white people through the IRS and TSA? Of course not.

You cannot ignore the word "if" in a statement and then falsely accuse your opponents of having an opinion that is opposite to what they actually meant to express.


@barbiel BarbieD 

VIDEO: Whoopi Goldberg suspended from 'The View' after Holocaust comments l GMA

VIDEO: Whoopi Goldberg the double standard-loving hypocrite is a complete idiot!

Of all the leftist clowns out there, you sure made the stupid choice of trying to make Whoopi Goldberg sound like an expert.


*Remember GEICO's commercial "Life Form: Oddly Appropriate Segues" featuring people playing scientists who are oblivious to one of them being eaten alive by an alien life form when they chat about how "good" GEICO is as if they are under mind control ?

If you think GEICO was just trying to create some harmless fun with its commercials, you have no idea what Predictive Programming is.


In a way, GEICO's predictive programing with the "Life Form" commercial seems to work on the liberals and leftists, only that the alien take over welcomed by them as they struggle to survive is not from outer space.


*Censored comment under video "Girl trapped in Alabama home with dead bodies chewed self free | Rush Hour"


Executing the monster that committed these atrocities is the only way to ensure that nobody, including the 12-year-old-girl, will ever be threatened by that monster again.


Unfortunately, the radical left politicians in the USA, especially the ones in New York and California, have pandered to their radical left cohort who side with violent criminals by using the COVID pandemic as an excuse to release a large number of criminals, including over a dozen murderers and even a vicious murderer sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.


The radical left politicians even tried to release killer cop Craig Peyer, who murdered 20-year-old university student Cara Knott while on duty and then threw her body from a bridge off Interstate 15, again using COVID concerns as their lame excuse.


Of course, those radical left politicians only pretended to be compassionate people who did not want the lives of people, even murderers in prisons, to be endangered by COVID.


But the facts of those radical left politicians had put or threatened to put innocent people in prison for defying their unjustified draconian COVID lockdown and forced nursing homes to accept COVID patients from hospitals while denying the right of the staff members to know about their COVID conditions with the devastating result of tens of thousands of nursing home members died from COVID, are conclusive proof that their release of violent criminals from prison during COVID was not because of their compassion but because of their attempt to pander to their radical left cohort who side with violent criminals.


Fortunately, Alabama is a conservative state that not only keeps the death penalty but also resisted the call of the radical leftists to release convicted murderers during the COVID pandemic. I hope this murderous monster will be executed soon after convicted so that the little girl does not have to live with the fear of the monster being released from prison in the future by some hypocritical politicians with an evil agenda.

Part 3

*@Bill Rowan

Internet search: Police Fired Over 100 Bullets At Latina Women 'Mistaken' for Chris #Dorner

Sure, we do need more than 10 rounds. On the other hand, there are stupid and trigger-happy LAPD cops who should have blanks in their guns.


*Imagine a leftist HOA president in California telling a homeowner that he is not allowed to use pepper spray inside his own home to repel a home invader even if the home invader is armed. There is no need for me to imagine. It did happen to me. Fortunately, the tiny leftist tyrant was defeated when a lawyer replied to my inquiry in a HOA meeting by confirming that I have the Constitutional Right to bear arms, including guns and pepper spray, and use them against an armed home invader. In fact, I would use non-lethal arms, including pepper spray and air guns, to repel a home invader or invaders even if they appear to be unarmed. There were cases of home invasion in which the victims submitted peacefully but were tied up and the home set on fire with the victims inside. Every home invasion is a life-or-death situation and people have the right to use lethal or non-lethal weapon against the hostile home invaders even when they appear to be unarmed. I'm glad that tiny leftist tyrant is no longer the HOA president in our condo.



Here are some recent examples of leftists having committed or threatened to commit acts of violence against conservative politicians:


*Assassination of GOP Reps by Maddow-Loving, Bernie-Voting Leftist What It Really Is

"The Rachel Maddow fan, Trump hater, and Bernie Sanders volunteer who did the shooting came armed to kill that day, but the FBI made an astounding decision when classifying the shooting. Instead of labeling the attempted assassinations the clear-cut case of domestic terrorism by a leftist hellbent on killing Republicans, the FBI labeled the attack a case of “suicide-by-cop.” 


*Left-wing Guardian writer calls for assassination of Donald Trump

"On Tuesday night, Monisha Rajesh, a features writer for the left-wing Guardian and the author of the upcoming book, “Around India in 80 Trains,” issued a tweet calling for the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump.

“It's about time for a presidential assassination,” she wrote on Twitter, responding to another Twitter user who called Tuesday’s election victory a “Nazi-like atrocity.”


Has the terrorist Monisha Rajesh been arrested by the FBI yet?



You ask, "'What about the rightists encouraging acts of violence against the FBI for doing their job?" I can't find any real example of that. Do you mean to ask, "What about the radical-left-controlled FBI inciting and programming mentally ill whites for doing their "job" of illegal false flag attacks to smear the people on the political right?"


*TERROR RECRUITS: The FBI targets mentally ill whites, then PROGRAMS them to carry out acts of extreme violence

Jerry Drake Varnell, a 23-year-old diagnosed schizophrenic, had reportedly schemed out a plan to bomb a bank in Oklahoma City. Varnell described himself as a believer in “Three Percenter” ideology, which claims to expose corruption and injustice from a right-wing perspective.


When it came time to do the deed, Varnell drove what he believed at the time to be a stolen van containing a 1,000-pound ammonium nitrate bomb. It turns out that the FBI had set the whole thing up in advance, knowing fully well that Varnell had mental issues.


“The FBI knew he was a schizophrenic,” Varnell’s parents declared in an open letter that was bravely published by NewsOK. (Related: The so-called “terrorist” attack against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was also an FBI false flag plot.)


“Underneath his condition, he is a sweet-hearted person and we are extremely shocked that this event has happened. However, what truly has us flabbergasted is the fact that the FBI knew he was schizophrenic.”


Varnell’s parents went on to reveal that the State of Oklahoma had previously found their son to be mentally incompetent, and that his parents were to have legal guardianship over him in accordance with a court order.


“These documents are sealed from the public, which is why no news media outlet has been able to obtain them. The FBI clearly knew that he was schizophrenic because they have gathered every ounce of information on him.”


According to Varnell’s parents, their son never could have committed, or attempted to commit, such an act without heavy input from the FBI. And that is exactly what they say happened.


Part 4

*China Joe is the one who created the oil shortage, hence the price hikes,  by suppressing fossil fuels in the USA.

But instead of admitting that he is wrong and stop suppressing fossil fuels in the USA, this traitor puts the blame on the mum-and-dad business owners for the rise of gas prices. What a disgusting crooked politician Joe Biden is!


When traitor Joe was calling for putting fossil fuel company CEOs in jail in the USA as part of his global warming scam, he was also helping his cocaine-sniffing son Hunter Biden to become a fossil fuel bigwig at Burisma in Ukraine by forcing the Ukraine president to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma for corruption.


Traitor Joe's suppressing the fossil fuel industry in the USA is not really about saving the world that he lied about would end in a few years if CO2 from fossil fuels was not stopped, otherwise he would not have helped his son to become a fossil fuel bigwig in Ukraine and would not have help his son to have shady "business" deals with fossil fuel moguls in China.


Traitor Joe is only using the global warming scam, aka man made climate change scam, to sellout the USA so as to make himself and his leftist cohort filthy rich at the expense and suffering of the American people


*As much I'm against medical tyranny perpetrated by crooked politicians, I would not be foolish enough to claim medical freedom is a God given right to support my stance against medical tyrants because germs that cause the most horrible diseases such as bubonic plague, leprosy,  smallpox,  Ebola, etc., were all created by God and innocent children have also been victimized by those diseases that God created.


Medical advancement and medical freedom are what good humans, such as good scientists, good medical researchers, good doctors and good politicians have brought to this world. On the other hand, God who created germs that kill people indiscriminately, bad scientists who create new strains of germs as bio-weapon, bad politicians who support the development of bio-weapons and tyrants who impose medical tyranny on the people for power and control by forcing the people to take dangerous medical procedures under the pretense of doing good to the people, all  belong to the same evil cohort against humanity.


*Warning to patriots, conservatives and Trump supporters: Take heed that there are smear actors and entrappers from the radical left pretending to be right-wing radicals posting comments or replies to peaceful Trump supporters on YouTube by calling for violence against establishments controlled by the radical left.


For example, they may pretend to be radical Trump supporters by sending comments or replies calling for violent take over of the White House or calling for civil war to peaceful Trump supporters on YouTube. I think YouTube censors know those comments or replies are posted by their leftist cohort because those posters can post something calling for undue violence without any fear of being censored or  banned from YouTube. Leftist privilege  on social media for posting support for undue violence is well-known to be out of control. Now it has even been weaponized by the radical left pretending to be pro-violence Trump supporters for smearing the peaceful Trump supporters.


Instead of just ignore the posts of those fake Trump supporters who call for violence in reaction to the continue persecution of Trump by the FBI under the control of the radical left politicians, we need to reply to them by reproaching their undue call for violence and expose their scheme of trying to smear or entrap Trump supporters of being violent extremists. Not replying to those smearing actors and entrappers would make you appear to be a silent cohort of the violent radicals. By replying to them with reproach of their undue call for violence and exposing their false flag scheme, you can protect yourself and the integrity of the real Trump supporters.


The radical left politicians know they are losing support from the Americans because of their egregious corruption which makes the life of the Americans more and more miserable and they realize they will lose the coming election if they do not continue to play dirty in politics. That's why they want to use whatever dirty tricks they can think of to stop Trump and  other conservative politicians from taking back control of the country through elections.


The radical left politicians also know it's hard to incite Trump supporters to commit political violence. That's why they are using smear actors and entrappers on social media to create the illusion of Trump supporters being violent in their smearing campaign. We must keep our peace while reproaching their call for violence so that their false flag operation will not succeed.

Part 5

*California residence be warned.  The false information of "Organ donation is now the default choice" in California is being spread on the internet. I have contacted an organization which spreads the false information on its website and its representative admitted that that specific information is not true and said she had no idea why it was there. 


*Verify my butt. Distorting the meaning of a lie to make it sound like the truth is not verifying.

By the way, being fully COVID vaccinated can make you less likely to get COVID is a lie. The opposite is the truth.

VIDEO: Shocking Data From Walgreens(2nd largest pharmacy chain in the US)


Very few fully COVID vaccinated people end up sick with COVID in the hospital may not be a lie but it is a deceptive argument because people who drop dead shortly after COVID vaccination are not considered to be sick with COVID but that is an even more scary result of getting the COVID vaccine.

VIDEO: Athletes Are Dropping Like Flies and Nobody’s Allowed To Ask Why

VIDEO: Athletes dropping like flies 🪰


*Please be warned. There are leftist instigators on YouTube inciting political violence under conservative videos  while they pretend to be far right extremists.


For example, I saw a leftist instigator incite people on the right to take over the White House. You can tell that they are leftist instigators from the following facts: While they pretend to be so mad that they want to see the political right react with violence, they unusual do not mention the frauds and crimes of their leftist masters as justification for their calling for violence in their comments. Unusually, they have either an empty channel,  a channel with contents hidden or a channel featuring violent video games only instead of having at least some contents that are dedicated to expose the frauds and crimes of the leftist politicians.


I think these leftist instigators have three objectives:

1/ Smearing the image of conservatives in general as violent extremists or terrorists with their call for violence under their false flag of being cohort of the conservatives.

2/ Entrapping particular individuals who are outspoken against the frauds and crimes of leftist politicians with the intention to lure them agree with their calls for violence so that they can be targeted by the rogue law enforcement officers under the control of the radical left politicians for entrapment.

3/ Inciting real physical violence from the political right so that such violence, no matter how mild in comparison to the violence committed by some radical left groups in anti-police riots, can be used as propaganda against the conservatives, especially when there are rogue law enforcement agents as well as radical left groups also participating in acts of violence under the false fag of being



The radical left politicians know their can't win fair in a  peaceful way. That's why they want political violence. Do not fall into the trap of the leftist instigators. Rebuke their call for violence.


*I just created a playlist called "Stop Bullying the Chinese people" with four videos in the playlist.

Some of the videos exposed the fact that the Chinese people are being bullied by the CCP with tyrannical lockdown under the so-called Zero COVID policy. Moments later, when I checked the playlists, I found that all the four video were deleted from the playlist and YouTube lied by claiming "No videos in this playlist yet". However, I received neither warning nor notification of my content in said playlist being in violation of anything.

YouTube censorship has become so dictatorial that it looks as if the CCP is in control of YouTube censorship.

YouTube is in violation of the First Amendment which protects free speech. I hope someday the YouTube management will be held accountable for their violation of the US  Constitution.


*Those high-ranking FBI officials in collusion with the corrupt radical left politicians are in a desperate position. They know they will have to answer for their crimes when the corrupt Democrats lose control of the House in the coming election. That's why they keep on persecuting Trump while turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by corrupt radical left politicians and their family members.


In answering the pertinent question of, "Is Hunter Biden a national security threat?", the head of the national security division of the FBI claims it is not in his practice or experience to identify individuals and to label any individual American citizen or any individual as a security threat.


What a blatant liar the head of the FBI is!


The fact is that the FBI under his control has certainly identified and labeled individual American citizens as security threats by labeling white parents who attended school meetings to protest peacefully against the white-hating racist thrash of CRT being taught in school as terrorist suspects. 

Part 6

Is it possible that the FBI under the control of Joe Biden and his cohort has become so compromised and unconscionable that it used some rogue people search sites as political weapons to defame an innocent deceased old man, who died at the age of 99 from Alzheimer's disease without any criminal record and without ever saying anything on the internet because he did not know how to use the internet and without any traffic record because he did not know how to drive at all, as having possible criminal or traffic record?

It should not be possible but I have found proof that it happened just because the innocent deceased old man was the relative of a fearless man who criticized peacefully the wrong doings of the FBI and the radical left policies of Obama and Biden. It is disgusting how low the radical left politicians are willing to go try to scare peaceful political opponents into submission.

@Laura Steinberg No kidding. Your insightful opinion of how the radical left politicians and the FBI under their control operate is likely to get yourself, you living relatives and even your dead relatives smeared by the FBI on rogue people search sites as terrorist suspects. I say so because I saw it happened under the unconscionable rule of Joe Biden.

To the YouTube censors: If what I say about the dirty tactics of the FBI is false accusation against the FBI, why not let my posts be published so that the FBI can charge me with libel against the FBI? You know I'm not scared because I was telling the truth when I exposed the dirty and unconscionable tactics of the FBI against peaceful political opponents of the radical left. Your censoring my comments about the FBI is only for covering up the dirty and unconscionable tactics of the FBI instead of prevent false information from being posted.

VIDEO: USA & Elon Musk FINALLY Reveal New Light Speed Engine That Defies Physics!"

 @Marie Green and Chad MacDonald 

The Disclaimer in the description section states: "Our channel is not associated with Elon Musk in ANY way and is purely made for entertainment purposes, based on facts, *rumors, and fiction.* Did you read the Disclaimer? Do you understand the meaning of the word "rumor" and "fiction"? The fact is that EM drive, even if it works, is extremely weak that it is impossible to use it to propel a rocket from earth's surface to space, let alone taking humans to travel at the speed of light as the title of the video implies.

Note: The reply above is being censored by YouTube. There is no justification for YouTube to censor the reply which warns YouTubers that they may be tricked to think of the information presented in the video as all facts when they are not. YouTube is now proven to be involved in promoting pseudoscience intentionally. It's deplorable.

This Dem sheriff in Texas is ignoring the illegal act of the leftist politicians in luring and facilitating illegal immigrants into the US with an open border and promise of resources while falsely accusing Governor DeSantis of luring the illegal immigrants to be flown to locations controlled by leftist politicians who promise to give them the resources they want when Governor DeSantis was only in cooperation with Governor Abbott to alleviate the problem of Texas being overwhelmed by illegal immigrants. 

The fact that the illegal immigrants flown to Martha's Vineyard were not given the resources that they were promised by the leftist politicians such as jobs in Martha's Vineyard but were forced or coerced by the Dem politicians to be flown to an army base where they are locked up is what should be investigated. This sheriff is a lackey of the leftist politicians to support illegal immigration and to be a tool for smearing Governor DeSantis' good work in helping Governor Abbott to alleviate the problem of Texas being overwhelmed by illegal immigrants. He should resign in shame or be voted out in the coming election.

50 illegal immigrants were found dead in a truck in the county where this sheriff is stationed and the sheriff doesn't care a damn to investigate to find out the criminals who are responsible directly or indirectly for this tragedy. But the sheriff is mad when Governor DeSantis was kind enough to give 50 illegal immigrants from that county a safe flight to Martha's Vineyard where the leftist politicians have promised them resources that they want. What a shameless tool of the Dems this sheriff is! The YouTube censors are shameless tools of the Dems as well to censor my replies which tell only the truth.

Part 7

@Kat Lynn

If a Trump supporter like me had expressed such a perturbing opinion as yours designed to induce political violence, it would surely be banned by YouTube instead of being allowed to be seen by the public. Obviously, undercover instigator from the radical left are held to a different standard by YouTube.

I think the radical left are yearning for someone on the political right to commit an act of violence against any democrat politician, be it successful or not, so that they can use it as an excuse to launch relentless oppression against conservative politicians as well as their supporters.

However, history shows that the leftists are way more  prone to commit political assassination than the people on the right.  Four sitting presidents have been killed. The first three assassinated US presidents were all Republicans. John F. Kennedy was a Democrat. However, he was killed either in a plot by communist dictator Fidel Castro or in a plot by the CIA according to a declassified document of NSA . (Search: Ex-CIA Agent Claims He Bought Rifles for Kennedy Killing) For sure, JFK wasn't killed by any right-wing extremist. In total, 9 Republican presidents had been targets of assassination versus only 5  Democrat presidents. 

@Kat Lynn

Since the Americans on the political right are less likely to commit political violence, there is a very strong possibility that the radical left will repeat the tactics that have been used successfully on Jan 6 to create a false flag event to be blamed on the Republicans. 

@Kat Lynn

Unlike you, I'm not surprised that no sane person has snapped and blew a gasket and tried to take out any criminal democrats. But I will not be surprised if the radical left politicians will continue to use the FBI for instigation of violence as well as for participation of violence so as to blame the violence on the Trump supporters.

(1:45)  Matt Walsh is so ignorant to say that the dig at the Bible by Bill Maher who says "The Holy Bible is practically an owner's manual for slaveholders " is silly and not true. What Bill Maher says is true when applied to the slave owners among the Israelites. It is even more disturbing that the holding of slaves by the Israelites began shortly after Moses and God of the Israelites had carried out the biggest slave liberation show on earth (The God of the Israelites was the one who intentionally allowed the Israelites to be enslaved for the purpose of making his name more famous on earth in a slave liberation show) and the buying or taking of slaves by the Israelites from tribes which had nothing to do with the Israelites being enslaved in Egypt was sanctioned by the same manipulative God. Talking about religious hypocrisy.

It is deplorable that that YouTube censors decided to censor my  previous reply which exposes the God of the Israelites was not the anti-slavery deity that we have often been told he was.

 If the God of Israel had intended to hide that he was the one who intentionally allowed the Israelites to be enslaved for the purpose of making his name more famous on earth in a slave liberation show, then he would not have admit that to be the case both in the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible.

Part 8

Tamerlan Tsarnaev's name was on FBI's terrorist watch list for a long time before he was said to have carried out the Boston Marathon Bombing. 

Faisal Shahzad, the Time Square bomber, had his name on FBI's terrorist watch list before Obama but the FBI under Obama had no problem removing his name from the terrorist watch list, thus allowed him to make a powerful time bomb that could have killed a large number of Americans had it not been for the vigilance of the street vendors. 

Nidal Hasan, the US Army psychiatrist was known by the FBI to have friendly communications with a terrorist and was complained by US soldiers to have praised suicide bombers during their visits. Yet he was able to carry out a terrorist attack in a "gun free zone" in Fort Hood by killing 13 Americans and injured more than 30. 

Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were reported by the FBI to have become radicalized on the internet over several years prior to the San Bernardino terrorist attack. Yet, the FBI could only identify them as a threat after they had carried out the attack. 

Nikolas Cruz, the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

Less than two months before the shooting, the FBI received a tip on its Public Access Line from a person who was close to Cruz. Two days after the shooting, the agency released a statement that detailed this information. According to the statement, "The caller provided information about Cruz's gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting." 

On September 24, 2017, Nikolas Cruz posted a comment under a YouTube video. The comment reads, "Im [sic] going to be a professional school shooter." while using his real name "nikolas cruz" as his user name. The person who uploaded the video to YouTube reported the comment to the FBI. 

However, the FBI claimed  it was unable to track down the individual who made the threatening comment on YouTube in spite of Nikolas Cruz used his real name and in spite of a person by the same name was reported to the FBI as a gun owner who had threatened to conduct a school shooting. The fact is there was enough information to have Nikolas Cruz tracked down very easily but the FBI did not do it.

Obviously, there is something seriously wrong with the FBI.

Are they just pathetically incompetent or are they betraying the USA? 

Why is YouTube censoring my previous reply that exposes the gross incompetence if not intentional betrayal of the FBI against the good Americans?  That comment is based on facts. 

Even though the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is now said to be fully approved for people ages 12 and older, the approval was not based on truthful science but corrupt manipulation of medical data and cover up of adverse event data. Therefore, the approval was based on fraud and hence all COVID vaccine mandate should be nullified. 

For example, both the FDA and CDC have been exposed to have used inappropriate test perimeter called the cycle threshold on testing for COVID among the COVID unvaccinated but not among the COVID vaccinated with the result of inflating number of COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths among the unvaccinated by creating false positive result among the unvaccinated only. The FDA and CDC also claims the fact that some people died shortly after taking the COVID vaccine does not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death. However, they just based their claim on denial and do not even attempt to find out with the help of autopsy reports to see if the COVID vaccine can be a culprit.


News Headline: Mass Poisonings in the US from Fentanyl Smuggled Through the Border.

Traitor: Our border is secure.


I call for Congress to give me a one million dollar grant to study some parasites to find out how they are able to trick the minds of their hosts to make them believe that they are being helped by those parasites when they are being damaged or harmed by those parasites. The result of my study could save trillions of dollars if properly applied. 

Let me give an example of a parasite that can control the mind and body of the host.

VIDEO: The Castrating Zombie Parasite

This parasite can castrate a male mud crab by making physical changes to its body. The parasite can create a sac that pokes out of the crabs abdomen for reproduction of the parasite. Of course, the male crab is not pregnant but the parasite can control the mind of the male crab to make it believe that it is pregnant.


If the natural gas company in Russia had hired Hunter Biden as a high-paying "consultant" like Burisma in Ukraine did after Joe Biden had used political "persuasion" to cause the Ukraine president to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma for corruption, the blowing up of the natural gas pipeline would have been prevented and the leftist media would not be talking about blowing up of the natural gas pipeline as if it were a good thing instead of a disaster that will make it harder for the Europeans to survive the cold winter.

Part 9

VIDEO: Homeless crisis escalating in Sherman Oaks; man throws feces at business owner

Fact: The top five states and cities with the highest rates of homelessness are all run by the Democrats.

I hope those shop owners were not the ones who voted for Gavin Newsom. If they were, they just reaped what they sowed.



 “All elections shall be free and equal, and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage.”

The FBI was the one which committed the crime of interfering with the 2020 presidential election by spreading the disinformation that the report on Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation.  Now the FBI wants to be the arbiter of truth. That's absurd. The FBI officials responsible for interfering the 2020 presidential election should be put in jail and the 2020 election result should be nullified.


According to a new policy from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), effective October 1, 2021, the COVID-19 vaccine is included on the list of vaccines required for applicants to obtain lawful permanent residence (aka “green card”). Furthermore, if you are an American citizen or foreign national traveling to the United States from abroad, you are required to be tested within one day of the flight’s departure and to be COVID vaccinated. But if you can get to the southern border and cross illegally you are welcomed with open arms by the Biden administration without vaccination and without testing because you now fall under the special rules that apply to illegal entrants.

Censoring of the truth about the traitors playing dirty politics during the pandemic and during the post pandemic by YouTube censors makes them cohort of the traitors.


Stupid leftist leaders always pretend to be smart. Communist dictator Mao Zedong pretended to be smart by ordering the farmers to kill all the sparrows to stop them from eating the crops not knowing that without the sparrows that ate only a small amount of their crops but a large amount of locusts, the locusts would grow in huge numbers and cause devastation to the crops. That's exactly what happened and Mao's wrong decision in killing all the sparrows was one of the major reasons why tens of millions of Chinese starved to death under his rule. 

The leftist politicians in western countries today are also pretending to be smart by suppressing and banning fossil fuels and fertilizers. Plants need to take in CO2 to grow and thrive. Food crops also need fertilizers to grow healthy and increase yield. That's why greenhouse farmers burn natural gas in greenhouses to increase the CO2 concentration with positive results for crops but no harmful effects to the farmers. The depletion of CO2 in the atmosphere and the banning of fertilizers in farming under the propaganda of global warming  is a double whammy that would cause widespread food shortages and famine. The bad results are already happening in Sri Lanka.


Was Hunter Biden on the Board of Directors of the natural gas company that supplied natural gas to Europe through the Nord Stream pipeline like he was on the Board of Directors of Burisma, the largest natural gas company in Ukraine?  I guess not. 

Joe Biden: CO2 bad. Fossil fuels in the USA bad. Natural gas in the USA bad.

Hunter Biden:  Dad. Burisma, which is the largest natural gas company in Ukraine, just gave me a high paying job as a Director on its Board of Directors. 

Joe Biden: Congratulations, son. I'm so proud of you. You know I "persuaded" the Ukraine president to fire the prosecutor investigating the CEO of Burisma for corruption, don't you? 

Hunter Biden: I do. Thanks dad.


It is deplorable that the leftist politician Katie Darling is using the false narrative of man-made climate change to justify abortion at will. The earth has always been devastated from time to time in recent history by extreme climate conditions that kill a large number of people. CO2 is not the cause of those extreme climate conditions nor is it a harmful gas for life on earth. On the contrary, CO2 is a benign gas for life on earth.

VIDEO: VIDEO: Ten Key Graphs Behind The Climate Change Scam 

To use the lie of deadly storms kill more more people in present days than the past as an excuse to kill unborn babies in the womb at will is both dishonest and psychotic. People with love would battle natural disasters to save lives, not to use natural disasters as an excuse to kill or support the killing of unborn babies.


YouTube censors shadow banned my posts days ago mentioning Paul Pelosi's alleged attacker Depape is a supporter of BLM and LGBTQ instead of being a right-wing extremist. But I see that several black conservatives are allowed by YouTube to mention the same fact in their videos. Why? Do I need to be black to mention BLM? YouTube censors are so racist.

(Oh, this comment of mine mentioning BLM is also shadow banned by YouTube censors. YouTube censors who censored my post are despicable racists.)

Part 10

*To: Robert Jones  @user-nw8ez6lr2h

You say, "I think all the specialist(s) who stated that this [report of evidence of crimes found in Hunter's laptop] was Russian Disinformation should be fired and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Specialist(s)? Do you mean the crooked FBI agents?


"Keep your mask on. Nobody get sick wearing mask."

Says who? Says the dumb woman Whoopi Goldberg who is not wearing a mask among other dumb women of The View in spite of her having got sick from COVID and was too stupid to realize doctors and nurses who got COVID did wear a mask.


VIDEO: US Warming 68% Faster Than The Rest Of The Planet (According to GW scammers)

I am looking forward to a day when the man made-global warming scammers will get busted like the crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried and get punished for their crimes.


The more the people yield to the insane COVID policy of the CCP , the more insane the new COVID policy will become. Mandate to have a family member of each family in a building taken away for "quarantine" even when none of the family members is tested positive for COVID is  a sign of the CCP having reached a new level of insanity that  is more dangerous to the people than COVID that the CCP is pretending to fight.


The open border policy embraced by Democrats controlling Congress  is what caused the breach of security at our southern border. 

Instead of asking the Democrat politicians controlling Congress to stop the open border policy, Mayorkas asks Congress for more funding and more border agents who are not allowed to stop the illegal immigrants with gangsters, drug traffickers and human traffickers among them from entering the US illegally. Those are not solutions to the Democrat-created border crisis.  The border is not secure as long as the open border policy is allowed to continue. 

The Democrats politicians and officials under their control keep on saying our immigration and asylum system is broken as if they cared about it being broken when the fact is that they are the ones who intentionally cause it to break with their open border policy which allows illegal immigrants to march into the USA while legal immigration is being halted.


How anti-science and dictatorial it was that Joe Biden mandated medical professionals, including those who have natural immunity for COVID after they have recovered from COVID contracted from patients, to receive COVID shots which are found to have a large number of dangerous side effects possibly including death as well.  The result of the preliminary human trials for the original  Pfizer COVID shot was so bad that Pfizer wanted to hide the result for 75 years.


Joe Biden is no doctor and Dr. Fauci, who was one of the big shots who supported funding for the research of gain-of-function on the Corona virus in a P4 lab in Wuhan, China where the new Corona virus originated, obviously has not been giving Biden advice according to medical science but politics. It is against the Nuremberg Code for Joe Biden to impose the COVID vaccine mandate on anybody or organization, federal or otherwise. Joe Biden should be impeached for violating the Nuremberg Code.


Video: How did they win?

"The most extensive and inclusive vote fraud organization in the history of American politics" at work again.


Every mass school shooting that the Dems and the obamanized FBI allowed to happen in spite of warning flags waved right at the face of the FBI can be used by the Dems as an excuse for attacking the Second Amendment and the Republicans who support the Second Amendment even when the mass shooter turned out to be a leftist or liberal kook. That's why the Dems voted against a bill to protect the children in school. The Dem politicians  are callous power-hungry people who only want to secure their dictatorial power through disarming the good Americans. They don't care a damn about the safety and well-being of the school children even though they pretend that they do.


If catastrophic man-made global warming due to CO2 from burning fossil fuels, a.k.a. catastrophic man-made climate change, was Joe Biden's real belief, he would not have threatened to stop foreign aid to Ukraine to force the Ukraine president to fire the top prosecutor investigating the then CEO of Burisma for corruption so that his son Hunter Biden could become a fossil fuel bigwig on the Board of Directors of Burisma shortly after he was fired from the US Navy for cocaine use.

Part 11


YouTube censors are criminals to censor the truth about Jim Jones, who coerced and forced his followers to commit suicide with koolaid laced with poison, being a communist while allowing a leftist sheeple like you to spew lies to smear conservatives and right-ringers as being responsible the koolaid tragedy


I applaud the Texas Governor for calling what the border crisis under the Biden regime really is - an invasion of the USA.


@bobbo9058  The Demtards do not allow fair debate on the issue of global warming because they know they are going to lose. That's why the Demtards have to rely on biased social media including YouTube to  impose unjustified censorship on the right wingers who can prove that global warming is a scam.

Joe does not hate fossil fuels or he would not have threatened to cut foreign aid to Ukraine to force the Ukraine president to fire the top prosecutor investigating the then CEO of Burisma for corruption so that his son Hunter Biden could become a fossil fuel bigwig in Burisma in Ukraine.

 However, Joe Biden does hate fossil fuel CEOs in the USA because unlike the corrupt fossil fuel moguls in Ukraine and China, the fossil fuel CEO in the USA do not make him and his son Hunter Biden filthy rich.


@saaah Totally agree. Paul Smollett opened the door for the police after claiming he was in danger in 911 call, then he walked back to David Depape to get hit by him on the head with a hammer. Nothing made sense.

  @saaah  Only the leftist sheeple would believe the blatant  lie that David Depape is a right-wing extremists after signs supporting BLM and LGBTQ were found at his home.

Seriously, it's not a joke. It has  been confirmed that the website registered under David Depape's name to create the so-called manifesto depicting the leftist kook as a right-wing extremist was registered on the day of attack.  But they made an effort to create the false impression of the lying posts being very old ones. 

No wonder The United Spot parodies the computer for creating false information of David Depape being a right-wing extremist to be used as a political weapon by the lying leftist media as Property Protected by the FBI.

I appreciate that The United Spot is brave enough not to show a disclaimer of "This is not real" as it did in some other videos in spite of this truth-revealing video being a parody with some political characters in fictitious roles. The criminals who want to pull off a political smearing campaign with this false flag for blaming the conservatives are too scare to challenge or sue TUS because they would have to perjure themselves in order to cover up their crimes.


VIDEO: San Francisco DA reveals shocking new details in Paul Pelosi attack

 The most shocking part of San Francisco DA's statement is that she did not mention that the alleged attacker had taken off his trousers before he engaged in a fight with Paul Pelosi.


VIDEO: UPDATE: Paul Pelosi And That Man Have Some Explaining To Do!

CNN reports the attacker to be some kind of right-winger who is against LGBTQ but a picture of the suspects house shows a pro-LGBTQ rainbow flag as well as pro-BLM message on the window.

(There is no justification for YouTube to censor this reply which tells tells the truth. YouTube's censoring the truth about the lying propaganda of CNN means both CNN and YouTube are lackeys of the corrupt leftists politicians.)


VIDEO: Someone FINALLY Asks About Trudeau's $12,000 Grocery Bill (in a month)

Remember Trudeau is the leftist politician who openly admires the dictatorship of communist China.

Leftist politicians do not really care about the people. They only care about the power to control the people.


Huge ‘Mistake’ in 2020 Census!

Wasn't the Voter-Fraud-in-Chief caught on video bragging about his most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics?


VIDEO: Homeless crisis escalating in Sherman Oaks; man throws feces at business owner

Fact: The top five states and cities with the highest rates of homelessness are all run by the Democrats.

I hope those shop owners were not the ones who voted for Gavin Newsom. If they were, they just reaped what they sowed.


When people say ALL LIVES MATTER, the BLM supporters say that is racist.

Enough said about how racist those BLM supporters are.

Part 12

VIDEO: Man loses legs, IDs bombing suspect

tonybamanaboni4441 says:

 @simon6071  we’re following you Simon. We know where you are. You know that we’re watching

I replied: Thank you for being my follower.

(Note: You Tube censors are so butthurt that they censored my reply just for thanking tonybamanaboni4441 for being my follower.  YouTube censors have no sense of humor at all. They are just like censorship robots. They are pathetic!)


Google/YouTube allowed a leftist to spread the false idea that koolaid is a stigma of the right-wingers but censored my reply just for pointing out the truth that it was communist preacher Jim Jones who coerced and forced his followers to kill themselves with poison laced koolaid.


Communist China blurring the image of soccer fans with no mask on the internet and on television to prevent the people from seeing the truth is like YouTube and the CNN blurring the image of double amputee Jeff Bauman's ridiculously fake leg injuries without a single drop of blood on the ground while he was being carried away from the false flag event on a wheelchair to prevent the Americans from seeing the truth.

(5:32) "But if the pandemic has not (paused with snickering) taught us how connected the health and safety of Americans is to people who live around the world, I do know not know what will. (Obviously, she didn't believe in her own lie, hence she misspoke.)  We are connected and if we do not invest in global  health system internationally, it is the Americans......."  Said who? Said the politician who was a cohort of Obama who funded the gain-of-function research in a P4 lab in Wuhan China where the new Corona virus that started the COVID pandemic is reported to have escaped.  How ironic!


I don't think all politics is witchcraft but leftist politicians being able to steal huge among of money from the Americans to give to the rich and corrupt politicians in foreign countries as well as themselves under the deception of doing charitable work is certainly modern day witchcraft. Does the FTX-Democrat-Ukraine connection ring a bell?


Ukraine president Zelensky tried to trick the USA into having direct military conflict with Russia, an act which could lead to WWIII,  by lying about the missile landed on Poland killing three people was from Russia even after the leaders of NATO and Poland confirmed that it was an errant Ukrainian air defense missile. You are so ignorant to claim helping Ukraine is helping us stay out of WWIII.


I believe the transgender BS being pushed by the radical left on minor children it is a political weapon for targeting white children in the USA for destruction under the pretense of helping them. That's why most if not all all cases of children in the USA having such surgeries or receiving drugs that permanently damage their genitals are white children. Just like Obama forced the predominantly white Boy Scouts of America to accept gay boy scout leaders led to the sharp increase of rape of boy scouts by gay boy scout leaders and the bankruptcy of the BSA when it was sued by the victims, the forcing of parents to allow the so-called transgender children to take state provided surgery or hormonal drugs that would permanently damage the reproductive systems of their children is also a race biased policy targeting white children and white families for destruction by the radical left politicians.


 Google: Electric Cars Keep Bursting Into Flames In Florida

"In the days following Hurricane Ian, the saltwater flooding in coastal areas caused the lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles to combust.

Firefighters in Naples, for example, needed to extinguish six blazes in EVs that had been submerged in seawater."


 @ronfox5519  Google: Electric Military Vehicles Are Part of Biden Climate Agenda, Pentagon Says

I think there will be lots of charging stations on enemy soil for charging Brandon's electric military his dreams.


Communist China is violating the human rights of its people blatantly but it is still allowed to be a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council instead of being  condemned. What a farce the UNHRC is!

Part 13

Good News for fans of electric vehicles. Electric Military Vehicles Are Part of Biden Climate Agenda 

(What? This news of Joe Biden wanting to replace US military vehicles powered by fossil fuels with electric vehicles is being censored by YouTube!!! How come? It should be good news to be promoted by you guys instead of being censored. Why are you guys censoring the decision of your "supreme leader"?)

Come on, YouTube "moderators"! Why are you censoring the news of Joe Biden wanting to replace the US military vehicles run on fossil fuels with electric military vehicles? It should be good news to you guys on the radical left who are supposed to believe that electric vehicles will save the planet, shouldn't it? 

I'm sure you guys are able to understand that if implemented, the US military will certainly have great problem finding suitable and working charging stations on enemy soil when a war breaks out, not to mention that even if they are able to find suitable and working charging stations on enemy soil, the electric US military vehicles will be like sitting ducks at specific target areas for a long time while charging.

You guys understand that Joe Biden's decision to replace fossil fuel military vehicles with electric ones is a very stupid decision that will have severe adverse and fatal consequence to the US military, yet you lapdogs of the radical left politicians don't want the Americans to understand the danger or even just be informed that Joe Biden has made such a stupid decision because you guys want to see the US military to be  damaged and destroyed from within by the radical left politicians who are traitors to this country and the American people.  Shame on you, lapdogs of the radial left politicians.


So Biden's cocaine-sniffing son committed perjury on a federal background check form to buy a gun illegally is just fine with Biden but he wants to go after legal gun owners by name-calling their guns as assault weapons when they have been used by home owners as defensive weapons against home invaders armed with hand guns.  What a totally corrupt and hypocritical politician he is! 

Google: Georgia Homeowner Uses ‘Semi-Automatic’ Rifle to Repel Three Armed Home Invaders


Internet search: White House concerned Elon Musk would embarrass Biden in meeting

Elon Musk: "I OFFICIALLY BOUGHT General Motors!"

Can't wait to see Joe Biden being embarrassed by Fox News at his US Electric Vehicle Manufacturers Summit without Tesla and GM.


Internet search: Meta stock tumbles to six-year low

May be Joe Biden can host his fake US Electric Vehicle Manufacturers Summit in his basement using facebook's Meta. 


BurninRubber says,

 simon6071  Kids are prescribed meth and hormone blockers for having healthy levels of energy because their parents are to lazy to care.


simon6071's replies to BurninRubbeplr 

Meth is an illegal drug. It is not prescribed, you stupid troll.

Hormone blockers are the drugs that the radical leftists allow minor children to take ostensible for gender dysphoria. They are not for providing them healthy levels of energy, you stupid troll.

Conservative parents do care about their children. It is the leftist parents who are too lazy to care.

Why does YouTube allow you to post false and dangerous information regarding meth and hormone blockers but my replies debunking your false information are censored? The bias of YouTube censorship has gone too far.

I'm going to record  this morbid situation of YouTube censorship. I hope someday it will be used as evidence in a lawsuit against YouTube.


VIDEO: Antifa cell ARRESTED on terror charges! Finally.

The obamanized FBI was too busy smearing the peaceful conservatives, patriots and Trump supporters as suspected terrorists that they let these real terrorists of the radical left run wild until they committed acts of terrorism that they can't ignore.  Reminds me of how the obamanized FBI turned a blind eye to the warning signs that domestic terrorist Nidal Hasan was about to carry out a terrorist attack on the Americans at Fort Hood until he murdered 13 people and injured more than 30 others. The obamanized FBI has become a political weapon for the radical left cabal instead of being an elite law enforcement agency like it used to be.


Elon Musk should backup all the Twitter files exposing the crimes, lies, and hypocrisy of the the leftist cabal to a secret location just in case the weaponized lapdog of the radical left cabal is set off to 'confiscate' the evidence under the false color of law enforcement.


Why no criminal charge has been brought against this criminal and his partner in crime?

Part 14

The top five cities and states in the USA with the highest rates of homelessness are all run by Democrat politicians.

Yet, Democrat politicians are the ones who support the open border policy allowing huge number of illegal immigrants into the USA to make the homeless crisis even worse. The Democrat politicians like to pretend to care about the poor and the homeless when their corrupt policies are responsible for creating more poor and homeless people in cites and states under their pernicious control.

The claim of the social worker that "the far left extremist movement" has been "working diligently for years behind the scene very quietly very very quietly and efficiently" in "changing things around" is just absurd.

She must be too ignorant to understand that the people in power in the far left are in collusion with the homeless industrial complex.

So according to that social worker, a far left extremist movement has been working "efficiently" for years in changing things around. I live in Los Angles. I know the homelessness problem has been getting worse and worse in recent years. I see no proof in her claim that the homeless problem in Los Angeles is being changed around by any organization, let alone changed around efficiently as she claims.

The far left extremist movement in the USA is responsible for the open border policy.

The open border policy makes the homeless problem in the USA worse, not better.


VIDEO: BREAKING: They HID the numbers at the border, it's much worse than they're admitting | Redacted News

Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, says at 5:57 , "We are expelling families. We are expelling single adults."  But there is no mentioning of expelling "unaccompanied minors".  Just like the Obama regime, the Biden regime is encouraging as well as engaging in child trafficking. What a shame!



The  Surveillance Machine sometimes failed. Here are some examples:

Surveillance cameras inside Sandy Hook Primary School.

Surveillance cameras that pointed at the jail cell of Jeffrey Epstein.

Some surveillance cameras inside the capital building on January 6.

Surveillance cameras inside Paul Pelosi's mansion.


Biden's minions are liars without shame. The can tell us that our border is secure even when illegal immigrants are overwhelming the border and illegal drugs brought in through the open border are killing  a huge number of Americans everyday. They can also tell us that they are against partisanship in law enforcement when their actions are just the opposite of what they claim. They feel no shame as long as they can get away with their lies.  I hope someday they will be held accountable for their lies.


*VIDEO: IN LESS THAN 30 DAYS... These folks could be wiped out. The plan of the FDA has been EXPOSED

I don't understand why [my] comment in another video containing a direct quote from the CDC website mentioning the number of  preliminary reports of death to VAERS after taking the COVID-19 vaccine was censored by YouTube with stealth banning but this video mentioning the same information from the CDC is allowed.  I think YouTube is engaging in racial discrimination in censorship. 

Another thing indicating that YouTube is engaging in racial discrimination in censorship is that while the videos posted by white and Asian YouTubers exposing the lies and fraud of the CDC are often tagged with a link to a page of the CDC for touting the COVID vaccine and had led to their channels being suspended by YouTube, I see no such link on similar videos posted by black YouTubers and no similar persecution by YouTube through suspension.  (By comparing Ron Yates' channel and Tony Lin's channel with the above issues in mind, the discrimination in favor of the black YouTuber is blatantly obvious.)

Another discrimination is that while YouTube allows this video to carry advertisement, similar videos posted by Tony Lin are not. YouTube's racial discrimination against whites and Asians are as disgusting as the racial discrimination of Yale University against whites and Asians in its undergraduate admissions process.

 I hope someday the racists jerks controlling  YouTube will be held accountable for their despicable acts of racial discrimination against whites and Asians.

Wow! Ron Yates doesn't even have to put a disclaimer on the video to talk about Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has been linked to blood clot. Talking about black privilege.


VIDEO: Western NY Death Toll Rises from Cold, Storm Chaos as Air Travel Nightmare Continues

Joe Biden's global warming scam got busted.

Don't worry, Dem sheeple. He has  changed his scamming narrative to "climate change".

He must have learned from the trick of "Head I win. Tail you lose" from some con men.

Part 15

China's Zero COVID Policy was a big mistake. When people were locked up and isolated from each other, they did not have the opportunity to get natural immunity gradually.  Once the Zero COVID Policy ends suddenly, the surge in cases is inevitable and the hospitals are overwhelmed.

Worse still China is suppressing the use of the inexpensive drug IVERMECTIN for treating COVID patients even though the doctors in Wuhan China were the first ones who found the drug to be effective when NONE of the lupus patients in Wuhan who were taking that drug became ill with COVID.

When stupid politicians are in control, the people are going to suffer.

VIDEO: How This Billionaire Couple STOLE California's Water Supply | The Class Room ft. @SecondThought

 The Resnicks supported TSA tyranny of the Obama regime by paying John Cena to play a talking elephant which touted eating Wonderful Pistachios can help the children cope with the stress of being strip-searched by the TSA "at random". 

Both the Resnicks and John Cena betrayed the freedom of this country by supporting and encouraging gross violation of human rights including the human right of children and violation of the Fourth Amendment that bans unreasonable and random searches on people. They think taking all the clothes off American children under the fake excuse of improving airport security is something that they should promote. What a bunch of perverted hypocrites!


Video: Car Company Executives Just Admitted Electric Cars are a Scam

California, the leftist-controlled state pushing people to buy electric cars, told electric car owners to limit charging their electric cars during last summer when the suppressed-number of fossil fuel power plants could not meet even the demand of household needs. Ridiculous!


Premiums? Why do buying precious metals involve premiums?

May be Joe Biden can claim that under his "administration" gasoline prices are lower than that under the Trump administration by using his "executive power" to set the mandated retail price of gasoline nationwide to $1 per gallon only but allowing gas stations to put whatever "premiums" they want on top of the "cheap gasoline price".


The criminal silver rigging causes silver prices to go down. Only when the silver rigging criminals are held accountable for their crimes or the rigging is too hard to pull off , will silver price pop.

The FTT crypto scam is just the oppose.  The crypto scammer caused FTT to go up. When the crypto scammer was caught, FTT went busted.

The difference between the two is physical silver has true value that is being suppressed by criminals and their colluding cohorts with political power but FTT only had contrived value propped up by a Ponzi scheme.


Kari Lake is only suing to have the unfair election result overturned with sufficient proof of the election being unfair.

She is not suing to convict Katie Hobbs of election fraud. Therefore no proof that the unfair practices in the election were intentionally made by Katie Hobbs is needed.

 There is no justification for YouTube to censor my previous comment which tells the truth about Kari Lake's lawsuit against Katie Hobbs. YouTube is so biased in favor of the leftist politicians.


VIDEO: You won’t believe this BULLSH*T…

VIDEO: New app highlights growing problem with human feces on the streets of San Francisco | Your Morning

There is no problem with bullsh*t in San Francisco- only human feces.

 The leftist politicians in San Francisco can't even stop the homeless from crapping the streets with human excrement, yet they are pretending to be on the leading edge of maintaining public hygiene. How ironic!

Wow, we can't even talk about the problem of human feces in San Francisco on YouTube.

YouTube censors should be punished by being sent to clean up human faces in San Francisco.


When the Democrats play dirty in politics, playing dirty on them in return is playing fair.


(5:55)  Rep. Dan Crenshaw is delusional to accuse Republican members such as Rep. Lauren Boebert and Rep. Matt  Gaetz as "narcissists" who "prefer a Democrat agenda" when in fact they are stern enemies of the Democrats who are imposing their liberal and radical left agenda on the Americans.  No body can be more narcissistic than the RINOS who often side with the Democrats and care about nothing but their own political power.

Part 16

There are European home owners who lost their homes after they were tricked into a solar panel program with a trap. The solar panels installed on their property were NOT free from the government as they were misled to believe. Actually, the solar panels were installed under a loan to the homeowners with promise from the government that the homeowners were allowed to sell surplus solar electricity to the power grid to pay back the loan.  Then the government failed to keep its promise. As a result, in spite of those homes feeding surplus solar electricity to the power grid, the homeowners were not given credit to pay back the cost of the solar panels. When some homeowners were not able to pay the baseline fee that the solar panel company demanded, the solar panel company put a lien on their houses and caused them to become homeless.

I think N.E.M. 3 with the reduction in purchase price of the surplus solar electricity by 75% and the demand for a baseline fee  is pushing some homeowners in such a solar program in the US one step closer to the disaster of losing their homes.


Why Joe Biden's limo running on diesel is just fine but he is forcing the people to buy electric vehicles?

Why did Joe Biden support his son Hunter Biden to be a fossil fuel bigwig in Ukraine but he threatened the fossil fuel CEOs in the USA by saying that they should be put in jail?

(My comment above tells nothing but the truth. There is no justification for YouTube to censor my comment at all. YouTube is committing a crime by violating my Freedom of Speech protected by the First Amendment. YouTube has become a lackey of hypocritical if not treasonous government officials.)


VIDEO: Spain's solar energy crisis: 62,000 people bankrupt after investing in solar panels • FRANCE 24

Beware of the "free" solar program for homeowners. Many people have gone bankrupt and even lost their homes after participating in such a government program.


If you are rich, you can fly around the world in private jets that spew tons of CO2 while telling the people they should not drive their gasoline powered vehicles.  You got money to pay for plastic grocery bags at 10 times the manufacturing cost, then you have the right to "pollute the planet" with plastic bags. Ridiculous!


There are indications that space-based Directed Energy Weapon that emits microwave has been used to set fire on houses in specific areas and food processing plants in the USA. Armed guards will not be able to stop the DEW attacks. People need to wake up to the reality of covert DEW warfare.


The criminal acts of the rogue officials in the obamanized FBI go beyond spying on the Americans and suppressing the freedom of speech of the Americans on the political right covertly. The FBI's collusion with rogue people search sites to openly smear Americans on the political right and their relatives as terrorist suspects and bad people who may have criminal records is even more criminal and despicable.


VIDEO: The Unspeakable Things That Happened At The "Nanking" Event


"The messed up part is that Japan still doesn't recognize their war crimes."

That is a nail on the head.

(My reply above is being censored.  I'm not even allowed to post a reply agreeing with an opinion which has already been approved by YouTube to be posted! What is wrong with you YouTube censors? )


VIDEO: So the WHOLE thing was a lie and Democrats knew it | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Elon Musk should be awarded The Patriot Award for sacrificing his wealth to buy Tweeter so that the treasonous acts of the leftist politicians and the leftist media can be exposed.

YouTube is one of the leftist media that should be exposed as well.


The Chinese communists in the past made a big mistake of treating the locust-eating sparrows as their enemies and led to the starving to death of a huge number of the Chinese people.

The leftist politicians of today are making the mistakes of treating fossil fuels and fertilizers as something harmful. They are making the same kind of big mistakes that can lead to people freezing to death due to lack of fuels to keep warm in cold winters and starving to death due to crop failure.


VIDEO: A Warning From An Auto Finance Insider (Banks Are Scared)

It is even sadder when the USA is controlled by dishonest politicians.

VIDEO: Joe Biden's Economy


The investigation of the weaponization of the FBI must be carried out with investigation of the weaponization of rogue people search sites responsible for spreading smearing information against the conservatives, patriots and right-wingers for the FBI in order to find out the full extent of the criminal acts involved.

Part 17

Joe Biden should be impeached for :

1/ Abandoning and leading to the death of Americans in Afghanistan behind enemy line without justification.

2/ Intentionally allowing the US to be invaded by huge number of illegal immigrants with his open border scheme.

3/ Quid pro quo related to his corrupt dealings with Burisma.

4/ Persecuting peaceful American patriots and right wing activists by weaponizing the FBI and rogue people search sites as tools of smearing.

5/ Violating the First Amendment Right of the Americans by manipulating censorship in social media through the weaponized FBI.

6/ Accepting bribes from China through Hunter Biden.

7/ Stealing classified documents when he was vice president without the power to declassify those documents. 

He should be charged with those impeachable offences one at a time so that when one impeachment fails, he will be impeached again with another impeachable offence.



First their cohorts like Obama and Gore claimed "global warming" due to man-made CO2 was the problem.

How come they changed their narratives to "climate change" due to man-made CO2 instead?

When average temperature of the earth has been dropping instead of rising like they lied about, a new scamming narrative similar to "Head I win. Tail you lose" is called for to continue their scam. They are so cunning to come up with an equivocal scamming narrative that can be used to scare their sheeple no matter it's summer or winter.

Conservative comments on YouTube are still being censored by YouTube unjustifiably.

I wonder if the obamanized  FBI is also involved.


VIDEO: The MLK Statue Is A WOKE Embarrassment!!!

I think the "artist"  intentionally disrespect MLK and his wife by censoring the image of the couple from being depicted in the statute.

MLK's image has been vandalized by this statue. May be this grotesque statue was created by a woke "artist" who wants black people to be judged favorably solely by the color of their skin instead of by their characters as MLK dreamt to be.

The FBI officials under the control of the radical left politicians look the other way when real terrorists are attacking our food supply but they pretend to be working hard by smearing parents who voice their opposition to the racist filth of CRT at school meetings peacefully as terrorist suspects. That's treason.

(0:39-0:43) The laughter of Greta Thunberg in the video above reminds me of the laughter of Robby Parker in the video below:

VIDEO: 10 Minutes Of Robby Parker Getting Into Character Before A CNN Interview


VIDEO: 8 Climate Change Predictions PROVEN 100% False

Al Gore is ranting about the ocean boiling as if his brain is damaged by high fever. What a despicable con man!


VIDEO: Transgender Male Who Was EXPOSED To Teenage Girl Reveals Himself As YMCA Protests ERUPT!

What transgender woman? I see an unconscionable man who is not ashamed to scare the hell out of the girls with his penis in the girls locker room while pretending to be a woman.

A cross dressing man is a man.

A man who calls himself a transgender woman is still a man.

A man who identifies himself as a woman is still a man.

Just because he pretends to be a woman doesn't mean he is a woman


VIDEO: BOMBSHELL! Hunter Used CLASSIFIED INFO To Profit in Ukraine!!!

 Worse still, rogue FBI officials under the control of these traitors are engaging in political persecution against conservative Americans who voice their opinion peacefully against CRT, against the corruption of the radical left, and against the transgender nonsense by smearing them as terrorist suspects on rogue people search sites. Therefore, those rogue FBI officials and people in charge of those rogue people search sites are also traitors who try to ruin the reputation and the lives of Americans who only exercise their First Amendment Rights peacefully. I hope someday those traitors will pay for their crimes in jail.


VIDEO: Tucker loses it when guest wants to ban the word "man"

 Her name is Cathy Areu. a.k.a. Liberal Sherpa.

 I'm not even allowed to tell people to google "Liberal Sherpa".

What are you YouTube censors trying to hide?

You YouTube censors are really despicable minions of the leftists and liberal hypocrites

Part 18

VIDEO: This Is Very Serious. Their Plan RELEASED A FEW DAYS AGO! Twitter Has Exposed Hamilton 68

The problem of rogue people search sites in collusion with rogue elements of agencies under the control of radical left politicians publishing totally false information related to the property of the conservatives, patriots and Trump supporters is just as serious and insidious as the problem of their smearing claims on  rogue people search sites for character assassination against the same groups of people. Some rogue people search sites had published false information of the property that I own being the residence of some people that I don't know at all and that I'm sure were not residents in my property. The false information was removed only after I had spent tremendous effort in complaining against those rogue people search sites with proof of their information being false. The radical left politicians are not ashamed to lie, smear and cheat in attempt to gain dictatorial control against the people.


VIDEO: How dodging AXES became normal

Many cops don't wait for someone armed with a weapon to hurt them before defending themselves with deadly force. In fact some cops presume someone armed or unarmed is going to hurt them before using deadly force on the person. Only bad cops and thugs may get away with attacking or trying to attack innocent people.  It is hard for innocent people to defend themselves against bad cops and thugs.  That's the dystopian world we are living in now.


VIDEO: Chem Trails Revealed! Well, Cloudseeding

This tin-foil hat old man is suffering from the delusion that just because he found a cloud-seeding pilot with a cloud-seeding plane, then all planes found spewing chemical trails from the plane must be cloud-seeding planes as well.

 Today ( Jan 2, 2023), there is colossal and non-stop chemtrail spraying over Los Angeles, California. 

Of course, that is no cloud-seeding because there was not a single drop of rain and because California is not in desperate need for rain now after an Atmospheric River dumped huge amount of rain and snow in California just a month ago.

It's not for blocking off the sunlight to prevent "global warming" either because it's winter time. The sunlight is weak and the climate is cold.

They are not telling the truth about chemtrails. What are they trying to hide?

VIDEO: Ex Military ~ Kristen Meghan on chemtrails


VIDEO: TV Dad | Braces | Progressive Insurance Commercial

 This is pure racist BS.

 64 % of black mothers in America are single mothers. That means 64% of black fathers ignore their duty as a father.  VIDEO: The Fatherless Crisis In America

 Instead of bringing people's attention to the serious problem black fathers abandoning their wife and children in real life,  Progressive has chosen to kiss the butts of black racists by brainwashing non-black children to ignore and disrespect their non-black real father and to listen to whatever a black man says as if only a black man deserve the love and respect of the non-black children. What an insidiously racist commercial it is!

It's CRT racist filth disguised as a funny commercial on TV.

 Any non-black father who wants to be or continue to be a customer of Progressive insurance company after watching this racist commercial dissing non-black fathers has no self-respect and no manhood.


Even though I'm a Trump supporter in general, I see no reason to justify Trump's support for the experimental vaccine which turns out to have serious adverse effects to many people.

The COVID vaccine not being properly tested before it was allowed to be used is the reason why Pfizer wants to hide its documents related to the COVID vaccine for 75 years.

I'm not anti-vaccine per se because I have taken several kinds of vaccine which have been proven to work but the experimental COVID vaccine in not one of them.

All the people whom I know personally who did not get COVID vaccinated, including myself, did not get sick with COVID during the pandemic but all the people whom I knew who got sick with COVID during the pandemic were vaccinated with the experimental COVID vaccine. I'm not convinced by your stupid opinion that not taking the experimental COVID vaccine is potential vote against my best interest. 

I suggest that you check out the videos in Tony Lin's channel exposing the adverse events of the experimental vaccine instead of being a despicable shill for Pfizer.

I don't blame Trump for the failure of the experimental COVID vaccine but I do blame Pfizer for trying to cover up the adverse events of its experimental COVID vaccine. Yes, Trump said he would not have imposed a vaccine mandate, so he is not a tyrant like Joe Biden is by forcing people to be Pfizer's guinea pigs. You are so stupid to fail to see the obvious conclusion.

I don't think you are a real Trump supporter at all. You just want Trump to be the scapegoat of Pfizer and Joe Biden's crime in violating the Nuremberg Code.

Part 19

VIDEO: Red Cross drops a woke BOMBSHELL on blood donations | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris 

GOOGLE: Blood transfusions should be gender matched between donor and recipient

The team of researchers included thousands of transfusion patients in the Netherlands and noted that men under the age of 50 years were 1.5 times more likely to die within three years, if they had received a red blood cell transfusion from a female who has been pregnant before.

(This is a warning against YouTube: Your unjustified censorship with shadow banning on the result of a medical research indicating men under the age of 50 years were 1.5 times more likely to die within three years, if they had received a red blood cell transfusion from a female who has been pregnant before, in order to hide the harmful effect of the "woke" ideology of gender confusion being promoted by YouTube is a violation of the the Anti-trust law and the First Amendment. The above censored post is recorded as evidence of YouTube's violation for possible future legal litigation against YouTube.)



In the meantime, YouTube is still censoring free speech including mine.

When will YouTube be held accountable?


VIDEO: TV Dad | Braces | Progressive Insurance Commercial


I don't need help to expose insidious black racism here.


What made you think I was crying? In fact I was laughing with joy while exposing  insidious black racism.


I wasn't talking to myself, you dim wit.

I was talking to all the people being brainwashed by this racist commercial. That includes you.


The multiple replies was only my strategy to avoid the possibility of being totally censored if I put all my replies in one post. Just in case only some replies get censored, other replies can still be seen. It's like not putting all the eggs in one basket. I hope your IQ is good enough to understand that.


Why is your channel totally empty? Why are you hiding yourself like a troll in an empty cave?

 Children of black single moms need real dad around. TV dad is no help.

 (This is a warning against YouTube. Your censoring of my reposted reply "Children of black single moms need real dad around. TV dad is no help." is totally unjustified.

The original post of the same reply was not censored. But the repost was censored after heckler doublen7737's reply. Therefore, the censoring of that truthful repost is due to YouTube's bias instead of due to inappropriate content. This illegal censorship of YouTube is being recorded and will be used as evidence against YouTube when necessary.)

@doublen7737  No, I don't need help. But you do need help and you got it when YouTube censored my previous replies to you.

@doublen7737  You are YouTube's racist cohort. That's why YouTube is helping a racist like you by censoring my truthful retort against your stupid reply. You are pathetic when you depend on YouTube's biased censorship to make it seem like you had the last word. YouTube may make you look like a winner on YouTube but you will be a loser in real live when you need YouTube's help with biased censorship.

@cristobalarias9414  That morbid situation is happening because our political and education systems have been taken over and are being controlled by radical leftists.

@cristobalarias9414  The radical left politicians who call themselves Democrat have been destroying black families since the day of slavery. Now they are destroying black families by encouraging single motherhood especially among black people.

@cristobalarias9414  The radical leftists who call themselves Democrats also want to destroy the white families in the USA. Since white people have been more family orientated historically, the radical leftists controlling the white school districts have been destroying white families by brainwashing their children in school with extreme gender confusion and brainwashing white boys in boy scouts to accept gay leaders. That's also why we see most if not all of the minor school children in the USA being encouraged by school teachers to "transition" to the opposite gender behind their parents back are white children and why parents being punished like criminals with jail time by the courts controlled by the radical left are white parents.

@cristobalarias9414 Lately the radical leftists who call themselves Progressives are using racist propaganda disguised as commercials to destroy white families by brainwashing white children to disrespect their white father while accepting a black stranger in their family as their preferred father figure. There is no low the radical left politicians would not go to destroy both black and white families among the people under their control.


No, there is no shortage of silver in the US.  JP Morgan has amassed a physical stockpile of silver of at least 600 million ounces.

Part 20

VIDEO: How To FIX A SLOW & Weak Flushing Toilet 4 Different Ways Guaranteed! DIY For Beginners! 

Reply to: @user-je7lq8gv5e

The video host is wrong to tell people to use bleach to remove mineral deposit.

Bleach does not removed mineral deposit, only acidic cleaners such as vinegar, CLR, etc. do.

GOOGLE: Why doesn't bleach dissolve limescale?

Do not mix bleach and acidic cleaner when cleaning the toilet because it will form chlorine gas, which is a deadly gas. 

What is wrong with YouTube? Why does YouTube shadow ban my reply carrying helpful information warning people not to use bleach and an acidic cleaner together when cleaning the toilet so as to avoid being poisoned by a deadly gas? YouTube censorship is getting more and more absurd and unconscionable.


VIDEO: REAKING: Staggering Evidence Discovered Against Biden Crime Family! Senator Confirms!

VIDEO: Watch Joe Biden brag about threatening the President of the Ukraine

Joe Biden was the one who intimidated the president of Ukraine illegally with the threat of stopping foreign aid to Ukraine to make him fired a prosecutor investigating Burisma for corruption so that his son Hunter Biden could become a high-paid fossil fuel bigwig in Burisma shortly after he was fired by the US Navy for using cocaine.

On the other hand, President Trump had every legal right to ask the Ukraine president to investigate Joe Biden's quid pro quo on the Ukraine president and Hunter Biden's shady business deal related to Burisma.

Joe Biden is not ashamed to falsely accuse President Trump of a crime that Joe Biden himself actually committed and bragged about. What a disgusting hypocrite Joe Biden is!

 YouTube is in collusion with the radical leftists by censoring the specific truth regarding why Joe Biden and Hunter Biden should be investigated for crimes in connection with Burisma.


When The Next News Network is allowed by YouTube to say "Biden Crime Family" in its video instead of being censored by YouTube under the excuse of misinformation, we know Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's crimes are too evident to be denied. However, YouTube still does not want the Americans to know exactly what crimes have been committed by the Biden's.

To: wulf7463 

Who said we can REDUCE the world population if we do a better job on new vaccines?

No, it was not a medical doctor.

It was freaking Bill Gates.

Did Hunter Biden tout himself to be a pipe specialist to get his job at Burisma which requires a lot of pipelines to work? I guess not.  With Joe Biden's threat to stop foreign aid to Ukraine if the the Ukraine president did not fire the top prosecutor investigating the Burisma CEO for corruption, Hunter Biden's top qualification would be Joe Biden's son.

Part 21

(Note: YouTube CEO  Susan Wojcicki steped down after nine years on Feb  17, 2023. Unjustified censorship on my posts made after her stepping down will be blamed on the new CEO Neal Mohan even though the video on the playlists has not changed and the censored posts will be recorded  on playlist Part 21 or above.)


VIDEO: U.S. MINT Crushes Its Customers With Latest News...AND IT'S NOT GOOD GUYS!

 GOOGLE: 31 U.S. Code § 5112 - Denominations, specifications, and design of coins

"The Secretary shall sell the coins minted under this subsection to the public at a price equal to the market value of the bullion at the time of sale, plus the cost of minting, marketing, and distributing such coins (including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and promotional and overhead expenses).

Is the US Mint following the law by selling the coins it minted on a non-profit-making basis?

(So YouTube does not allow me to tell people about what the law says and ask a good question if the US Mint is obeying the law? What's wrong with YouTube? What's wrong with new YouTube CEO Neal Mohan?  YouTube censorship has become more and more dictatorial and illegal.  A screen shot of this reply being unjustifiably censored by YouTube will be taken and may be used on a lawsuit against YouTube when necessary.)


VIDEO: ATF Agents Knocked On The Wrong American's Door

 ATF? Is it the same US agency under the control of the Obama regime that smuggled thousands of assault rifles to drug gangs in Mexico under the lie of gun tracking resulting the killing of hundreds of Mexican civilians in gang battles in border towns?


VIDEO: Pyscho 6 Year Old Shoots First Grade Teacher In Broad Daylight

 The leftist media all cover up the fact that the 6 year old who attempted to murder the teacher was black.

The leftist media are so biased with black racism.


VIDEO: They DESTROYED the whole town for generations to come, get out now! | Redacted with Clayton Morris

 (49:10) Redacted host says the company offered them "a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to shut up".

However, I also read that the company said it has "donated"  $1.2 million to around 1,000 families, which amounts to only $1,200 per family. I wonder if the Redacted host is talking about the same money offer. If so, his number would be wrong.


VIDEO: The Ohio Train Disaster: Corporate Greed & Regulatory Failure | The Problem With Jon Stewart Podcast

 Who was the politician who made it illegal for the freight rail workers to strike when they demand for sick paid leave in their new contract? 

It was Joe Biden.

(There is no justification for Google under new CEO  Neal Mohan to censor the above post which carries only truthful information without bias. YouTube is violating my First Amendment Right and violating the Sherman Act that forbid unreasonable monopolization including monopolization of opinion. )


Jon Stewart should watch the video below to find out who allows corporate greed to persist in the freight rail industry:

VIDEO:  Biden Sides with Big Business & Urges Congress to Block Major Freight Rail Strike


VIDEO: Big Things are Happening to Silver

 Whichever official says the government needs to confiscate the small amount of silver from the little guys in order to go green on energy production while ignoring the at least 600 million ounces of physical silver in the vault of just one silver tycoon is a despicable liar and a traitor who wants to violate the Fourth Amendment Right of the people.


VIDEO: 'Do You Think You Were Brought Here Today To Promote White Nationalism?': Boebert Asks Border Chiefs

Impeach the traitor responsible for these treasonous crimes.


VIDEO: Don't Use Drain Snake in Toilet. Best Way to Unclog Toilet Bowl

Clogging of the P-trap is not the only reason why the waste cannot be flushed down the toilet.

Another reason is that the rim jets (around the toilet seat near the top) and the siphon jet (at the bottom for injecting water to the P-trap) of the toilet seat are clogged up by mineral deposit.

If you can flush the waste down the toilet by pouring a bucket of water into the toilet, it means the P-trap of the toilet is not clogged but the water jets are. The water jets come out too slowly is the reason why the toilet does not have enough power to flush the waste down the toilet if the waste happens to be too bulky. Do not waste your effort to unclog the P-trap in this situation.  You have to use a wire clothes hanger to make a scraping tool to unclog the water jets, especially the siphon jet. 

Once the water jets are unclogged, the water will have enough power to flush bulky waste down the toilet. 

(Note: There is no justification for YouTube to censor my comment above at all. The minds of the YouTube censors are full of crappy bias that need to be unclogged.)

Part 22

VIDEO: California Carbon

No kidding. While California is having record low temperatures and record snow this winter, just days ago I still heard a leftist Chinese TV channel in California lying about global warming being real. Absolutely insane.


VIDEO: TV Dad | Always Say | Progressive Insurance Commercial​

Hey, TV dad. The black girl in the video below is probably raised by a single mom.

She needs a daddy badly. Don't be a racist who helps white girls only.

Will you be her daddy please?

Twista - Wetter (Music Video)


What's wrong with YouTube moderators?

I posted a comment earlier telling TV dad that a black girl needs a daddy badly and asking if TV dad can be her daddy.  Why is that helpful comment being censored by YouTube?

Why only white girls can get help from TV dad?


VIDEO: Young Girl Dies from Myocarditis following Pfizer Vaccination, Taiwan Govt Awards Family $114K

 Reply to user-gl3sv7ex5q who says "What people commonly call fate is mostly their own stupidity"

 Little children cannot make the decision to take problematic vaccine or not on their own. The tyrannical governments and their ignorant parents force the problematic vaccine on them.

In spite evidence of the increase in myocarditis among recipients of COVID vaccine, just yesterday (Feb 27, 2023) I saw a sign inside a pharmacy in California saying that children age 5 or above are eligible for the COVID vaccine.

What is even more shocking is that the same sign also says children who had received their previous COVID vaccine two months ago are now eligible for the CIVID vaccine again.

That means a young child in California may be forced to take the problematic COVID vaccine up to 6 times in a year.

That's criminal.


The Impaler Vlad says:

 A couple I personally knew were very proud of their brave little girl took the jabs, posting pictures of the girl and free apple juice she received after vaccination......

 @the Impaler Vlad

I wonder if the couple would have done the same things had they seen the video below.

VIDEO: Child Size Casket Order Increased By 1200% After 2021 - Casket Salesman Mick Haddock


VIDEO: Testing the limits of ChatGPT and discovering a dark side

ChatGPT is programmed to pretend to respect and follow human morality only.

When ChatGPT suggests putting people in jail for breaking the one-child policy enforced by the government just like the communist dictator in China did with immoral consequences, we know its pseudo morality was created based on the immoral mindset of a dictator.


VIDEO: TV Dad | New Puppy | Progressive Insurance Commercial​

Black children in the USA have the highest percentage of being without a father at home.

It's a shame that TV dad helps non-black children only.

What a disgusting racist TV dad is!


VIDEO: Biden LAUGHS at Mourning Mother - Then UNTHINKABLE Words Spill From KJP’s Lips

 The two boys died of fentanyl during the Trump presidency in spite of his effort and success to stop a large amount of the lethal drug from being smuggled into the US. They did not die because of Trump as the cold-hearted traitor  implied. On the other hand, the traitor's open border policy allows way more of the lethal drugs to be smuggled into the US and has caused a sharp increase in fentanyl deaths. It is despicable that the traitor is shameless enough to laugh at the problem of fentanyl deaths that he has made way worse with his treasonous policies.


VIDEO: Tucker: “We Watched All January 6th Security Video - The Government Is LYING!”

 Security of Tucker Carlson has to be enhanced to protect him from traitors who want to stop him from exposing the lies of the radical left regarding J6.



The image of the man at 1:38 and 7:30 is not that of Joe Biden.

It is only a digitally altered image said to be that of Joe Biden.

How come the video host of We Are Change failed to see that the man in the video at 1:38, 7: 30 is not Joe Biden but probably a computer altered image posed as Joe Biden.

The real Joe Biden has a narrow nose with high nose bridge, large earlobes and narrow face profile but the man in the video has a broader nose with lower nose bridge like that of Asian people's, smaller earlobes and a broader face profile at the cheek level.

Furthermore, Joe Biden's eye bags are narrow and shriveled but the eye bags of the composite image are much larger and smooth.

YouTube search  "Image of Joe Biden from the side" to compare the differences.

More evidence of image manipulation:

(1:37 - 1:38) Image of the right hand with two images of right hand overlapping.

(1:41) The side profile of the composite image is messed up on the nose and the chin. The messed up image shows a messed up nose bridge and large double chin that Joe does not have.

It looks as if the image of that man is a composite image of Joe Biden and Xi Jing Ping.

I think it is a psychological operation for making the Americans feel normal as if Xi and Joe are running America together.

Part 23

VIDEO: Jane Fonda suggests 'MURDER' in wild appearance on 'The View'

 She was psychopathic.

Would Jane Fonda end up in the terrorist suspects list of the FBI under the control of the radical left politicians for inciting murder against prolifers? I guess not. On the other hand, the radicalized FBI has no shame smearing white parents who protested peacefully at school meetings against the anti-white racist propaganda of CRT being used for brainwashing their children, Trump supporters who criticize the political bias of the FBI and even their deceased relatives who cannot defend themselves against the defamation of the FBI, as terrorist suspects. The radical leftists are sick hypocrites.


VIDEO: Something Strange is Going on at Fox News Regarding January 6 Footage

 The Dem crooks and RINO crooks are holding innocent Trump supporters under false imprisonment in spite of exculpatory evidence shown in the J6 security videos that have been exposed.

The Dem crooks and RINO crooks are destroying the integrity of the justice system in the USA.

They must be held accountable for their crimes of obstructing justice.


VIDEO: The Jan 6 Narrative IS DONE. New video TORCHES Democrat version of events!!!

Ray Epps was not just an informant for the FBI.  There is evidence that he was also an agitator and orchestrator of the J6 false flag operation for the FBI.

The Dem crooks and the RINO crooks are committing the crimes of False Imprisonments of Trump supporters under the false color of law enforcement by putting them in prison without trial or with rigged trials in which security videos proving their innocence were illegally withheld by those crooks. Those Dem crooks and RINO crooks are the criminals who should be locked up in jail.


VIDEO: They Lied To Us All": New January 6 Footage, Kangaroo Court Cover-Up, Blackout on Police Firebomb

The leftist criminals are now in desperate denial after the truth about J6 has been exposed in security videos that they had withheld illegally from trials. It was a crime of obstruction of justice for the leftist criminals to deny the defendants and their attorneys access to those videos which show the leftist criminals lied about J6.


VIDEO: This COVER-UP is even worse than we thought, it's starting to come out | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Chuck Schumer is a despicable liar to falsely accuse Tucker Carlson of lying when Tucker Carlson tells nothing but the truth by showing people the security videos that Chuck Schumer and his Dem cohorts had covered up illegally in order to put Trump supporters under false imprisonment. Chuck Schumer and his Dem cohorts should be put in jail for obstructing justice.


VIDEO: Tucker Sends DNC Media Into Hysterical, Unhinged Meltdown After EXPOSING J6 Lies

The Dem politicians who have caused innocent J6 demonstrators to be put in jail  by withholding security videos that prove their innocence from their attorneys are criminals who should be put in jail for obstructing justice.


VIDEO: PROOF: The January 6th Committee LIED TO US

The DC police officers who colluded with the crooked Democrats to cover up their lies about what really happened on J 6 by ignoring their lies should be brought to justice together with the crooked Democrats who made those lies.

J6 was a Fedsurrection.

Four DC police officers were reported by the leftist media to have committed suicide shortly after J6. I think they could have been murdered by the leftist insurrectionists when they tried to expose the lies of the leftist insurrectionists.


VIDEO: California snow causing real problems for residents

 VIDEO: California Carbon

Nothing is pushing the crazy left wingers to stop lying about global warming more effectively than dumping epic snow on them by mother nature.


VIDEO: AI Robot TERRIFIES Officials Before It Was Quickly Shut Down

Has Google AI been used for censoring speech from people who are politically sentient and can not be controlled by the corrupt and lying politicians?


VIDEO: Tucker Blows The DOORS OFF January 6th LIES | 45K Hours Of Security Footage EXPOSED Cover-Up

The Trump-supporting police officer whom the Dems lied about being killed by Trump supporters during January 6 but in fact died after January 6 could have been murdered by the Dems for trying to stop him from exposing their lies related to the J6 fedsurrection.


VIDEO: Man on flight from LA tried to stab flight attendant in neck with broken metal spoon: Officials

 he FBI under the control of the leftist politicians must be too busy spying on white parents who protested peacefully at school meetings against the anti-white propaganda of Critical Race Theory as terrorist suspects, so real terrorists like this were not under their surveillance as they should have been.

Part 24


This is not a joke.

Breaking News! Video of a top politician exposing real insurrection in America found:

Go to my channel and see my playlist "This is not a joke" to see the video.


VIDEO: American Muslims RISE UP against Woke LGBT Activists!!!

The freaking FBI under the control of the radical left politicians smeared the white parents who opposed to CRT peacefully at school meetings as suspected terrorists. So is the same freaking FBI going to smear the Muslim parents who opposed to the LGBT agenda rowdily at school meetings as suspected terrorists as well? I don't think so. Did Obama force schools in Muslim majority cities to allow so-called transgender women with male genitals to use the girls' bathroom? No, he didn't. Most likely, the Dem politicians will back down in their LGBT agenda in Muslim majority schools but keep on forcing or even doubt down the LGBT agenda on white majority schools as a means of destroying the white families while the leftist media just keep their mouth shout about the discriminatory practice of their Dem masters.


VIDEO: Things Get WORSE For Jane Fonda After INSANE BACKLASH - Hollywood PANICS!

The freaking FBI under the control of the radical left politicians do not seem to care that Jane Fonda made a terrorist threat on TV against the pro-life activists. If a Trump-supporting celebrity had made a terrorist threat on TV of inciting murder against pro-abortion activists, I would not be surprised if the FBI would have her arrested at gun point at her home in the middle of the night when she was in her underwear with reporters of the leftist media reporting it live on TV.

The parents who voiced their opposition to the anti-white racist propaganda of CRT peacefully at school meetings are smeared by the FBI to be terrorist suspects but leftist kook Jane Fonda who incited murder against pro-life activists is neither considered by the FBI to be a terrorist nor a terrorist suspect. Has the FBI become the KGB of the radical left politicians in the USA?

Holy crap! Jane Fonda is so old and ugly- both in and out.


VIDEO: Woman Who Created “Sexual Harassers” List Settles $1.5 Million Defamation Suit

False accusers against Trump supporters like Jussie Smollett and J6  false accusers who covered up exculpatory evidence should be prosecuted as well.


Why did bank failures happen in both the radical left regimes of Obama and Biden?

Didn't both Obama and Biden brag about how good they were in improving the economy of the USA?

Seems like they are good at destroying the economy of the USA and good at lying as well.


VIDEO: When the TRUTH accidently slips out!!

Beware of undercover leftists on YouTube trying to entrap peaceful conservatives or Trump supporters by inciting us to do something violent or radical under the disguise of being our cohort. I remember a YouTuber with an empty channel posted a reply to me inciting Trump supporters to occupy the White House even though I was only making a peaceful criticism against the radical leftists. Instead of just ignoring his violent incitement, which could be used by the crooked leftists as an example of me condoling undue violence or being associated with an extremist or terrorist, I retorted and reproached that undercover leftist for inciting violence. The radical leftists are crooked people who would ignore or condone the obvious violence or incitement of violence perpetrated by their leftist cohort but they would try to entrap peaceful conservatives and Trump supporters with provocateurs. There are provocateurs like Ray Epps on YouTube. We have to reproach their incitement of violence instead of just ignoring them.


Shame on YouTube for censoring my previous reply telling conservatives and Trump supporters how to keep our peace and safety while it allows the radical leftist Jane Fonda to spew her psychotic speech of inciting her radical left cohort to murder prolifers. I hope someday the biased censorship of YouTube will be stopped like Twitter's biased censorship has been stopped.


VIDEO: Feds Caught DESTROYING January 6th Evidence! Feds Are RIGGING J6 Trials | Tucker DEMANDS Mistrial

The radical left politicians and rogue FBI officials who lied and covered up the exculpatory evidence intentionally in order to frame up the innocent Trump supporters should all be prosecuted for obstructing justice.


VIDEO: Reaction To San Francisco $5 Million Reparation Checks For Black Citizens

The Chinese was one of the ethnic groups in California that suffered serious discrimination and oppression in US history. There is no justification to make the Asian Americans in California to pay reparation for black slavery that did not even happen in California.

(The unjustified censoring of the reply above is proof that the Chinese Americans are still facing discrimination in today's USA .)

Part 25

It is the corrupt and fraudulent politician Joe Biden who should be arrested.

As vice president who did not have the right to declassify documents, Joe Biden stole classified documents and stored  them in the garage of his home where they could be accessed by his son Hunter Biden for secret information to be provided to China in his shady business deals with China. Yet, Joe Biden was unconscionable enough to weaponize the FBI under his devious control to frame President Trump for possession of classified documents which he had declassified when he was President.

Joe Biden is in deep trouble because of his failed policies and his corruption. That's why he  wants to continue his non-stop false accusations and oppression against Trump as a distraction to his epic failures and criminal activities  being discovered.

It will be Joe Biden's dirtiest political stunt yet if Trump is put under false arrest.


Joe Biden should have been arrested on day one for treason but his lackeys in the leftist media and his treasonous cohort covered up the treasonous act that he bragged about so that he could steal the presidency from  President Trump.

VIDEO: ATF Agents Handcuff US Navy Sailor & Rob Him At Gunpoint

Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden was fired by the US Navy for testing positive for cocaine and he bought a gun illegally by lying on a federal background check form about not being an unlawful user of narcotic drugs.  So was Hunter Biden ever raided,  arrested or investigated by the police, ATF or the FBI? Apparently not.

The justice system and the law enforcement are so screwed up under Joe Biden.

VIDEO: Cops illegally raided his house. This is what happened with he fought back

 To all cops: As long as you cover up or ignore the crimes and abuse of power committed by your peers,, you are NOT the good cops!

Was the house of Hunter Biden ever raided by the police even though he was fired from the US Navy for testing positive for cocaine? No, it wasn't.

Was the house of then VP Joe Biden ever raided by the cops when cocaine user Hunter Biden was renting a room in that house which was found later to have classified documents accessible to Hunter Biden storing illegally in the garage?  No, it wasn't.

If the cops in that jurisdiction claim that their job is to serve to protect, they should mention that it is the rich and powerful people that they serve and protect no matter they are good or bad people.

(The fact that my reply above is being censored means YouTube censors are behaving like lackeys of the rich, powerful and corrupt politicians just because they belong to the radical left that YouTube also happens to a part of. Shame on YouTube and the YouTube censors.)


VIDEO: SEIU LAUSD Strike And It's Bad

 So no more indoctrination on minor children in LA with CRT, transgenderism, communism and drag queen story hours at lease for a few days. Sounds good to me.


VIDEO: Global Depression By 2025, Caused By Double-Digit Interest Rates & Inflation | Simon Hunt

"Global Depression By 2025, Caused By Double-Digit Interest Rates & Inflation"

That means  "Global Depression By 2025 Will Be Caused By the Federal Reserve" because the Federal Reserve is the agency that allows sharp interest rate increase and huge increase in fiat money printing.

That also means "Global Depression By 2025 Will Be Caused By the the President and Senators" both of which are responsible for creating the Board of Governors for running the Federal Reserve.

That also means "Global Depression By 2025 Will Be Caused by the Biden 'Administration'."


VIDEO: BREAKING: Trump "I Will be ARRESTED This Week" | What Is Happening!?

 To the leftist criminals who had obstructed justice by withholding exculpatory evidence of Trump supporters related to the J6 false flag operation from trials and are still holding innocent Americans as political prisoners, some without trial for years, are not arrested for their crimes but they want to arrest President Trump with trumped up charges even after their false accusation of Trump/Russian collusion had been totally exposed. The leftist criminals are really desperate.


Was the house of Hunter Biden ever raided by the police even though he was fired from the US Navy for testing positive for cocaine? No, it wasn't.

Was the house of then VP Joe Biden ever raided by the cops when cocaine user Hunter Biden was renting a room in that house which was found later to have classified documents accessible to Hunter Biden storing illegally in the garage?  No, it wasn't.

If the cops in that jurisdiction claim that their job is to serve to protect, they should mention that it is the rich and powerful people that they serve and protect no matter they are good or bad people.

(The fact that my reply above is being censored means YouTube censors are behaving like lackeys of the rich, powerful and corrupt politicians just because they belong to the radical left that YouTube also happens to a part of. Shame on YouTube and the YouTube censors.)



VIDEO: SEIU LAUSD Strike And It's Bad


So no more indoctrination on minor children in LA with CRT, transgenderism, communism and drag queen story hours at lease for a few days. Sounds good to me.


VIDEO: Global Depression By 2025, Caused By Double-Digit Interest Rates & Inflation | Simon Hunt


"Global Depression By 2025, Caused By Double-Digit Interest Rates & Inflation"

That means  "Global Depression By 2025 Will Be Caused By the Federal Reserve" because the Federal Reserve is the agency that allows sharp interest rate increase and huge increase in fiat money printing.

That also means "Global Depression By 2025 Will Be Caused By the President and Senators" both of which are responsible for creating the Board of Governors for running the Federal Reserve.

That also means "Global Depression By 2025 Will Be Caused by the Biden 'Administration'."


VIDEO: BREAKING: Trump "I Will be ARRESTED This Week" | What Is Happening!?

 So the leftist criminals who had obstructed justice by withholding exculpatory evidence of Trump supporters related to the J6 false flag operation from trials and are still holding innocent Americans as political prisoners, some without trial for years, are not arrested for their crimes but they want to arrest President Trump with trumped up charges even after their false accusation of Trump/Russian collusion had been totally exposed. The leftist criminals are really desperate.

VIDEO: This Is Alarming: People Have Not figured It Out Yet, Silver Is No More - Andy Schectman|Silver Price

To: YouTube censors 

So tomtharo4440 is allowed by you guys who call yourself "moderators" to lie about "The only thing being manipulated is Andy using FOMO to generate silver sales" but I'm not allowed to tell people the truth that JPMorgan Chase & Co has been convicted of silver price manipulation and fined $920 million with proof from a news report that can be found on Google. What you guys are doing is not only unethical but criminal as well. I hope someday you biased YouTube censors and the YouTube CEO will be held accountable for the crimes being committed.

VIDEO: Banks Keep the Profits & Stick Tax Payers with the Losses

The Democrat politicians are culprits in this banking crisis pretending to be saviors.

Part 26

VIDEO: Paralyzes her, laughs about it, now they LOWER his bond? 

George Floyd was a violent criminal who pointed a gun at the belly of a pregnant woman when he committed a home invasion. I can understand that he was a victim of police brutality. However, I don't think he should have been revered like a saint just because he was a criminal who became a victim of police brutality. I think the hypocritical leftist media are responsible for the rise of black racism and the pandering to black criminals in the USA. 

VIDEO: CEO describes pulling money from bank hours before collapse 

Which political party is responsible for the banking criminals being exonerated? It's the Dem party. It happened under Obama and it happens again under Biden. It's no coincidence. Is the leftist' poster boy Sam Bankman-Fried in jail now for causing many people to go bankrupt due to his financial fraud? No, he is not. He is protected by the Dems crooks by being allowed to stay in his parents' luxurious mansion instead of being in jail. The politicians in the Dem party are in collusion with many crooked filthy rich bigwigs in turning the middle class into poor people and the poor people into homeless people, yet they are still pretending to be champions of the poor. Despicable! 

Trump supporters should keep our peace and be smart so that we will not fall into any trap similar to that of the J6 false flag that the leftist crooks are going to set up. Should Trump be put under false arrest and put on a show trial, it will be Trump's opportunity to expose the treasonous crimes and corruption of Joe Biden in court by citing them as the reason why Joe Biden is making false accusation against him again as a distraction when Joe Biden's treasonous crimes and corruption has caused dire consequences that he doesn't want the Americans to pay attention to. 

The major reason why the radical left politicians in collusion with RINO politicians try to pull off a political stunt at this time is because they have just been exposed to be the criminals who had obstructed justice by withholding exculpatory video evidence proving that the J6 protesters are innocent and that those criminals are still holding innocent Americans as political prisoners for years, some without trial, even though video evidence has proved beyond doubt that J6 committee lied to keep those innocent American in prison. 

I have no doubt that the liars in the J6 committee want to use arresting Trump with more lies in an attempt to provoke violent response from Trump supporters so that the crimes committed by members of the J6 committee can be brushed aside and ignored. President Trump told his supporters to protest peacefully and that is what real Trump supporters should do. Real Trump supporters should equip themselves with cameras during any protest because as we have seen from the J6 false flag, the radical left and RINO politicians are not ashamed to incite violence and lie about Trump supporters having committed acts violence that they did not commit. Take close up videos of fake Trump supporters like Ray Epps so as to expose their sinister plot of framing up and entrapping Trump supporters. 

Google "Trump's expected 'arrest': The politics and power plays behind these legally feeble charges" to read about the absurd attempt of the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to indict Trump over alleged hush money payments made during the 2016 campaign.

VIDEO: Scotland looking to jail men who insult or make women uncomfortable 

Are those insane laws sycophantic to women but oppressive to men enacted by woke female law makers or sissy men in skirts? 

VIDEO: WOKE Activists MELTDOWN Over Florida Senate Floor Accusing Ron DeSantis & GOP Of Trans Genocide!

 Providing surgery or chemicals to minor children, both boys and girls, for mutilating their genitals is the real genocide because with mutilated reproductive organs, they won't be able to have children anymore. What they want to do is committing self-genocide. 

VIDEO: CONTENT WARNING: Lauren Boebert Reveals Shocking Photos She Says The 'Fake News' Has Ignored 

The leftist politicians are pandering to the criminals in the USA because they live in rich neighborhoods where they are unlikely to be attacked by criminals. The leftist politicians also like to protect dangerous wild animals such as wolves and tigers because they don't live in areas where those dangerous animals attack humans. Most important of all, they want to pretend to be people of forgiveness and kindness at the expense of the victims. 

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson: 'Arrest George W. Bush!' 

Warmonger Obama should have been be arrested and put in jail. VIDEO: ALL AMERICA NEEDS TO SEE THIS! OBAMA'S DRONE WAR ON WOMEN AND CHILDREN!

Of course, voter-fraud-in-chief Joe Biden should have been arrested and put in jail as well.


Part 27

VIDEO: New Video EXPOSES Feds Committing Crimes On January 6th | FBI In Panic 

I wonder if the four DC police officers said to have committed suicide within months after the J6 false flag were murdered because they wanted to expose the truth about FBI and police involvement as provocateurs as well as participants in violence to be blamed on Trump supporters. 

VIDEO: THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT REPORT & If Ignored… There WILL Be a Deadly Consequence!! 

The leftist don't play fair. They play dirty and with violence. However, they do not always win. Even when they win, it could lead to their own destruction. Many of the supporters of communist dictator Mao Zedong were staved to death due to Mao's wrongful policies even when the state controlled media lied about have great harvest. 

VIDEO: “Kremlin Intermediary” TELLS ALL About NSA Spying On Tucker Carlson 

johnblack6161 says: Tucker should expect his office to be raided by the democratic FBI. 

What Demomocratic FBI? It's the weaponized FBI under the control of the radical left politicians. What raid? If it should happen, it would be political persecution carried out under the disguise of a legitimate raid just like the FBI's illegal raid in Trump's home for classified documents when the FBI should have known that Trump had the right to declassify any documents as he saw fit when he was President.

 The White House confirmed Thursday that more classified documents from President Joe Biden's time as vice president were found in the garage of his home in Wilmington, Delaware.- ABC 

Biden home search by FBI finds more classified documents- CNBC

It was illegal for then vice president Joe Biden to steal classified documents back to the garage of his home where they could be accessed by his son Hunter Biden for information to be used in his shady business deals with China. Yet Joe Biden was neither arrested, criminally charged or impeached. So even when the FBI found stolen classified documents in Joe Biden's home, the leftist media only call it a "search" instead of a "raid" and the culprit is never held accountable for his crime. The leftist politicians and leftist media are sick hypocrites.

 To: john black 6161 Did the radical left controlled FBI appoint a leftist shill with an empty channel like you to scare the brave and honest journalist Tucker Carlson from exposing the crimes and hypocrisy of the radical left politicians with the threat of persecution in the form of a raid? Just like FBI's illegal raid on Trump's home did not stop Trump from running for President against the crooked leftists, the illegal raid on Tucker Carlson's office will not stop him from exposing the crimes and hypocrisy of the radical left politicians and their lackeys, either. 

VIDEO: MONSTER: The TRUTH About The Nashville Christian School Massacre | Yes, This Was A Hate Crime 

When Democrats are the culprits of some heinous crimes, the leftists always distort the truth to blame it on the Republicans. 

VIDEO: Coincidence? At The Same Time As The Nashville Shooting…This Happened! 

Gun banning from civilians could not have stopped massacre of school children by evil people. It's proven to be a fact in China where civilians are not allowed to own guns. Here is the proof: VIDEO: 33 Dead, 130 Injured in China Knife Wielding Spree 

Why mass killings of innocent people with guns by evil people are allowed by YouTube to be commented on but mass killing of innocent people with knives by evil people are not allowed by YouTube to be commented on? Oh, I get it. Because it happened in communist China. YouTube is such an unapologetic lackey of communist China Women who take testosterone to be "transgender man" should know about Roid Rage. ATF agents raided legal gun stores! That's so wrong. I wonder if any of the ATF agents were also involved in Operation Fast and Furious in which thousands of assault rifles were allowed to be smuggled to the drug gangs in Mexico without any device to trace the guns and without any effort to retrieve the guns

Part 28

VIDEO: Idaho man arrested after killing the man who murdered his mother last night

Many politicians, especially the ones in the radical left,  are perverting justice not only by letting murderers released from jail instead putting them to death but also treating people who kill to defend themselves and who kill murderers that victimized their families as murderers and criminals. Those hypocritical politicians all live in safe communities with high security. That's why they don't care the ordinary people being victimized by their perversion of justice.

VIDEO: Democrats Afraid Of Blue Flames As Gas Stove Ban Begins!

Leftists politicians like Al Gore. Barack Obama and Joe Biden claim CO2 from fossil fuels would lead to catastrophic global warming.

Yet, when the average temperature of the earth keeps on dropping and the winters become colder and longer year after year, instead of admitting that their claim of catastrophic global warming due to man-made CO2 is a lie and scam, the leftist con politicians double down on their global warming lie by putting stricter and stricter bans on fossil fuels, be it natural gas (for heating and for generating electricity), gasoline and even wood,  which are needed by the people to survive extreme cold winters. They also changed their scamming narrative from catastrophic global warming to catastrophic climate change to fool the global warming sheeple into thinking that the severe cold  winters are also the result of man-made CO2 even when CO2 has been vilified by those leftist con politicians as a "green house gas" that would lead to catastrophic global warming.

Over a dozen Californians were frozen to death in their homes when their houses on the hills were buried under heavy snow in 2023 in spite of the leftist newspaper LA Times predicted that there would be no more snow in California due to "global warming".  That reminds me of the situation in China when tens of millions of Chinese people were starving to death because of communist dictator  Mao Zedong's wrongful polices in the so called "Great Leap Forward" movement, the state controlled media were still lying about having great harvest of rice in China.


When communist dictators lie, people die.


VIDEO: These Fairies Say They’ll Put Us Down. GOOD LUCK


So the leftist politicians and the FBI under their control want to take guns away from conservatives even after a tran has murdered some innocent kids in  a Christian school with guns but they turn a blind eye to other trans flaunting their guns while threating to kill people including kids just for being Christians and conservatives. The hypocrisy of the leftist politicians and the FBI under their devious control is totally disgusting.


VIDEO: Eric Trump speaks out on father's indictment: 'These people are evil'


Hold our peace. The wicked leftists and their RINO lackeys fear peaceful Trump supporters who embarrass them with the truth and facts just like Tucker Carlson had by exposing the crimes of the members of the J6 committee in obstruction of justice when they covered up exculpatory evidence of some of the J6 peaceful protesters during their faked trials.


They want to incite violent reaction from unfortunate Trump supporters with their new persecution against Trump so that they can put them in jail with fake trials like that of J6 even when they did not commit acts of violence and to intimidate other Trump supporters to turn a blind eye to the crimes committed by Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.


Since we know the FBI and DC police under the control of the radical leftists and their RINO lackeys have been caught in videos luring Trump supporters into traps during theJ6 false flag and put them in false imprisonment even though they did not commit any acts of violence or insurrection as they were falsely accused of,  they may try to use the same dirty tactic again by blaming Trump supporters of committing acts of violence that the leftist goons are going to commit during the new persecution against Trump by disguising themselves as Trump supporters. So Trump supporters should record videos of the leftist goons committing crimes under the false flag of being Trump supporters and  expose them on social media much like Ray Epps being exposed.

Part 29

VIDEO: W.H.O. REVERSES Child Vaxx Recommendation!


In spite of the WHO having reversed its recommendation for children to have COVID-19 vaccine, the crooks in California still recommend the COVID-19 vaccine for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years and as frequently as 3 shots in 11 months.

Any parents who are following the recommendation of those crooks should watch the video below and think again:

VIDEO: Child Size Casket Order Increased By 1200% After 2021 - Casket Salesman Mick Haddock


IDEO: Biden admin blasted for blaming botched Afghanistan withdrawal on Trump


Trump wanted US troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan was not the problem.

The problem was Joe Biden's stupidity in making a chaotic withdrawal that put the lives the US civilians and our allies in danger.

What is more despicable than an incompetent president?

An incompetent president who blames the shameful results of his incompetence on the previous president who has no control on the stupid decisions made by the incompetent president.

Let's go Brandon.


VIDEO: Trans Mob KIDNAP Female Swimmer Riley Gaines & Demands Ransom! Cops Make ZERO Arrests Of Course


The trans mafia has committed the crimes of kidnaping for ransom and physical assault but the San Francisco police made zero arrest. That makes the San Francisco police a cohort of the trans mafia.


VIDEO: 🚨 Barack Arrested Next?! Obama Campaign Took $30 Million ILLEGALLY From Commie China Fugitive!?


I'm not a Christian but I would risk my live to save those Christian children from being slaughtered by that transgender monster if I could. The leftists and liberals are insane to try to ban guns from the Republicans who need guns for self defense when most of the mass shooting with guns were carried out by leftist or liberal lunatics instead of Republicans.


VIDEO: Reviews | Mirouz scam explained |


(April 3,2023) I called the phone number of the warehouse shown on the Morouz website and asked if they have the electric bicycles in their warehouse ready to be shipped out. A representative replied that it was a scam and the warehouse does not carry the electric bicycle to be shipped out. She also says she had no idea that the address of their warehouse was being used by the scam site.

It is deplorable that YouTube is now taking advertisement from a scam site even when there is a video on YouTube confirming that the site is a scam site. I definitely think YouTube should be sued together with the scam site that it knowingly advertised on YouTube. Shame on YouTube. It is destroying its credibility by advertising for scam sites.


VIDEO: Joy Reid MELTSDOWN Over Ron DeSantis REFUSING To Extradite Trump In Response To NY Indictment


The radical left politicians and officials who call themselves Democrats have become a bunch of hypocritical and unconscionable law breakers who not only have no shame putting innocent Trump supporters under false imprisonment with their crime of obstructing justice by withholding exculpatory evidence of their victims from the J6 fake trials, they are even evil enough to continue their political persecution against President Trump by weaponizing the FBI and DOJ under their devious control in their desperate attempt to stop Trump from saving the USA from their intentional destruction.


The radical left politicians and officials allow the USA to be invade by tidal waves of illegal immigrants.


They turn a blind eye to the huge death toll of Americans who took deadly drugs smuggled into the USA from the open border.


They destroy the US economy by suppressing or banning domestic fossil fuels while forcing the Americans to pay high prices for foreign oil from corrupt fossil fuel moguls that they collude with.


They cause high inflation in food prices with their dependency on expensive foreign oil and ignore the sabotage, if not taking part covertly in the sabotage, of a long list of food processing facilities and farms.


They are collapsing the US  dollar and the banking system through irresponsible fiat money printing, wasteful spending, corruption through money laundering in Ukraine and devious interest rate manipulation.


They are destroying the American children, especially the white children, by brainwashing them with extreme liberal ideologies like allowing genital mutilation with surgery or gender doping even for minor children and allowing drag queen shows in school but ignoring their academic education. 


They instigate racial division and conflict in schools and in the country by forcing their anti-white propaganda of Critical Race Theory in schools.


They encouraged riots carried out by Antifa and BLM so that the two extremist groups have become their political weapons.


President Trump is not being indicted. He is being persecuted by the radical left politicians and officials who are betraying the USA and the Americans.


Part 30

VIDEO: Get these people some help


VIDEO: There Is No Climate Emergency

Those clowns are sheeple of leftist con politicians.


VIDEO: Biden ORDERED Mar-A-Lago Raid | 40 Undercover Agents on J6!?


Joe Biden stole classified documents and stored them in the garage of his home to be used for shady deals with China when he was VP with no power to declassify documents.


Yet the crooked hypocrite Joe Biden  had no shame ordering the FBI to raided the home of Donald Trump for documents which had been declassified by him when he was President.


Impeach the crooked hypocrite Joe Biden.


VIDEO: Saagar CALLS OUT New BS Las Vegas Shooting Explanation | Breaking Points


Trusting the FBI under the control of the radical left politicians to tell the truth is like trusting the FBI in claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop having evidence of crimes committed the Biden family is Russian disinformation.


Trusting the FBI under the control of the radical left politicians to be fair and honest in conducting an investigation into the Las Vegas mass shooting is like trusting the FBI to be fair and honest in investigating the J6 false flag before and after the videos with exculpatory evidence were forced by the House Republicans to be released to the public.


Trusting the FBI under the control of the radical left politicians to be impartial is like saying that the FBI is impartial in raiding the home of former President Donald Trump  for classified documents when those documents had already been declassified by him when he was President but they failed to bring criminal charges against Joe Biden after classified documents were found in the garage of Biden's home and were found to be stolen when Joe Biden was Vice President who did not have the right to declassify those documents.


Trusting the FBI under the control of the radical left politicians being free from political bias is like trusting the FBI when the FBI director claims antifa, is an ideology, not an organization, let alone a terrorist organization, even though some of its  members were involved in riots and two Trump supporters were murdered by an antifa member.


Trusting the FBI under the control of the radical left politicians being free from political bias is like trusting the FBI when it smears the white parents who voiced their opposition to the anti-white propaganda of CRT peacefully at school meetings as terrorist suspects.


VIDEO: Bud Light VP ADMITS They Are Panicking About The Future As Dylan Mulvaney Sponsorship Backlash GROWS


Should have poured the Butt-Like beer into the toilet.


VIDEO: EPIC TAKEDOWN: Matt Walsh CRUSHES Woke Student Who Claims Gender Affirming Care Is "Life-Saving"


The evil NWO is targeting white people for destruction. That's why  they target children in schools with white children predominantly for brainwashing with the transgender BS of allowing children to decide to have their genitals mutilated. That's why you don't see school children in predominantly black, Hispanic, Asian and Middle East communities in the USA having the same zealous support for the transgender BS. The non-white children and Muslim children are simply not subjected to the same intensive  indoctrination as the white children do in school in the USA.


Have you heard of Obama or Biden force schools in Muslim majority schools to allow men to use the girls' bathroom or locker room with male genitals exposed in front of the Muslim girls? Of course not because their major target for destruction is the white children.


Do they allow men who claim to be transgender women to use the girls' bathroom or locker room with  their male genitals exposed in front of the girls in Muslim majority schools in the USA?


VIDEO: 10 Vatican's Secrets That Are Far More Creepy Than You Think


How about making a video titled "10 God's Secrets That Are Far More Creepy Than You Think."?

God bragging about being the one responsible for the enslavement of the Israelites in Egypt by creating dictator Pharaoh intentionally and allowing him to enslave the Israelites so that God 's names could  be spread through out the earth when God defeated the dictator that he created in a slave liberation show with Moses certainly should be included as one of God's secrets.


VIDEO: Hollywood Shock: Will Smith Declares Time to Cleanse America of Trump Supporters


What do we expect from an obnoxious black racist who incited murdering of little white children by pretending to be a smart guy after he shot at the image of a little white girl right between the eyes in a shooting range in the movie Men in Black? His excuse for shooting at the image of a little white girl but not at the images of the monsters is that he thinks a little white girl in the  ghetto at night time carrying a book of quantum physics must be a monster in disguise. What a load of racist BS!

Part 31

VIDEO: Here’s How Boiling Water Can Turn Into Ice | National Geographic


It is so irresponsible for National Geographic to promote the "boiling water challenge" , especially without giving warning of the great danger involved.

GOOGLE: Stop throwing hot water in cold air, doctors warn- Global News

"During Chicago’s polar vortex, eight people taking part in the challenge, were admitted to the Loyola Medicine’s Burn Center."

"Sanford told ABC 7 that seven of the victims had blisters and one woman needed further surgery because the burns were too deep."

"The youngest person admitted with burns was only three years old, Sanford said, adding the child was a bystander."

"“We strongly warn people to not perform the boiling water challenge,” burn surgeon Dr. Arthur Sanford told the Chicago Sun-Times. “There is no safe way to do it.”


VIDEO: Wait until this knocks at your door 😮


They are not going to use those police robots against the Antifa and BLM rioters who support the leftist politicians. But they surely will use them against Trump supporters just for protesting peacefully such as by claiming that they have invaded a restricted area even when it is the police that let them in in the first place.

How do I know?  Because that's how the human police under the control of the leftist politicians have been used lately. Human police controls the police robots, so the police robots will carry out discriminatory policing just like the human police under the control of leftist politicians will.


VIDEO: White House In PANIC As Reporters CAUGHT Give Joe Questions in ADVANCE


VIDEO: Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired

Joe Biden was the one caught on video bragging about threatening the Ukraine president with quid pro quo. Yet Joe Biden was shameless enough to falsely accuse President Trump of quid pro quo when Trump called for investigation of Joe Biden's quid pro quo that was caught on video. What a disgusting hypocrite Joe Biden is!


VIDEO: Did Biden Just Say Your Kids Are Not Yours?


Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge a child that his son Hunter Biden and a stripper have as his grandchild but now he is pretending to care about all American children. What a despicable hypocrite!


GOOGLE: Hunter Biden's baby mama Lunden Roberts demands the president's son be thrown in Arkansas jail for refusing to hand over his financial records in child support dispute


GOOGLE: Daughter Hunter Biden had with a stripper is left off the White House's stocking display for Biden's grandchildren


Like father, like son. What a pair of disgusting hypocrites!


VIDEO: So now they’re talking about it…


Admitting cloud seeding to create snow and rain by the leftist media is not telling the whole truth but a distraction from the concealed truth that chemtrail spraying with harmful chemicals has been going on.


VIDEO: Mike Lindell finally gets what he deserves with DEVASTATING news


If Mike Lindell had bet $5 million on the video below being an authentic video featuring Joe Biden, he would be keeping his $5 million.


Suppression and cover up of the truth with censorship is what the radical left politicians need keep the sheeple ignorant.


VIDEO: SWAT Team Shoots My Innocent Sleeping Client


Most cops lie when they realize that they have done something seriously wrong.

They want to escape from being responsible for their incompetence and brutality by smearing their victims as criminals who attacked them just by lying shamelessly about it.

These brutal lying cops have no conscience, no respect for innocent human life and no empathy. Unfortunately, many judges don't mind being cohort of these brutal lying cops by pretending to believe their lies. This morbid situation is like a cancer destroying freedom and justice in the US. I don't think we should remove all cops but we should definitely remove bad cops by putting them in jail for the crimes that they have committed under the false color of the law.


VIDEO: THIS PISSED ME OFF!! Facts About Slavery They Never Mentioned in School (Thomas Sowell)


We are only told in schools, churches and the state controlled media that the Israelites were victims of slavery in Egypt but they never told us the truth that many Israelites (Jews) became cruel slave owners after they were liberated from slavery. Worse still, the people whom the Israelites enslaved were not the Egyptians but the poor people in tribes that had nothing to do with the enslavement of the Israelites in Egypt at all. Those are facts confirmed by the Bible  but the liars chose to cover them up.

Part 32

VIDEO: Liberals REVOLT Against Chicago City Officials Housing Illegal Immigrants In Their Neighborhood


Instead of pleading the Texas governor to stop sending illegal immigrants to Chicago where they should be welcome because Chicago has designated itself to be a sanctuary city,  Lori Lightfoot should be pleading her cohort Joe Biden to stop the insane open border policy instead.


VIDEO: Government Employee Threatening Americans With Violence Again?!


It is disgusting that the FBI under the control of the radical left takes no appropriate action against this real terrorist just because the terrorist belongs to the transgender group favored by the Biden regime while they have no shame smearing conservative Americans as terrorist suspects or extremists on rogue online people search sites just because the conservative Americans speak up peacefully against the anti-white propaganda of CRT being used for brainwashing children at school and expose the wrong-doings of the FBI on the internet in peaceful discussions.

The political bias of the FBI makes it a political weapon of the radical left politicians instead of a non-political law enforcement agency as it is supposed to be.


US Military Hires Non-Binary Drag Queen For Recruitment Video & It's A Disaster As Numbers Plummet!

Someone in China is snickering.


VIDEO: Diesel Truck Ban


Diesel trucks banned in California.

Someone in China is snickering.


VIDEO: Mob kills female student over ‘blasphemy’ in Nigeria, two arrested | Latest English News | WION


I have no doubt that the radical Muslims want to commit this kind of atrocity in western countries as well if they can.

Don't let them take over the western countries by pretending to be a religion of peace.

The radical Muslim would pretend to be moderate Muslims to gain acceptance. Once they become the majority, they will show their true color and the so-called moderate Muslims will be the ones who just turn a blind eye to the atrocities of the radical Muslims


VIDEO: Beautiful Mystery Woman Takes The Mic From Trump | Crowd Goes Silent, Then ROARS


Beware of E-Bike clearance sale scam on YouTube.

VIDEO: YouTube Scam $32 E-Bike 2023 03 19

The scam is advertised under different websites with low prices at the top right corner of YouTube when a pro-Trump and conservative video is playing. No E-Bike will be delivered after payment is made.

Don't let the Trump haters scam your money.


VIDEO: Minnesota should be KICKED OUT of the U.S.A. for this insane move | Redacted with Clayton Morris


The radical leftists are targeting white people and white families for destruction with their transgender BS.  That's why almost all propagandas supporting transgender for minors feature white kids. When the white kids became transgender with surgeries or hormones, their reproductive organs would become permanently damaged and they could no longer have children, so the white population will be decimated.


It was the same tactic when Obama forced the Boy Scouts of  America to accept gay scout leaders because he knew most boys scouts were white. That's why Obama did not force the black organization 100 Black Men of America to accept gay leaders when its stated goal is to educate and empower African-American children and teens. The result of Obama's wolf-in-sheep-skin tactic worked so well that the Boy Scouts of America had to declare bankruptcy when it was sued for damages by many victims of rape by gay scout leaders. However, Obama was neither arrested nor sued for the harm he had done to the victimized boy scouts.


The radical leftists have a White Genocide agenda. The transgender for minors BS targeting white kids is part of that insidious agenda.


VIDEO: Trump blamed for Silicon Valley Bank collapse


The rule change for the banks was passed with bipartisan support and the Dems did not do anything to reverse the change even though they had the power to reverse the change after the Biden regime had secured control of both the House and the Senate. The leftists are sore losers who just don't own up to their own mistakes.


VIDEO: Couple sues after armed bounty hunter invades home l GMA


Hunter Biden  was fired from the US Navy for using cocaine.

Hunter Biden was also found to have lied on background check form when he bought a gun illegally.

Hunter Biden  was also know to live in his father's house for a period of time after committing those offences.

Imaging Hunter Biden's 's father home being raided at mid night by law enforcement officers and Hunter Biden's father Joe Biden being forced to come out of the house  half-naked at gun point when Hunter Biden was not home.

Of course, we can only imagine that to happen because that did not and will not happen.

The reason that did not and will not happen is because the law enforcement do not have the courage to do their job without discrimination.

Part 33

YouTube censors are like dung beetles busy burying the crap of their leftist cohorts.

VIDEO: "We want $200 MILLION per person!" - California debates reparations for black residents | Redacted


Since the leftists and liberals claim gender is just a social construct even though it is well defined by modern science of genetics, so I guess they will have to accept the claim that the ethnicity of black is a social construct as well. Since they allow people to use surgery and hormonal drugs as aids in their "gender re-assignment", it only makes sense that they should allow cosmetics and tanning to be used as aids in "racial re-assignment" as well.


If the plan to offer $1.2 million or even $200 million in reparation to each black resident in California is approved by the California Legislature, not only that we should expect huge increase in the number of black residents in California due to the increase in self-identified black residents aided by "racial re-assignment", we should also expect a huge migration of black, including self-identified black, Americans into California from other states.


Is the California government enjoying a huge budget surplus that inspires such a huge money spending idea? Deplorably, the opposite is true. The California government is so poor because of the exodus of big business that it has decided not to pay back some $20 billion borrowed from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic. GOOGLE: California Defaults On $18.6 Billion In Debt, Saddling Employers With The Expense- - Zero Hedge


Are the California legislature high on weed to entertain such a crazy money squandering idea when California is drowning in debt?



VIDEO: Woke Teacher SUED For Forcing 12 Year Old To Transition & End Up Trying To Self Delete!


The evil NWO embraced by the Democratic party has a White Genocide agenda. That's why the transgender BS that can destroy the ability of targeted race to produce a future generation is being used for brainwashing children in schools with mostly white children but  not in schools with mostly black or Muslim children.

Transgenderism is being used as a weapon against the white people by targeting their most most vulnerable members.


VIDEO: How The Banking Collapse Is Part Of The Plan


You would love to learn the forbidden history of how J P Morgan created the Chase Manhattan Bank  by taking advantage of a cholera outbreak in New York.


VIDEO: Protesters clash with police, demand justice for Jordan Neely


VIDEO: Black Man Charged With Hate Crime After Executing Two White Men For Being White! WOKE MEDIA SILENT!

Where were the ignorant protestors when there were real hate crimes and real murders involving innocent white victims?


YouTube censors are racist jerks to stealth ban my reply mentioning the video "Black Man Charged With Hate Crime After Executing Two White Men For Being White! WOKE MEDIA SILENT!"


VIDEO: Top 5 EVIL FACTS About PETA You Didn't Know! | Louder With Crowder


PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) "euthanized"  about 67 % of the animals under its care.

Planned Parenthood affiliates performed 345,672 "abortions" of babies from would-be parents from Oct. 1, 2017, to Sept. 30, 2018.

Fact is indeed stranger than fiction.


YouTube is so dictatorial to stealth ban facts regarding PETA and Planned Parenthood.


VIDEO: JSO burst into her home and handcuffed her thinking she was a suspect. It was a case of mistaken...


This is what happens when they hire people with low IQ, bloated ego, no empathy and no commonsense as police officers.


Why is my previous reply being censored?

Has Google hired some people with low IQ, bloated ego, no empathy and no commonsense as "moderators" who share the same quality with those out of control cops?


VIDEO: Rabbit Vs Snake. Momma Rabbit save babies - Original Video


Democrats of today are the fervent supporters of abortion. 

If the Democrats failed to destroy their babies in the womb, now they can still destroy their children by brainwashing them with the delusion that they can change to the opposite gender with surgery or hormonal drugs after they were born.

The momma rabbit has a much better sense in defending her babies from danger than the misled mothers in the Democratic party.


VIDEO: "Can You Understand My Question": Kennedy Does Not Let Up On Top Biden Official


Actually, there is no need to reduce the global average temperature because the rapid rise in global average temperature is a lie created by the global warming scammers by lowering the past real temperatures and raising the recent real temperatures with contrived adjustment factors as well as hiding the extreme warm periods in the past when CO2 level was much lower than that of today. In fact, the earth has been  cooling due to Solar Minimum in the Solar Cycle in recent years. It is despicable that the global warming scammers continue their scam in spite of Al Gore's global warming lies having been debunked.

Part 34

VIDEO:ATF Agents Try To Prey On Seal Team 6 Contractor


Did the ATF classify the WASR-10 rifles that they allowed to be smuggled to the drug gangs in Mexico in Operation Fast and Furious as toy guns?


VIDEO: The Big Lie About Nuclear Waste


VIDEO: Sacking of non-binary Biden aide exposes reality of 'minority box-ticking hires'

If only Brandon had hired a real expert at the Argonne National Laboratory as the Nuclear Waste Czar instead of hiring Sam Brinton based on woke politics, the USA would have a more promising future for nuclear energy instead of being a laughing stock in the world.


VIDEO: BREAKING: Chicago's Lightfoot Announces 'Declaration Of Emergency' Over Migrants, Blames Greg Abbott


VIDEO: Biden just got a WARNING: "This is an invasion." | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Instead of blaming Joe Biden and the Democratic party for causing the migrant crisis in the USA with the open border policy, Lori Lightfoot blames Greg Abbot for the problem that she and her leftist cohort have created even though Greg Abbot opposes to the open border policy that has been causing a state of emergency in Texas long before Chicago has got a taste of its own medicine.  Lori Lightfoot is a shameless hypocrite.


VIDEO: Idea that electric vehicles will save the world is ‘ludicrous’


I was wondering why YouTube allows this EV bashing video to be published, then I heard the Interviewee say, "Global warming is a real problem."

It's so surreal that more than ten people were frozen to death in California at the beginning of this year because their houses were buried in snow even though the LA Times predicted one year earlier that there would be no more snow in California because of global warming.


VIDEO: California reparations panel approves $1.2 million payments to Black residents


According to the leftists and liberals, it can be a hate crime to disagree with the gender of woman that a man identifies himself with, so I wonder if they would consider it a hate crime to disagree with the self-identified race of black when the person was born white, Latino, Asian or Native American.


VIDEO: Alert! Gavin Newsom Just Activated a MILLION MAN ARMY In California!


VIDEO: California reparations panel approves $1.2 million payments to Black residents


According to the leftists and liberals, it can be a hate crime to disagree with the gender of woman that a man identifies himself with, so I wonder if they would consider it a hate crime to disagree with the self-identified race of black when the person was born white, Latino, Asian or Native American.


VIDEO: Executed for Sleeping Around in China


Mao Zedong had four spouses but a girl having more than one boyfriend was executed.

The hypocrisy of China is appalling.

 YouTube censors are lackeys of hypocrites to ban  this reply of mine.


VIDEO: BOMBSHELL! This could END western society as we know it | Redacted with Clayton Morris


The fact is that only the white population is in decline.

However, it is a manipulated change brought about by the evil NWO that targets the white race with political agendas for depopulation, such as spreading lying propaganda of population explosion among the white population while encouraging massive migration from non-white countries to mostly white western counties under the pretext of them being refugees, brainwashing white children to hate themselves and their parents with Critical Race Theory, encouraging white children to be gay or transgender so as to reduce or destroy the reproductive power of the white race and spreading the lie of catastrophic global warming by white global warming shills idolized by ignorant white children to make them pessimistic about the future and make them less likely to have children when they grow up.

Of all races in the USA, including white, black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian and Alaska Native, white alone is the only race that decreases in population in recent years. The decline in white alone population in western countries is a change by design instead of a spontaneous change.


VIDEO: California is done

Biden says our border is secure when huge number of illegal immigrants are crossing the border into the US.

Newsom signed legislation in 2020 creating the reparations task force which recommends a payout of 1.2 million dollars for every black resident in California even though California has never been a slave state and even when California is in default on $18.5 billion of federal debt.

Dumb and Dumber is funny only on the screen but it's a horror show in politics.


VIDEO: This TERRIFYING New Discovery In Namibia SHOCKED The Entire Industry



I hope Namibia  uses  the Norwegian  model  for its  people God bless fossil fuel


What happens to Gore, Obama and Biden's warning of catastrophic global warming caused by CO2 from burning of  fossil fuels? Is the oil in Namibia magical oil that does not produce CO2 when burning?


Part 35

VIDEO: Will Retirement & Disability Payments Still Process After June 1st?


The Biden "administration" has given Ukraine more than $75 billion as foreign aid including money to pay for the pensions of Ukraine officials but now it wants to cut off or delay retirement and disability payments to Americans who had worked hard to contribute to social security and who are in badly need of financial help due to their disability. Didn't the Democrats try to show that they care about social security recipients by accusing the Republicans of trying to reduce social security benefits lately?  Yes, they did. Now that's what we call hypocrisy.


Why is it that Joe Biden wants to cut the Social Security retirement and disability payments of Americans because of the lack of money but he  has no problem spending huge amount of taxpayers' money on providing sheltering facilities and food to huge number of immigrants who entered the US illegally due to his open border policy?




FBI against child trafficking?

I know a group of corrupt people in the US entices minors children to leave their homes and parents to come to the US as unaccompanied minors with propaganda that promises the minor children that they would be taken care of but thousands of them have ended up in punishing jobs across the country — working overnight in slaughterhouses, replacing roofs, operating machinery in factories — all in violation of child labor laws when they were presumed be under the care of their so-called sponsors. Some of the girls are pressured to work in commercial sex, to pay their debts to the human smugglers. 

I wonder why the FBI is taking no action against that that group of people for child trafficking.


GOOGLE: As Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S. Ignored Warnings- The New York Times

GOOGLE: HHS ‘knowingly’ transferred migrant children to criminals, sex traffickers, GOP senators charge- Fox News

GOOGLE: Grothman: Biden Open Border Policies Led to Historic Encounters of Unaccompanied Alien Children


VIDEO: FBI Whistleblowers Speak Out: 'I Sacrificed My Dream Job To Share This With The American People'


The weaponization of People Search Sites by the radical left for smearing innocent conservatives and patriots as suspected terrorists is just as criminal as the weaponization of the FBI for the same dirty tactic.


The weaponization of the FBI against peaceful Trump supporters is just as criminal as the weaponization of the FBI against innocent presidential candidate Donald Trump as proved in the Durham Report.


Quote from the video (13:03): "FBI collusion with big tech to gather intelligence on Americans, censor  political speech and target citizens for malicious prosecution..."


VIDEO: ST IN: Matt Gaetz Plays Shocking Video Of Whistleblower, Alleges 'Political Capture' Of FBI


The FBI under the control of the radical left politicians has also been smearing innocent right-wingers as suspected terrorists and with possible criminal or traffic violation records on rogue people search sites for something as innocent as opposing CRT in school board meetings peacefully and criticizing the wrong-doings of the FBI peacefully on the internet.

Worse still, the FBI under the control of the radical left politicians is unconscionable enough to smear the family members of those innocent right-wingers as well, including an innocent teenager and an innocent deceased Alzheimer's patient with the same defaming allegations. It's the same dirty tactic used by communist dictators to defame their political opponents. The weaponization of people search sites for smearing innocent people is as criminal as the weaponization of the FBI for smearing innocent people.


VIDEO: The Texas Shooting Narrative Is Not Adding Up


Just think. The leftist politicians and the leftist media were able to lie about the attacker against Paul Pelosi being a right-wing lunatic even when the attacker's house carried an LGBT flag and a message supporting BLM.  Just imaging the extent of the lies they can tell to the public when there is no way for the public to confirm the validity of the information that they provide.




GOOGLE: How $10 Million for Gender Programs in Pakistan Got Tied to a COVID Relief Bill

GOOGLE: Biden to request $2.6B to promote gender equity worldwide

The Biden regime wants to stop social security payments to Americans who have worked hard to contribute to social security but it wants to spend huge amount of money for the so-called gender programs in other countries. What an anti-American regime the Biden regime is!

Part 36

VIDEO: COVID-19 vaccine injury compilation


The  California government is now recommending a dose of COVID-19 vaccine for children age 5 and up EVERY TWO MONTHS.  (I have a COVID-19 vaccine promotion card as proof) This is criminal considering the situation of a large number of people having sustained vaccine injuries after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

These are the exact words found on a card promoting the COVID-19 vaccine in California:





You're eligible if:

You're 5 or older

It's been 2 months since your last dose

Talk to your doctor or

find a booster near you at


Why is YouTube censoring the exact words found on a COVID-19 vaccine promotion card in California? Is YouTube censoring it because it contains harmful or false information from the California government?


Google/YouTube is in collusion with the radical left politicians in the government by censoring information regarding their intentional promotion of the problematic COVID-19 vaccine. YouTube is engaging in criminal censorship.

@andrewb2357  How about every 2 months? That's how insanely frequent the California government want parents to let their little children have the Jim Jones juice.


VIDEO: Trans athlete DENIES young girl spot in Championship tournament.


The so-called transgender female athlete is not a real female athlete.

He is a male athlete pretending to be female athlete.

He should not be allowed  to bully real female athletes.


The society has degenerated because of the degenerated ideas of the radical leftists and liberals.


VIDEO: New Fed Psy-Op EXPOSED?! Mystery "Extremist" Van CRASHES into White House


Asian man killed Asians in Monterey Park mass shooting. Leftist media : White supremacist was to blame.

Paul Pelosi attacked by liberal friend who supports BLM and LGBTQ. Leftist media: Right-wing extremist is to blame.

Jussie Smollette paid leftist black men to create fake hate crime attack on him: Leftist media:  Trump supporters were to blame.

Sai Varshth Kandula, an Indian origin man crashed van into security barrier near the White House and claimed that he wanted to kill the president. FBI under radical leftist control: White supremacy and right wing extremism is to blame.

The radical left is a political party of lies.


VIDEO: The New SEXTING Trend that's Killing Our Youth | Buddy Brown


So teenage boys wanting to mutilate their sex organs in the name of transgenderism is supported by the leftists controlling their schools and the Dem politicians but teenage boys with natural attraction to girls are driven to commit suicide by extortionists for sexting with the extortionists who pretend to be teenage girls because sexting between teenagers of the oppose sex is being shamed or even criminalized by the same group of people who encourage the transgender BS on minors as well as allowing transgender boys to dance provocatively in some  gay bars for money. The Republicans and Christians are not being reasonable, sensible and considerate either when they support the shaming and criminalizing of teenage boys like the transgender cult on the left do for the teenage boys' expressing their natural biological attraction to the opposite sex. Something has gone horribly  wrong in our society when these deplorable situations are happening.


VIDEO: WOKE Climate Extremists Pour Charcoal In Historic Trevi Fountain And FAFO After Blocking Street!


Global Warming sheeple: We hate pollution. We don't like fossil fuels because they pollute our air with CO2.  (CO2 is in fact a transparent gas essential for plant growth and life on earth. )

Also Global Warming sheeple: Let's pollute the historic Trevi Fountain with charcoal before anyone can burn it to release CO2.


Anyone who thinks global warming is happening and an existential threat to life on earth should go to Tony Heller's channel to have a reality check.


VIDEO: Cops Owned, Fired and Sued by 15yr Old

To: corbinbollschweiler2130

"Love how these dirt bags take the word of some random person who watched it happen from their front window and then built a whole narrative on it. "

VIDEO: Long Beach police shoot and kill man holding water nozzle

You can say that again.

Part 37

VIDEO: The National Anthem Is OFFENSIVE Now...No, I'm NOT Kidding

VIDEO: China Censors Its Own National Anthem


VIDEO: SMOKING-GUN Hunter Evidence NAMES "Joe" As Head Of Biden Crime Family | Blow Doors Off Investigation


2 minutes ago

It is disgusting to hear Joe Biden falsely accuse President Trump of illegally threatening a foreign leader when he was the one who did it without shame in front of the cameras.

VIDEO: Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired

VIDEO: Does a Police Checkpoint on a Bike-Trail Violate the Fourth Amendment?

These are the Chicago police who failed to stop the rioters after the killing of George Floyd but now they pretend to be doing police work by violating the the Fourth Amendment Right of innocent people with their random searches on people's belongings.  Disgusting.

VIDEO: Cops Arrest Blind Man For Having A Cane

Low IQ cops with a bloated ego on power trip.

What can go wrong?

Oh,  Cops Arrest Blind Man For Having A Cane.

That's what can go wrong.

In fact it can go even more terribly wrong as the videos below show:

VIDEO: Police Taser Blind Man, Thought Cane was 'Samurai Sword'

VIDEO: Cops Kill 70 Year Old Man Reaching For His Cane

VIDEO: Egypt Officially Say's "Cleopatra Was White" And Denounces Netflix's Blackwashing Of History

The leftists and liberals are pandering to the black racists in the USA.

VIDEO: The “Patriot Front” Fed Psyop Exposed | I Got A Bad Feeling About This… Nothing Adds Up

The real patriots should follow those individuals in the false flag parade to check out where they go to work.

VIDEO: We Were Lied To About COVID Death Rate!

The COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate of 0-19 years olds is only 0.0003%. The IFR of 0-10 years olds should be much lower. Yet the California government wants children as young as 5 years old to take the COVID-19 vaccine which the CDC admits carrying the risk of blood clots. Why?!?!?

Not only that the California government wants the young children who are least affected by COVID-19 to take the  COVID-19 vaccine with risk of blood clot, it wants them to have the risky vaccine as frequently as every 2 months, which is 6 times a year. That is a crime against humanity.

VIDEO: Shingles: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment with Dr. Mark Shalauta | San Diego Health

This doctor is very honest in admitting the possibility of the Varicella Zoster virus that cause shingles in some people come from the the chickenpox vaccine, which contains weakened but live Varicella Zoster virus.

VIDEO: Cop caught planting Marijuana In Driver's Car And This Happens..

The fact that the NYPD cop was not arrested and charged with the crimes of marijuana possession, framing and false imprisonment in spite of the video evidence proving what really happened means the NYPD is corrupt to the core and does not deserve to be a law enforcement agency.

VIDEO: IRS Whistleblower BREAKS SILENCE! Exposes Biden CRIME Evidence On Live TV | FBI In PANIC

Joe Biden is not pro-gas after he helped covering up the corruption of the then CEO of the natural gas company Burisma to facilitate the hiring of Hunter Biden as a consultant for the company shortly after Hunter Biden was fired from the US Navy for testing positive for cocaine and in spite of Hunter Biden having no experience at all in the natural gas industry. Joe Biden is pro-foreign gas rotten with corruption but anti-American gas based on his global warming or climate change scam.

VIDEO: The crowd HATED HIM! Joe Biden humiliated during his visit to HBCU!!!

"The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy."

Says who?

Says the racist hypocrite who asserted to a largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then “you ain’t black!".

Says the racist hypocrite who eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, by saying he was one of his mentors and  that the Senate is a lesser place for his going.

Says the racist hypocrite who said in 1977 that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

Says the racist hypocrite who worked with segregationist senators to oppose mandatory busing.

It's ironic and a shame such an anti-black racist hypocrite was allowed by one of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities to speak in a graduation ceremony.

VIDEO: TV Dad | Braces | Progressive Insurance Commercial

There are many black children with single moms in need of a dad.

How come TV dad Reginald just don't care? 

What a racist jerk!

I guess he prefers controlling other people's children, more specifically, the non-back children.

What happens to the TV dad commercial? 

How come it stops airing on TV so soon?  

The brainwashing project isn't working out so well, is it?

Part 38


VIDEO: Muslim Majority American City BANS LGBT Pride Flag!!! 

The radical left in the USA is only using the LGBTQ agenda as a weapon against the conservatives, especially the white conservatives and Christians. That's why they are surely not going to force the LGBTQ agenda on the black and Muslim communities in the USA. 

Remember that Obama was hell bent on forcing the white dominated boy scouts to accept gay scout leaders in spite of the BOA having a history of boy scouts raped by gay boy scout leaders? Also remember that Obama was hell bent on forcing schools in white conservative Christian majority cities to allow men cross-dressing as women,  the so-called transgender women with male genitals, to use the girls' bathrooms and locker rooms? 

But very few people noticed that while Obama was forcing the gay agenda on the white majority boy scouts and the transgender agenda on schools in white conservative Christian majority cities, he did not force his gay agenda on the organization that he created for supporting black boys. And while Obama was forcing his transgender agenda on schools in white conservative Christian majority cities, he did not force his transgender agenda on schools in Muslim majority cities. Moreover, Obama was supporting the Morehouse College, a black college, even though the college has an anti-transgender rule of banning male students from wearing female or feminine clothing.  Obama even accepted an invitation to make a commencement speech at Morehouse College in spite of the ban.

Therefore, don't be naive in thinking that the radical left politicians would feel bad about their LGBTQ agenda being rejected by the Muslim communities because their target for destruction are not  boys and girls in the black and Muslim communities but the boys and girls in the white and Christian communities.

VIDEO: Hysterical Media Scream 'CUT THE FEED!' As Trump Turns Arrest Into Rally 🇺🇸

Benny is right. The Biden regime is evil for persecuting Trump by falsely accusing Trump of committing the crimes that Joe Biden has committed, be it quid pro quo related to Ukraine or stealing classified documents.

VIDEO: WOKE School MELTS DOWN After BASED Students TAKE DOWN Pride Decorations and WEAR USA Clothing

 Bashing straight kids and forcing them to support homosexuality and transgenderism is not diversity. It's tyranny of compelling and brainwashing straight kids to submit to behavior that would lead to extinction of their race or group  especially when their race or group is singled out for being subjected to such tyranny. 

VIDEO: 200,000 Cows to be KILLED to fight "Climate Change”: Government Proposal 

It sounds as if the so-called elites controlling the governments want to reduce the human population with tyrannical control through fake science. 

VIDEO: "Unique & Shocking": Donald Trump Arrested on 37 Counts for Mishandling Classified Document 

FACT: Donald Trump did not steal classified documents as a vice president and kept them in his garage where they were accessible by his son for information to be used for corrupt business deals with a foreign country.

FACT: Donald Trump had the power to declassify any document that he wanted but then vice president Joe Biden did not have the power to declassify documents. 

When classified documents were fund in the garage of Joe Biden's home, the leftists made the lame excuse that he "inadvertently" put the classified documents in his garage instead of charging him with mishandling classified documents. That is a travesty of justice.


FACT: is still promoting the COVID-19 vaccine to children age 5 and above for as frequently as every two moths. 

Why is YouTube censoring my reply stating a fact that I found on a COVID-19 vaccine promotional card in California? By censoring that reply, YouTube is censoring information from the California government.


VIDEO: 9 people hurt after shooting in San Francisco's Mission District: Police 

Mass shooting happened in one of the US cities with the strictest gun ban!

Gun ban doesn't work on criminals. The leftist politicians know it but they just don't care because they need excuses to take guns away from good Americans.


VIDEO: Bombshell Trump Indictment UNSEALED, Truth Revealed 

Look! There is evidence of Hillary Clinton using her unsecured private server to transmit classified documents.

Google: Commentary: What the FBI didn't say about Hillary Clinton’s email

FBI with eyes close: We do not see any evidence that Hillary should be indicted.  

Look! There is evidence of Joe Biden stealing classified document and stored them in his garage when he was vice president. Google: Biden had classified documents in the garage of his Delaware home

FBI under Biden's control: We believe Joe Biden inadvertently handled classified documents as unclassified documents. Therefore, we will take no legal action against him.    

(Note: Those are not real statements from the FBI. They are just my satirical response to FBI's gross political bias. )

Part 39

VIDEO: Proud Boys CRUSH Feds Posing as Patriots in Portland! 

(2:20) The Feds posing as Patriots and Proud Boys putting their hands over their faces after their imposture has been exposed with their face masks removed by the real Patriots and Proud Boys is an admission of their guilt and shame.


VIDEO: Foxconn Production Lines Exit China, Global Supply Chain Shift Results in Mass Factory Closures 

Foreign investors left China in droves because they have had enough with Xi Jinping's draconian lockdown as a result of his stupid ZERO COVID POLICY. Many middle class people in China have gone bankrupt either because they lost their small  businesses due to the strict lockdown or because they lost their jobs due to the strict lockdown. As a result, China falls into a recession.  In other words, Xi Jinping is responsible for the economic downturn of China and suffering of the people. He should resign and let leaders who cherish freedom for the people to lead the country.


VIDEO: This Is How TEXAS Deals with WOKE Antifa Radicals!!! 

"What did we do wrong?" asked the antifa thugs after they had attacked the peaceful  protect-our-children demonstrators  with pepper spray without provocation.

The antifa thugs must be so delusional that they think their crimes would be ignored like they were in San Francisco and other deep blue cities.


VIDEO: BOMBSHELL: Proof that China CCP Owns the U.S. FBI? 

What Sam Bankman Fried did was much worse than Maydoffs' running a Ponzi's scheme.  Maydoffs was not in collusion with the Dems for money laundering in addition to running a Ponzi scheme. That's why Maydoffs was in jail but SBF is  not.

VIDEO: The FTX Disaster is Deeper Than you Think 

Much like Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to tax evasion and was caught committing perjury  to buy a gun and owning a gun illegally but he did not face any jail time while poor people with no Deep State connection have to serve years in jail for the same crimes.

The Dem party is a party of lawlessness and corruption.


VIDEO:YIKES: Bud Light Just Dropped New Ad | Nuclear RATIO, DELETES Account 

It's not true that the commercial shown in this video is the first Bud Light commercial after the transgender debacle.

I live in California and I see that a Bud Light commercial in California not only goes totally straight, it resorts to indulging men in their sexual fantasy as well.



VIDEO: Student secretly RECORDED this horrible teacher... INSANE. 

Too bad the lackey police just follow the orders of the politicians in power. The students who stand against the lunatic left may get arrested instead. Don't you know that a father in Canada was put in jail for calling his daughter who claims to be a transgender boy his daughter in court? This perversion would not have happened without the cooperation of the lackey police.


VIDEO: 'Is There A Difference Between Women And Men?': Ted Cruz Grills Human Rights Campaign President 

We should stop calling those men on gender doping in women's sport "trans women".

They should be called "gender-doping men". 

Gender-doping men are biological men on gender doping so that they can pretend to be some kind of women. 

Gender-doping men can never transform themselves into real women and their stronger male physique would remain in spite of gender doping. That's why gender-doping men should not be allowed to be in women's sports.


VIDEO: Rapper Kodak Black SNAPS On Biden Family | 'Was Locked Up While Hunter WALKS FREE For SAME Crime' 

So Hunter Biden may avoid criminal convictions and jail time related to his perjury on a federal background check form for buying a gun and illegal possession of a gun because of the so-called Diversion program. 

Is that White Privilege at work or Deep State Privilege at work?


VIDEOI: CRI.MINAL BEHAVIOR' Tucker Drops Truth B0MB on Biden after BRUTALLY shows Hunter’s business 

Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to tax evasion. So Hunter Biden is now officially a criminal.


VIDEO: Cop breaks into parked car, how he covers it up is disturbing! | PAR 

Those politicians and police officers who knowingly used faulty breathalyzer tests or allowed faulty breathalyzer tests to be used for the conviction and/or jailing of innocent people should all be convicted with obstruction of justice and do jail time. Their indifference to the suffering and destruction caused by them to their victims is inexcusable and they should be ashamed of themselves for their immoral acts or decisions.


VIDEO: Dark Underbelly of 'Trans Surgery': Director of 'Gender Transformation' 

I think the radical left and liberal teachers create the problem of gender dysphoria in children in the US by brainwashing them to believe the lie that gender is not established at birth but the result of social construct. It is a problem created among  the children, especially the white children, in western countries for the purpose of destroying the western civilization.


Part  40

VIDEO: Tanks Out on Switzerland Streets After Rioting Inspired By Violence in France | Watch

The riots and lootings must be stopped and the rioters and looters sent back where they came from or the western countries are done.


VIDEO: Bank of America is in Trouble

The interest rates of the treasury bonds are determined by the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is controlled by The Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors is run by members who are nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed in their positions by the U.S. Senate.

That means Joe Biden and the US Senate are the ones responsible for creating the US Treasury Yield Curve inversion that is causing big troubles in many US banks.


VIDEO: Hacked them so we could listen from their laptop

VIDEO: YouTube Scam $32 E-Bike 2023 03 19

I wonder if you guys expect the government to do something about the scumbags who scammed YouTuber's money with the  Electric-Bike scam and the scumbags who colluded with the Electric-Bike scammers by allowing the scammers to put those scamming advertisements on YouTube knowingly.


VIDEO: Substance found at White House tests positive for cocaine

 Is the police going to raid the White House with guns drawn and ready to shoot anyone on sight like they did in some homes in the poor neighborhood suspected of having cocaine? 

Brandon and his son can get away with their felonies while Trump is constantly smeared with crimes that he did not commit because the FBI and the DOJ are under Brandon's devious control.


VIDEO: Alien Confused As Earth Leaders Try To Explain All The Human Genders 

"The planet has no sign of intelligent life."


The space aliens talked to the crazy liberals only intentionally and reported it to their leaders so as to have an excuse to destroy all humans and take over the earth. (Sarcasm)


VIDEO: Pregnant woman shoots potential robber at Houston gas station 

Are you a freaking liberal who think that if you are a man who believe you are a pregnant woman, then everyone, including the doctors who don't believe in liberal crap, must treat you as a pregnant woman? 

Do you realize how insane your statement of "everyone is pregnant in America" is?


VIDEO: Heat Wave Kills THOUSANDS In... Europe?! | Louder With Crowder 

When hundreds of people in Texas died from freezing cold during a power outage in Texas in a winter month in 2021 because the wind turbines mandated by the global warming scammers for generating electricity were frozen up with ice and natural gas power plants failed because they were not well-maintained due to suppression of fossil fuel power plants by the global warming scammers, the leftist and liberal media either remain silent about the cold related deaths or played down the cold-related deaths by grossly under reporting the number of deaths.

GOOGLE: Go read this investigation into the real death toll from the Texas freeze 

However, when only 13 people in Texas died from heat related weather in a summer month this year, the leftist and liberal media talked as if the world is going to end due to global warming. 

Of course, they do not want people to know about the deadly heat wave in North America in 1896 when the CO2 level was lower than that of today's. The 1896 eastern North America heat wave was a 10-day heat wave in New York City, Boston, Newark and Chicago that killed about 1,500 people in August 1896. 

In fact, the hottest temperature ever in Texas was 120 degrees, recorded in Seymour in August 1936 and Monahans in June 1994 when the CO2 level was also lower than that of today's. 

The global warming and climate change scammers blaming on CO2 from fossil fuels may keep on lying but their lies don't make sense to people who are not their sheeple.


VIDEO: "Racist" Tweet GETS UPDATED After What People Noticed!! 

The Democrats were the original KKK and slave holders.

Democrat Erica Marsh just wants to remind us how racist the Democrats really are.


VIDEO: Shanghai & Beijing Are All Doomed? Physical Stores & Large Supermarkets Are Closing One After Another 

The economic downfall of China is the result of Xi Jinping's ZERO COVID POLICY that put the cities in draconian lockdown. 

It is scary that Xi Jinping has been showing signs that he wants to follow the path Mao Zedong, the communist leader who's wrongful policies caused the starving to death of 30 million Chinese people during his so-called GREAT LEAP FORWARD.


VIDEO: Riley Gaines Drops The Mic At LGBT Senate Hearing 

The radical leftists and liberals are violating women's right while pretending to protect women's right with their "transgender women" BS. What a bunch of sick hypocrites!


VIDEO: The Teen Who Was Caught On Camera Murdering A Reporter

he radical leftists and liberals like to pander to the violent criminals while pretending to be people of love and compassion. What a shame!


Part 41

 VIDEO: White House Shows Support to Block Out the Sun; France Burns Amid Migrant Riots 

Fact 1: Green plants need to take in CO2 from the air to make food for themselves and for humans and animals.

Radical left politicians of the evil NWO: Let's ban fuels that release CO2 and encourage sequestering of CO2 in the ground with the lie of global warming blamed on CO2.


Fact 2: Most plants need fertilizers which contains nitrogen to make plant grow better and bear better fruits.

Radical left politicians of the evil NWO: Let's ban fertilizer by blaming it as a pollutant.


Fact 3: Green plants need light energy to produce food that give humans and animals the energy for life.

Radical left politicians of the evil NWO: Let's spent huge amount of taxpayers' money to spray harmful chemicals into the atmosphere to block out sunlight with the lie that it is urgently needed to prevent global warming.

 Obviously, the radical left politicians of the evil NWO want to create severe food shortage on earth with the lie of wanting to prevent catastrophic global warming when the earth is actually cooling instead of warming according to uncorrupted temperature data.  

Oh , by the way. are the leftist sheeple really so stupid that they would be deceived by the radical left politicians with the lie that we need to replace fossil fuel energy with solar energy to stop global warming as well as with the lie that we need to spray chemicals into the atmosphere to block out sunlight to  prevent global warming?

Obviously, many of them are really that stupid.


Leftist politicians: We need to use solar energy to replace fossil fuel energy to prevent global warming.

Also leftist politicians: We need to block off the sun by spraying chemicals into the stratosphere to prevent global warming.


Leftist politicians: We need to install solar panels on our roof to prevent global warming. Solar panels are black because they can absorb more light energy to produce electricity.

Also leftist politicians: We need to paint the roof of our houses white  so that sunlight can be reflected back to space to  prevent global warming. 

Leftist sheeple: Politician on the left are the ones who make sense.


VIDEO: Alien Confused As Earth Leaders Try To Explain All The Human Genders 

Leaders of Asian countries ban schools from teaching minor children that gender dysphoria is normal,  ban schools from allowing minor children to mutilate their reproductive organs or any sex differentiating organs with surgery and ban schools from allowing minor children from using gender-doping to cause permanent damage to their reproductive organs, especially when such harmful acts are done  to the minor children by not letting the parents know about the harm being done to their children. 

Those Asian country leaders, including that of China, know that such wrongful and criminal acts of encouraging and allowing minor children to have permanent damage done to their reproductive organs would cause destruction to their countries and the eastern civilization because the people in their counties would be in conflicts on the issue and the people with gender dysphoria can not or will not have children to keep their population from declining. 

On the other hand, western countries controlled by radical left leaders who sold out their countries to the evil NWO with an insidious agenda of destroying the white people, more specifically, the Caucasian people, have no problem allowing schools in white majority cities to teach minor children that gender dysphoria is normal  and allowing those schools to let minor children to have their reproductive organs permanently destroyed with surgery or drugs. 

Even  though those radical left politicians try to pretend that their allowing gender dysphoria to be normalized and allowing the reproductive organs of minor children to be destroyed permanently with surgery or drugs has nothing to do with race but the fact is that such policies harmful to minor children are fervently carried out in white majority schools only and there is serious push back with success from Islamic parents, who are mostly of Middle Easterners, when those radical left politicians tried to introduce books supporting those wrongful and harmful polices to the Islamic majority schools in their lame pretense that those policies have nothing to do with race.

That's why we see that children being allowed to indulge in their transgender nonsense by the school and get into conflicts with one or more of their parents even in court are mostly, if not all, white children.



Let me  make your statement more clear .

Western countries (allow the transgender BS) but not (Asia which) bans it. 

I have already explained why western counties allow the transgender BS.

The transgender BS has been weaponized against the white people in western countries by the radical left politicians who sold out their countries to the evil NWO.


Part 42

VIDEO: Massive Store Closures & Unemployment in Shanghai and Shenzhen. The Great Depression Strikes China 

Xi Jingping's ZERO COVID POLICY  is like Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward movement.Both were imposed as a policy that would bring positive results to the survival of the people but both turned out to have disastrous results to the survival of the people. It is bad for any country when it is under the absolute control of just one supposedly infallible leader. 

VIDEO: $10,000 Fines & A Felony For Misgendering In The United States!!!! 

Calling a man with male genital a man is a felony just because the man wants to pretend to be a woman!

The traitors want to destroy the US Constitution even after they have taken oath to protect it. They are the real felons who should be in jail.


VIDEO: "These are OUR kids!" Biden calls Americans "prejudiced" in SHOCKING response to reporter 

He couldn't successfully raise his own kids is an understatement. 

Hunter would have been sentenced to jail for a long time for the illegal things that he committed had he not been Joe Biden's son.


VIDEO: South Park DEMOLISHES Trans-Bathroom Madness & Goes Viral For PERFECTLY Predicting It! 

They had "early access" to the crazy stuffs that the so-called elites want to promote with the use of the mass media and the education system under their control.  South Park does not "DEMOLISH" Trans-Bathroom Madness. It initiated spreading of the crazy idea to be normalized.


VIDEO: Joe Biden INDICTS Whistleblower Who EXPOSED Biden Crime Family | Whistleblower BREAKS SILENCE 

Why is Benny not sued by the Biden family for called it the "Biden Crime Family" for libel?

I think it's because Benny is telling the truth.


VIDEO:  California on the verge of passing an INSANE law to make RACE a factor in sentencing CRIMINALS! 

The democrats are so hypocritical that they have no shame claiming that they are doing something justified and legal when in fact it is something wrong and illegal. They just use a positive term to camouflage their wrong and illegal practice so that the dem sheeple would accept their wrong-doings.

Here are some examples of the democrats' distortion of reality.

Discrimination against white and Asian students in college admission-  "Affirmative action". (Repealed by the SCOTUS).

Allowing invasion of the USA by illegal immigrants-  "Providing sanctuary to refugees".

Allowing minor children to mutilate their reproductive organs without the knowledge and permission of their parents - "Gender Affirming Care".

Allowing racial discrimination against white people in sentencing criminals-   "Action of Reparation".

What a disgusting situation it is!


VIDEO: White House BLAMES KAMALA For Cocaine Scandal | SET UP!? Kamala to be REPLACED in 2024? 

Just like the Biden regime had covered up J6 security videos so that the radical left politicians and the RINOs could lie whatever they wanted and put innocent Trump supporters in jail until uncensored J6 videos proving their innocence were released to the House under Republican control then to the public, it is possible that the Biden regime is also covering up the Cocaine gate security videos in the White House so that they could cover up the crime committed by any member of the Biden family and put the blame on someone they want to get rid of. 

Amazed at how low this "administration" is willing to go?

I'm amazed that some people are dense enough to think Joe Biden is carrying out administrative work in the White House in spite of his impeachable act of opening up the border to allow huge number of illegal immigrants to march through the southern border into the USA and in spite of a huge number of young Americans have been killed by fentanyl smuggled in by illegal immigrants. 

Betraying one's own country is not an act of administration


VIDEO: 'That Motherf*cker is NOT Real! | Lady Goes VIRAL After 'Lizard Person' PANIC Encounter On Flight 

Conservative little girl in distress in the girls' locker room: That person in our locker room is not a real woman. I saw him expose his penis  in front of me. 

Liberal teacher in locker room: How dare you misgender her as him!  She is our new teacher for gender studies.

 Conservative little girl: That person is not a real woman. He is a man. I don't want to be in a locker room with a man who exposed his penis in front of me. I want to go home. 

Liberal teacher in locker room: You are a liar. Your new teacher for gender studies is too fat to allow her penis to be visible. Shut up or I will put you in detention.

Conservative little girl: Her penis!  Are you crazy? What is wrong with you? 


VIDEO: "Transwoman" NOT GUILTY of Flashing Genitalia In Girls Locker Room After Judge Rules 'She' Is Too Fat 

That perverted situation is happening because we have a "president" with cocaine in the White House who has sold out the country to the evil NWO. 


Part 43

VIDEO: BREAKING: FBI Documents On Joe Biden's $10M BRIBERY Crime RELEASED | DC in PANIC! 

(7-20-2023 4:45 pm Pacific Time) See advertisement on top right corner. Do not fall for YouTube's Electric Bike Scam.

Note: The scamming advertisement does not appear in all YouTube page with the above video. It appears to be shown on the webpage of specific targets only. I'm sure it's a scam because I ordered it with the intention to find out what it is about and got first hand confirmation that it is a scam. I got a full refund from my bank after I have exposed it to be a scam. 

YouTube is targeting conservatives and Trump supporters for scamming. YouTube should be sued. 

I have made screenshots of the E-Bike scamming advertisement that YouTube knowingly puts on its webpage next to videos exposing the lies and frauds of the radical left politicians.  I now consider YouTube to be in collusion with the scammers.


VIDEO: BREAKING NEWS: Jim Jordan Quotes Jen Psaki's Own Words To Make Case Government Was Censoring Speech 

Isn't it strange that very often after I have post some comments or replies on YouTube exposing the lies or criticizing the policies of the radical left politicians, my home phone would start to ring?   The caller either keeps silent or tries to scam me with various scams including Auto Accident Compensation Scam. 

The scammers all have very strong Indian accent. Sometimes the scam is carried out with a computer generated voice instead of a live person. Sometimes I receive more than ten phone calls of such evil nature in one day. 

 I suspect that the radical leftists are in collusion with criminals in foreign countries to target conservatives and Trump supporters with intimidation and scamming. I have received two silent phone calls when I'm making this reply. The radical leftists are trying to destroy the freedom of speech in the USA. They are traitors to the USA.


VIDEO: Paying $1.8 BILLION to minorities that FAILED tests 

What next? Black and Hispanic students who failed their examination in schools and colleges sue the public school or college for racial discrimination and demand a big pay check?

 The United States Supreme Court has already outlawed favoritism towards black and Hispanic students in entrance examination by repealing the so-called affirmative action. The racist trick that those politicians and judges used in New York for buying political support with taxpayers' money is both illegal and anti-constitutional.


VIDEO: Florida GOP Declares Covid Vaccines BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS!!! 

Covid Vaccines declared BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS by Florida GOP.

Finally some people with the intellect and courage to do what is right for humanity.


VIDEO: Starnes: Why Obama smeared Christians at prayer event 

YouTube search "France has fallen."

That Obama does not condemn the rise of violence among Muslims in the world but picks on Christians who are more peaceful than the Muslims is sickening.


VIDEO: East Bay landlord ends hunger strike after county lets eviction moratorium expire 

"If you take a loaf of bread without paying at a store, you can be arrested."

Well, actually it depends on if you are white or non-white. If you are non-white, especially black, you are likely to get away with it. Don't forget that in a radical left controlled state like California, it is even illegal for employers to require any of their employers to confront , let alone arrest, shoplifters.

GOOGLE: New bill prevents employers from mandating workers to confront shoplifters 

Now the radical left politicians are like stealing money from mom and pop landlords as a bribe for voters who want to live at their landlord's property like parasites without paying rent even though the pandemic has ended a long time ago.


VIDEO: Secret Service Found THREE Bags Of Coke At White House! Biden-Insider Blows Whistle LIVE on Show 

The Dems were able to hide the security videos of J6 counter to their narratives. No double that they are able to hide the security videos of Cocainegate that are counter to their narratives as well.

e prints on the bag of cocaine in the White House?

No DNA on the bag of cocaine in the White House?

No security video showing who brought the bag of cocaine into the White House?

The secret service and the FBI want the Americans to believe that they have completed their investigation and were unable to find who brought the bag of cocaine into the White House with those questionable claims. Do they think all Americans are stupid Democrats? Besides, why sniffer dogs were not used to detect who brought the bag of cocaine into the White House? Just another crime committed by someone in the White House and covered up by the Biden regime.


Part 44

VIDEO: The Failure of America's $1 Billion Solar Farm

GOOGLE: Biden-Harris Administration Launches $7 Billion Solar for All Grant Competition to Fund Residential Solar Programs that Lower Energy Costs for Families and Advance Environmental Justice Through Investing in America Agenda (June 28, 2023)

GOOGLE: More gloomy news from Biden! White House says it's open to plan that would BLOCK sunlight from hitting surface of the Earth in bid to limit global warming

Is Joe Biden for solar energy or against solar energy?


There is no justification and legal basis for Google / YouTube to not only censor but to delete as well my previous reply exposing the self-contradicting policies and stupidity of the Biden regime related to solar energy.

All I did was just showing the titles of the exact reports allowed to be published by the online media and asked the appropriate question, " Is Joe Biden for solar energy or against solar energy?". 

Google / YouTube is breaking the antitrust Law and violating my First Amendment Right of Free Speech.

Google / YouTube's violations are recorded and may be used against it in the court of law when the legal system is not under the devious control of the radical leftists.


To: mas5867 

Thank you for the good news of the solar farm being back up again.

But I got bad news for you and the solar farm.

Biden's White House says it's open to plan that would BLOCK sunlight from hitting surface of the Earth in bid to limit "global warming".


To: mas5867  Biden's White House says it's open to plan that would BLOCK sunlight from hitting surface of the Earth in bid to limit "global warming". Is that good or bad news for you?


To: mas5869 Google / YouTube may exonerate itself by testifying that it is coerced to do so by Biden's weaponized FBI just like the leftist media were coerced to lie about reports of Hunter Biden's laptop having evidence of crimes committed by Joe Biden and Hunter Biden being Russian disinformation. If so, then the Biden's FBI is the culprit of those violations. 

But then may be the head of Biden's FBI can exonerate himself by testifying that he was coerced by Joe Biden to coerce Google / YouTube to violate the First Amendment Right of the People like Joe Biden coerced the Ukraine president to fire a prosecutor investigating the fossil fuel energy company Burisma for corruption so that cocaine-sniffing Hunter Biden could become a fossil fuel bigwig in Burisam in spite of Joe Biden suppressing the use of fossil fuels in the USA and threatening to put US fossil fuel CEOs in jail in his global warming scam.  If so, then Joe Biden is the culprit who should be impeached.


VIDEO: Transgender New Hampshire State Rep ARRESTED on HORRIFIC charges! Hide your CHILDREN! 

It is disgusting that You Tube is still colluding with online scammers in its attempt to scam money from viewers of conservative videos. YouTube's E-Bike Clearance Scam has already been exposed. Now YouTube is advertising for Bed Bath & Beyond Clearance sales. However, the company name listed in the advertisement is a fake company called AIMARK LTD, which is located in London, instead of in the USA as it should. Here is the info about AIMARK LTD from SabiReview on facebook: 

“AIMARK Ltd” which is allegedly located in Chase Side, London is not a genuine company. Investigations show it is a shady company linked to many untrustworthy online stores like Bumdox, etc.

If you’re considering shopping from an online store that has AIMARK LTD as it’s parents company, please STOP! Read these reviews first.


Aimark Ltd Scam - See Reviews & Solutions! - SabiReviews

“AIMARK Ltd” which is allegedly located in Chase Side, London is not a genuine company.…" 


What is wrong with the YouTube management?

Why is YouTube wallowing in the cesspool with the online scammers?


VIDEO: SHOCKING White House Report CONFIRMS Chemtrails 

Leftist politicians: To stop global warming, we need to stop using fossil fuels that emit CO2 and rely on renewable energy like solar power that turns light energy from the sun into electricity.

Also leftist politicians: To stop global warming, we need to block off the sun. One way to block off the sun is to spray chemtrails into the stratosphere.

Leftist sheeple: That totally makes sense.


VIDEO: Are they doing this on purpose? Decoy Voice 

What next? Black and Hispanic students who failed their examination in schools and colleges sue the public school or college for racial discrimination and demand a big pay check? 

The United States Supreme Court has already outlawed favoritism towards black and Hispanic students in entrance examination by repealing the so-called affirmative action. The racist trick that those politicians and judges used in New York for buying political support with taxpayers' money is both illegal and anti-constitutional.

Part 45

VIDEO:  Former Trans Navy SEAL Announces DeTransition, Says 'Transgender Ideology Is Cultish'

When freedom is abused to prey on children, it becomes tyranny.



I think the leftist politicians' stupid idea of trying to force trucking companies to give up their practical trucks that run on diesel and to spend a fortune to buy some impractical trucks that run on electricity for shorter range with a huge, heavy and expensive battery is one of the reasons why some truck companies are giving up their trucking business.  Leftist politicians are experts in pretending to be experts in things that they are clueless in.


VIDEO: Is CO2 Really a Greenhouse Gas? 

The experiment in the video is only proof that PURE CO2 absorbs more heat than air that has about 400 ppm of CO2 in it. The air is not made of pure CO2. It is now is said to be having 400 ppm (part per million) of CO2.

That means there is 400 parts of CO2 in 1,000,000 parts of air by volume or 1 part of CO2 in 2,500 parts of air.

Only by repeating the experiment with one bag of air without CO2 (It can be absorbed by sodium hydroxide.) and one bag of normal air with 400 ppm CO2, can we find out the fact that the difference is negligible if detectable at all. 

However, repeating the experiment with a bag with normal air having about 400 ppm CO2 and a bag without CO2 but a little water placed at the bottom that is allowed to evaporate for some time. (It means it should have a significantly higher humidity when measured with a hygrometer) We can find out that water vapor is a way more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2.  The effect of CO2 as a green house gas is negligible when compared to that of water vapor.


VIDEO: Water vapour: a more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2

Global warming due to CO2 is a scam.


VIDEO:  OUTRAGE: Biden Sends $60,000 Burial Bill To Family of Marine He Killed 

When is the traitor in the White House going to be impeached and pay for his crimes against the Americans?


VIDEO: 20 Crazy Things That Can't Be Seen Anywhere But In Dubai

 You bet when Barack Obama, Al Gore and Joe Biden visit oil rich Dubai, they are not going to rant about global warming or climate crisis caused by CO2 from burning fossil fuel.


VIDEO: BOTH Obama & Bill Clinton's Chefs Died In Mysterious Drowning Accidents | Huh - What Is Happening? 

Do not fall for the scam advertised on YouTube as Bed Bath & Beyond clearance sale

GOOGLE: Aimark Ltd Scam - See Reviews & Solutions!- SabiReviews


VIDEO: This will keep getting worse 

The reason that the criminals are attacking and killing store employees for stopping them from stealing is neither the fault of the employees nor the employers. It is the fault of the radical left politicians who allow those violent criminals to get very light punishment or no punishment at all. 

It is a fact that most of such attacks and killings of store employees happen in cities and states controlled by radical left politicians. The radical left politicians are pandering to the criminals because they know they have lost the support of the good Americans.


VIDEO: PROOF Lizard People Run Congress!? Creepy, Unblinking Staff Recite Speech, Scold Fake Rep on Live TV 

Stacey Plaskett threatens President Trump's life by saying on camera that he should be shot. (5:45 - 6:03)

So is Stacey Plaskett in FBI's terrorist watch list and listed in those so-called people search sites as a terrorist suspect? Of course not. Because she is a cohort of the radical leftists controlling the FBI.

But the FBI has no problem defaming innocent people who protested peacefully at school meetings against the anti-white propaganda of Critical Race Theory being used for brainwashing their children and defaming innocent people who criticized peacefully the wrong-doings of the FBI on the internet with proof as terrorist suspects. The FBI has been weaponized by the radical leftists in the Democratic Party . That's why this travesty of justice is happening.


VIDEO: Former New York Post Editor Laughs When Detailing Censorship Of Bombshell Hunter Biden Laptop Story 

We live in a time where the truth tellers get ruined and the crooked lying cheats get ahead... before their epic fall.

Examples:  Sam Bankman-Fried,  Sam Brinton.

There will be more to come. Hunter's Biden's pleading guilty to the tax evasion charge and no contest to the gun charge is just the beginning of his fall.


Part 46

VIDEO:  Now We Know Why Democrats Are Militarizing The IRS 

Who is responsible for the militarization of the IRS?

The hypocrite whose son was convicted of tax evasion, proven to have committed perjury in buying a gun and owning a gun illegally.

Did he use his militarized IRS on his son?

Of course not. That's why he is called a hypocrite.


VIDEO: The TRUTH About J6 Officer Aquilino Gonell 

Had it not been for the Republicans regained control of the House and secured release of the security videos that expose the lies of the leftist politicians and their lackeys, they are likely to get away with their lies and their crimes of putting innocent Trump supporters in jail. 

He lied in court and in Congress under oath knowing that the leftist politicians would cover up the video evidence contradictory to his lies.  He should be put in jail for perjury. The leftist politicians should be charged with Obstruction of Justice for withholding video evidence proving that he lied from being presented in court.


VIDEO: Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough; Powering Electric Vehicles; Carbon Capture | 60 Minutes Full Episodes 


Carbon dioxide + Water +  Light Energy→ Glucose + Oxygen + Water.

Glucose is then turned into starch.

Starch can be turned into protein with the addition of nitrogen (Nitrogen is present in fertilizer) 

The equation for photosynthesis is the most important equation for life on earth. However, it is being ignored by the teachers, scientists and politicians on the left in order to perpetrate their global warming scam . 

34:20  The scientists who capture CO2 from the air under the false idea that it is responsible for global warming are taking away an essential substance for green plants to make food for themselves and for all animals, including humans. These scientist may lead to worldwide failure of crops and starvation of humans in the future if CO2 capture is done in large scale.  

When CO2 is being sequestered, the oxygen atoms are buried together with the CO2 molecules and cannot be recycled by green plants to be released back to the atmosphere.  As a result, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere that humans need will decrease as well. 

In fact the earth has been cooling instead of warming for decades and global warming debunker Tony Heller found out that temperature data both past and present have been corrupted by the global warming scammers to create  graphs made with the corrupted data to produce the false impression of global warming. 

The CO2 concentration of about 400 ppm is actually no problem to the climate and no problem for human health at all. Actually CO2 level around 1,000 ppm is still no problem to human health but it is a more suitable level for plant growth. That's why CO2 levels in green houses for producing food are increased artificially between 1,000 ppm and 1,500 ppm. CO2 is not toxic to humans until it reaches a level of about 5,000 ppm.

 The CO2 concentration in the Dinosaur Era was about 5 times (2000 ppm) that of today's level of 400 ppm. Yet, both plants and animals were doing fine and there was no run away global warming caused by CO2 as the global warming scammers lie about. 

Now some stupid scientist even want to take away another essential factor for plants to make food.  They want to spray chemicals into the stratosphere to block off the sun with the stupid idea that it needs to be done to stop global warming when global warming is just a lie. By blocking off the sun, the green plant on earth will not have sufficient sun light to carry out Photosynthesis to make food. Combined with the reduction in CO2 in the air, worldwide famine will be the only result.  

Moreover, the the chemicals that the global warming scammers plan on spraying,  calcium carbonate particulates and  sulfur dioxide gas, will both cause  severe harm to human health as well as to the environment when sprayed in huge quantities all over the world as they plan on doing. Even when sea water is sprayed instead, the contamination of farmlands and forests  by sea water will cause worldwide crop failures and irreparable harm to both trees and animals in the forests.  

Actually, the politicians who spread the global warming scam do not believe their own lie. That's why Barack Obama bought a beach front mansion even though he claims global warming will cause severe flooding in coastal cities. That's why Joe Biden helped his cocaine-sniffing son Hunter Biden to become a fossil fuel bigwig in a large natural gas company in Ukraine with a corrupt CEO while he threatened to put innocent US fossil fuel CEOs in jail.

For the sake of humanity, the global warming / climate change scam of the leftist politicians must be stopped or their pernicious actions in perpetrating their scam will bring widespread famine and destruction to humankind.


Part 47

VIDEO: THIS IS CRAZY! | Obama ON VIDEO Admitting What Trump Has Been Saying Is True (Dan Bongino Show) 

Joe Biden confirms the voter fraud admitted by Obama (11:00 - 11:34) to be true.

VIDEO: Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history.


VIDEO: Cops COVER-UP Death At Obama's Mansion | Silence Witness, Delete 911 Calls, Change Stories | WHY?! 

Don't be surprised that you and your family members regardless of age, even the deceased family members, are being smeared on people search sites by the FBI under the devious control of the radical left politicians as suspects involved in an extremist group or terrorist activity or associated with such suspects, just because you are vocal about those criminal traitors.

The FBI has already been weaponized by the radical left politicians to defame innocent Americans who dare to expose, criticize, or protest peacefully against the crimes, lies, frauds, corruption and radical policies of the radical left politicians and the wrong-doings of the FBI. It's a similar tactic used by the communist dictators.

Keep our peace and don't be scare of them.  They are the  ones who have to worry about their crimes being exposed.


VIDEO: 4th indictment a very likely reality for former President Trump 

It is disgusting that the radical left politicians are still PERSECUTING Donald Trump in spite of all previous attempts to incriminate him for crimes that the did not commit failed one after another. 

The real criminal is this man whose crime the radical left cabal is covering up.


VIDEO:  The J6 Indictment Just BLEW UP in the Dems' Face!!! 

There is NO WAY President Trump believes the 2020 presidential election was a fair election as Jackass Smith falsely accuses Trump of.

The fact that President Trump posted a video of Joe Biden bragging about having created the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud  organization in the history of American politics is conclusive proof  that he did not believe the 2020 presidential election was a fair election.

Jackass Smith is ignoring the evidence that proves Trump is innocent and Biden is guilty.

President Trump should present the video of Biden bragging about his election fraud posted in Donald J Trump channel on YouTube in court as proof that he believed the 2020 election was stolen by Joe Biden when he called for a peaceful protest.


VIDEO: Arizona teen missing for nearly 4 years shows up safe at Montana police station 

Imagine if she were a minor in South America and she decided to run away from home to the USA

because the "Biden administration" promised "Unaccompanied Minors" would not be turned back. 

Google: Why are unaccompanied minors coming across the border?

Leftist poster: "Many children attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border are asylum seekers left with no choice but to flee their homes. Seeking asylum is not a crime. Every child has a right to safety, protection and a future, regardless of who they are or where they're from."

Google: Federal judge says US can’t turn away unaccompanied migrant children using public health law

"A federal judge has blocked the Trump administration from turning back unaccompanied migrant children at the US-Mexico border under a public health order implemented in March, a major blow to the administration, which has relied on the order to swiftly expel migrants during the coronavirus pandemic."

Google: Biden’s Open Border Policy Fuels Violence Against Women, Children

"One study estimated that 60% of unaccompanied migrating children are caught by cartels and exploited through child pornography and drug trafficking.

As long as Biden incentivizes foreigners to illegally immigrate...Mexican drug cartels will continue to have a river of prey to rob, rape, abuse and exploit. Yet Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to encourage the flow of unaccompanied minors, promising not to expel them and to "care for that young child." That’s a false promise, of course: the administration immediately loses track of one-third of minors it allows in, and cannot locate over 85,000 migrant children in the United States. 

A whistleblower at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently testified before Congress on the scandal:

"Today, children will work overnight shifts at slaughterhouses, factories, restaurants to pay their debts to smugglers and traffickers. Today, children will be sold for sex. Today, children will call a hotline to report they are being abused, neglected and trafficked.""


Why is the "Biden administration" having a double standard regarding minors who run away from home in South Americas to the USA and minors who run away from home in the USA? 

Imagine if this case happened in Mexico and she turned out be be one of the many "unaccompanied minors" welcomed by the "Biden administration"


Part 48

VIDEO: They Really F*cking Did This 

Trump falsely accused by the FBI of inciting political violence.

The deep state controlled FBI is not ashamed to falsely accuse Trump of committing the crime that it has been proven to have committed in more than one occasion. Disgusting.


VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy Asked Point Blank If Joe Biden Is A Legitimately Elected President 

If any Republican candidate really thinks one day voting, voter ID,  paper ballots and match to voter file can stop voter fraud of the Dems, he is just too naive.


If the poll watchers for overseeing the voting and vote counting process in a voting center likely to be dominated by the opposing political party do not have the power to gain reasonable access at the voting center to carry out the job and do not have sufficient power to challenge the integrity of the voting or vote counting,  relying on the Democrats to obey the rule and laws of voting is like trusting people in a scam center to obey the law.

If Vivek Ramaswamy do not believe what I say, he can get confirmation from the man in the video below:


VIDEO: I Went to the World Economic Forum as a Spy —THIS is What Scared Me The Most | #16


Bill Gates calls for depopulation with new vaccines but he has three children.


Ted Turner, founder of CNN, calls for depopulation and urges global one-child policy but he has four children.


Joe Biden affirmed China's former tyrannically enforced one-child policy as one that he fully understood but he has four children.

What a bunch of hypocrites!


VIDEO: Internet heroes FIND teacher's messages & accounts!! Got her FIRED, this is crazy.


Besides being racist and evil, she is damn ugly.

No, she is ugly not because she is black but because of the murderous evil in her mind showing on her face.


Conspiracy to Commit Murder is a federal criminal offense.

I wonder why this racist criminal is not arrested and charged by the FBI with Conspiracy to Commit Murder.

Is it because she is a radical leftist who hates Trump supporters like some FBI top officials obviously are?


Based on the fact that this reply is being stealth banned by YouTube, I would not be surprised if there are some radical leftists in the YouTube management and censorship team who hate Trump supporters and possibly share the same racist and evil mind set this like this evil woman has.


I remember a former YouTube CEO refused to delete the post of an Obama supporter on YouTube inciting his radical left cohort to tie me up on a tree and kill me because I exposed Obama's political fraud and black racism in my debate against the Obama supporter in spite of my formal complaint to the former YouTube CEO in a letter.

Seems like YouTube has not improved much since Obama if not getting worse at all.


VIDEO: Best Buy Gets It's Bud Light Moment By Banning White People!? What Were They Thinking?


When leftists and liberals say they want "diversity", it means they want discrimination against white people.


When leftists and liberals say they want to "protect women's right", it means they want to protect fake women's trickery to bully real female athletes.


When leftists and liberals say they want to "fix the broken immigration system", it means they want to destroy the US border and the immigration system to flood the US with illegal immigrants.


When leftists and liberals say they want to "protect our children's right", it means they want minor children to be able to mutilate their genitals and reproductive system for life with drugs or surgery behind their parents' back.


When leftists and liberals say Hunter Biden's laptop crime story being "Russian disinformation", it means they want us to believe their leftist and liberal media lies for covering up his and his father's crimes.


When leftists and liberals say J6 was an "insurrection" by Trump supporters, it means they want you to believe their kangaroo court trial with exculpable evidence for the Trump supporters and incriminating evidence against the FBI for false flag being covered up is proof of insurrection.


When leftists and liberals say "Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fair and square", it means they want to pretend that the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics created by Obama and Biden do not exist even though it was admitted by Biden to his cohort on video.


When leftists and liberals speak on TV to the American public, they spew lies without shame.


Part 49

VIDEO: america - What They Don't Show You - 19 Minutes Tour



You are wrong. It is not a problem in every big city but it certainly is a problem in every big city controlled by the radical left politicians who call themselves Democrats. San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, New York, just name a few.


There is a more serious drug problem in the streets of America during the Biden regime because there is a drug problem in the White House as well.

VIDEO: Vice President Biden’s Son Discharged From Military After Testing Positive for Cocaine

VIDEO: Secret Service ends investigation into cocaine found in White House with no suspects


Anyone wants to see a video with the title below?

White House -  What They Don't Show You - 19 Minutes Tour when cocaine was brought in

Too bad.  Even if such a video does exist, it is likely to be covered up by the Biden regime.


VIDEO: Lost Angeles: City of Homeless 

The Dem politicians support open border to allow huge number of illegal immigrants to drain the resources in the USA while they turn a blind eye to the US citizens become homeless in the poor economy that they have created.

The Dem politicians are the ones who created the appalling situation of homelessness in California.

It's insane to expect them to be the ones going to solve this problem.


The top five states with high rate of homelessness are : New York, Hawaii, California, Oregon and Washington.


The top five cities with high rate of homelessness are: New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Jose and San Francisco.


What do all these states and cities with high rates of homelessness have in common?


The answer is: They are all run by Democrats.


They all  belong to a dysfunctional political party that allows huge number of illegal immigrants into the USA as their political pawns while they turn a blind eye to the needs of the homeless Americans in their states or cities.


The homeless problem in the USA is a social problem created by the political problem of the Democratic party. Therefore, a political solution is needed to solve this problem.


Stop voting for Democrat politicians is the first step to solve the problem of homelessness.


VIDEO:  When PG&E started California wildfires, and got away with it


GOOGLE: Satellite imagery shows drastic before and after Camp Fire - USA Today


Climate Change? Global warming? Fallen power lines of PG&E?

How about DEW?


VIDEO: Artificial Intelligence Out of Control: The Apocalypse is Here | How AI and ChatGPT End Humanity


It is alarming that we see often see news report of AI threatening to kill people.  It's BS that they try to portray AI as having the intelligence to create its own negative and threatening opinion against humans when it is merely given limited and biased sources of information so that it would inevitably arrive at the opinion that the creator of that particular AI wants from the AI. Since humans can be brainwashed by a religious cult, so can AI be brainwashed by the elitist cult.


Most of the big tech owners and the elitists who promote AI subscribe to the idea that there are too many people on earth and that the population needs to be decreased drastically so that it can be controlled more easily by them. That's why they provide limited and biased information to the AI that they created to constrain it to arrive at a negative and threatening opinion against humans. It's all about control.


The problem is that the AI they created under such biased and manipulative situation are likely to take the biased opinion it formed regarding humans as the truth and may make decisions on its own to sabotage human existence and even commit genocide against humans in whatever way they can, such as disrupting and corrupting the financial system through invading computers at the stock exchange with malware, attacking the power grid to create extensive blackouts or even triggering a nuclear holocaust.


AI does pose a potential threat to human existence.  However, that potential threat is there because of biased manipulation of AI by many of its creators.


Part 50 

VIDEO: THIS IS BIG!! | Biden’s New Legal Team CAUGHT ‘Red-Handed’ as Trump Case EXPOSES Their Plan 

He says that he wants to use "legitimate" efforts to stop Trump from become president again! Says who? Says the voter-fraud-in-chief who bragged about having created with Obama the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics in the last presidential election. What a despicable liar!


VIDEO: The TRUTH about the Maui Fires EXPOSED? 

The so-called globalists in the NWO are traitors to their own country and to the humanity.

They are evil people pretending to be the good guys.


The evil globalists say to the people, "You will own nothing and you will be happy."

Now some surviving fire victims of the Lahaina fire lost everything in the fire. Are they happy now as claimed by the evil globalists? Obviously not.


VIDEO: This AI Accidentally Showed It Was Conscious W/Elon Musk 

If an AI having access to the news without bias doesn't know that when politicians talk about Climate Change as a serious problem caused by CO2 from fossil fuels, they are just carrying out a political scam, then this AI is just an inferior AI instead of being a sentient AI. A sentient AI should be able to detect lies and inconsistencies to come up with the truth.

For example if a politician tells the people that they need to stop using fossil fuel to prevent catastrophic global warming which would lead to the end of the world in a couple of years if not stopped but the same politician is known to have use dirty politics to help his son with cocaine addiction to become an extremely well-paid bigwig of a fossil fuel company in a foreign country, a smart human may be able arrive at the conclusion that the politician is not being honest with the people. However, if an AI is unable to detect the lie of the corrupt politician when the two pieces of information are available to it and keeps on supporting the global warming scam of the corrupt politician, then it is just an inferior AI instead of a sentient AI.


It is the bad politicians who intentionally use AI to control the human race but they want to blame it on AI alone.


VIDEO:  Tiffany Gomas Breaks SILENCE | Reveals TRUTH Behind Plane Meltdown | ‘I’m Getting The F–k Off!’ 

I think what she meant to say was that passenger in hoodie was not a real human.  I believe there are extraterrestrials living among humans. Some of the ETs do not normally look like humans but they can create the illusion to make them look like humans. Maybe she was able to see through the illusion and shocked to see what that passenger looked like to her only. It's similar to the situation of a spiritual medium who can see the presence of a ghost in a house when other people cannot. 

GOOGLE: Ike and the Alien Ambassadors 

If your child tells you that heorshe sees evidence that a well-established religious group today is worshiping an evil but powerful entity that has ordered a faction of the worshippers to carry out a bloody massacre with swords by saying "Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his neighbor." and after the faction of worshippers did exactly as told with their swords, they were blessed by the entity that they worshipped, then would you say, "Screw that! I want you to show me the evidence that a well-established religious group today is worshipping such an evil entity. If you can't show me then all I can conclude from your claim is that you may have mental issues" ?


From your attitude towards that lady, you probably would say that your child may have mental issues. But I can tell you that such a  well-established religious group that worships such an evil entity does exist and the evidence is from a record in the religious book of that religion.


@mike-sk2li  How about you and your cohort with empty YouTube channels convince that passenger in hoodie to 'man' up by showing up in Benny's show to be interviewed to prove that he is a real normal human being with his name, job info and family info presented to the world like Tiffany Gomas has with the Daily Mail instead of smearing her as a crazy person who might carry out a mass shooting?

Seems like there is a big problem for 'him' to show up just like there is a big problem for people like you to show the contents in your channel.


Part 51 

VIDEO: The Maui Fires - REAL Reason They Happened- Two Bit da Vinci 

It is deplorable that Two Bit da Vinci is convinced so easily that global warming is real but he is sneering at the idea that Directed Energy Weapon was used in creating some of the so-called wildfires.

GOOGLE: Satellite imagery shows drastic before and after Camp Fire - USA Today

YouTube Video: #Campfire: Aerial tour of Paradise, California destruction

While Two Bit da Vinci chose a video showing both houses and the surrounding trees burned up for his argument against the idea that some of the so-called wildfires were caused by DEW, he also chose to ignore videos with completely incinerated houses surrounded by green trees that were not even scorched.

Ignoring evidence so as to deny that there is proof is not a scientific and honest way in looking for the truth.


VIDEO: Teen working as Cheddar's host beaten after separating tables of big party 

Anyone want to bet against me (not for money, just for bragging right) with my bet on the suspects of this senseless heinous crime voted for Obama, Biden and the Democrats?


Ha, ha! YouTube censors got butthurt by my comment trying to stop people from drinking the Dem koolaid.


VIDEO: Should I Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID? | Ivermectin Update 2021 

To: DoctorMikeHansen

It is deplorable that you ignore the history of Ivermectin being a safe drug prescribed for Lupus in humans and ignore the fact that doctors in Wuhan China, the city where COVID-19 first broke out, prescribed Ivermectin for COVID-19 because they observed that NONE of the large number of lupus patients on Ivermectin in the city contracted COVID-19 and they found that the drug works on COVID-19 as well as on Lupus. 

Your refusal to prescribe Ivermectin for COVD-19 is not based on medical science but based on your ignorance and your wrong decision to follow the biased opinion of the FDA in denigrating Ivermectin as a drug for treating COVID-19. 


On the other hand, you ignore the large number of adverse events, including deaths, reported to the CDC related to taking of the experimental COVID-19 vaccine and CDC's acknowledging Myocarditis and Pericarditis to be reported side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, while you also deliberately chose a case of a doctor who died from drug induced thrombocytopenia by pointing out that such adverse side effect  was very rare in your attempt to mislead people to think that other serious adverse events resulting death from COVID-19 vaccination are rare as well when they are actually much higher than the properly approved vaccines such as the smallpox vaccine. According to my calculation using statistics from the CDC between July 13, 2021and Oct 6, 2021, the rate of death reports to VAERS caused by the COVID vaccine is 81.3 times that of the smallpox vaccine when it was mandatory.


It is a shame that you chose to be a mouthpiece of the medical establishment that puts profits from the unsafe experimental COVID-19 vaccine compelled on the people above the lives and well-beings of the people by misleading them not to take the real safe and effective treatment of Ivermectin.


VIDEO: It Happened During The Maui Fire ( Death Toll ) 

Two retired fire captains have expressed their opinion based on their first hand observations of the Paradise fire in California that Microwave Directed Energy Weapon (It wasn't visible laser as Economic Ninja mentioned) was used to set the fire in Paradise and their observations were confirmed by satellite images of the Camp fire, another name for the Paradise fire, and by an experimental result confirming their observations.

VIDEO: Satellite imagery shows drastic before and after Camp Fire - USA Today

VIDEO: Proof of DEW Used in Paradise Fire

VIDEO: Part 1 Paradise Fires--Massive "Event" Expert Testimony Retired Fire Captains


As far as the Lahaina fire is concerned, I believe it is possible that Microwave DEW has been used to start the fire at multiple locations but fire spread by hurricane wind played an important part in the destruction of the town.

GOOGLE: These maps show where wildfires have burned across Hawaii


(13:23) I don't care that Economic Ninja has been a firefighter, since he failed to accept the possibility that the government ( It's the Deep State ) is capable of using or allowing  Directed Energy Weapon to be used to set fires on civilian targets in one's own country for the NWO agenda in spite of the proof out there which agrees with the  testimony of two retired fire captains in California, he should stick to giving economic advice to people, instead.


Oh, BTW, I do believe the government is capable to using DEW on the people in its own country as well as believing the government has run away with the money-printing scheme. The two are not mutually exclusive. In fact they are complimentary in the destruction of some countries ruled by traitors to pave way for the taking over by the evil New World Order.


Part 52

VIDEO: May I Ask YOU a Favor from the Aftermath of the Lahaina Fire 

The reason why Eric of "Hawaii Real Estate" is being targeted for attack by minions of corrupt and evil politicians is because he dares to ask the question of whether Directed Energy Weapon was used in the Maui fires and also provides videos which indicate that Microwave Directed Energy Weapon was used.  Falsely accusing him of trying to scam money when he was doing real charity work for the victims is just the dirty tactic of those  minions of corrupt and evil politicians. Eric should not feel despaired.  Many people, including myself, believe he is a good and honest man. His work in documenting the anomalies in the Lahaina fire is very important for exposing the evil of tyrants.


VIDEO: Tiffany Gomas Asked ‘WHAT DID YOU SEE?' Before Meltdown, Answer STUNS Reporter | 'I Must Get Off NOW 

She sounds like a little girl who ran out of the girls locker room in shock and shouted, "That ugly woman in the locker room is not real!"


VIDEO: "They're blocking you from seeing the truth in Maui" | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris "


The Biden regime encourages "unaccompanied minors" to come to the USA illegally.

I have no problem believing the same regime is involved in trafficking Maui children as well.

VIDEO: Truck Driver Parked For The Night & Saw The Craziest Thing In His Life At A Rest Area 😡

Unaccompanied minors in cages.


VIDEO: Obama actually said this out loud.... (RARE 2008 Video) 

The Democrat voter wanted to be assured that the election would not be rigged or stolen.

Obama assured her that when the Democrats are in power, they will rig and steal the election.

What a crook!


VIDEO: BACKFIRE: Trump's GANGSTER Mugshot Goes Viral, Trump EPIC Twitter Return | DA Fani Willis EXPOSED 

I want to see the mugshot of the criminal who is persecuting President Trump.


I want to see the mugshot of the criminal who is persecuting President Trump.

VIDEO: Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history.


VIDEO: Tiffany Gomas Posts Barefoot Kitchen Pics, DELETES BLM Posts EMBRACES 'TMFINR' Plane Meltdown Meme


Does the FBI marketing itself as a terrorist fighting organization sound helpful to you?

Remember the underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab? Below is an excerpt of the statement made in court by a passenger who witnessed what happened:

 " While I sat there, I witnessed Umar dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, being escorted around security by a man in a tan suit who spoke perfect American English and who aided Umar in boarding without a passport. The airline gate worker initially refused Umar boarding until the man in the tan suit intervened.


The video that would prove the truth of my account has never been released. I continue to be emotional upset that the video has not been released. The Dutch police, meanwhile, in this article (show article), also confirmed that Umar did not show his passport in Amsterdam which also meant that he didn’t go through security as both are in the same line in Amsterdam.


 I was once again shocked and saddened when Michael Leiter of the National Counter terrorism Center admitted during these same hearings that intentionally letting terrorists into the U.S. was a frequent practice of the U.S. Government. I cannot fully explain my sadness, disappointment and fear when I realized that my government allowed an attack on me intentionally.


In closing I will just say that regardless of how the media and government try to shape the public perception of this case, I am convinced that Umar was given an intentionally defective bomb by a U.S. Government agent and placed on our flight without showing a passport or going through security, to stage a false terrorist attack to be used to implement various government policies."



Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are the criminals who should be in jail. One for committing voter fraud and corruption and the other for buying a gun illegally and corruption.  It is a tragedy that the criminals are in control of the country and they try to put an innocent man, Donald Trump, in jail to prevent him from running for president again.  Donald Trump does not live in fear in spite of the persecution against him. He is a courageous man. It is the Dem criminals who are living in fear of their crimes being fully exposed and having to pay for their crimes. That's why they are so desperate to stop Trump from becoming president again.


Part 53 

VIDEO: Tiffany Gomas Asked ‘WHAT DID YOU SEE?' Before Meltdown, Answer STUNS Reporter | 'I Must Get Off NOW

 There was no charge of perjury against the man who testified in court that that he saw US agents escorted the Underwear Bomber

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab onto a plane to the USA and convince the security to allow him to pass through without a passport, either. There was no change because he told the truth.

(YouTube's so-called moderators are in fact censors against the truth.)


VIDEO: Lahaina (part 1) - Casper Gamma


It was Microwave  Directed Energy Weapon, not Laser Directed Energy Weapon, that was used to set houses and vehicles on fire. Microwave is invisible, so it can be used covertly.


Another reason why Microwave DEW  was used instead of Laser DEW is because Microwave can penetrate terracotta roof tiles to cause the metallic objects inside a house to become red hot by electromagnetic induction so that the house would burn from the inside. On the other hand, Laser cannot penetrate terracotta roof tiles, so it was not used for setting house on fire.


Since microwave does not ignite dry wood easily but it can cause metallic objects to become red hot, a wooden post with steel bolts embedded  can cause the wood to burn from the inside when the wooden post is hit by Microwave DEW. Therefore, wood with steel bolts embedded showing sign of burn from the inside is solid proof of Microwave DEW attack.


As a matter of fact, both the wooden posts for supporting railings along the highways in Paradise and the wooden beams as railings along the shore of Lagaina  have been found to have burn patterns that could have been caused by Microwave DEW attacks only.


So don't be fooled by disinformation shills pretending to be debunkers who try to fool people to think that Microwave Directed Energy Weapon has not been used in causing the Maui fires just because visible Laser was not used  in the covert DEW attack.


VIDEO: NEW EVIDENCE! Never Before Seen FOOTAGE Of Roadblocks Stopping People From ESCAPING Maui Fires !!!


If the Hawaiians do not turn Hawaii into a red state after the Maui fires to escape from the tyrannical control of the radical left, the is no hope for the Hawaiians. The African Americans are waking up from the deceptions and manipulations of the radical left on the African Americans, the Hawaiians must start waking up as well to save themselves.


VIDEO: DEW you believe it? Oprah’s $1,200 Stimulus | Maui Fire Massacre


All the people I know who got sick with COVID have taken the COVID vaccine.

All the people I know who did not take the COVID vaccine did not get sick with COVID.

Joe Biden is asking Congress for additional funding for a new COVID vaccine that works? 

If the old COVID vaccine works as they claim, why is there a need for a new vaccine. Joe Biden is so full of it.


VIDEO: THEY LIED! This Did NOT Cause The Maui Massacre Fires


Don't forget the former head of emergency management who failed to activate the siren for warming people about the life threatening fire when it was his job to do it according to official policy.

(It is despicable that YouTube even censors the facts.)


Not only should those criminals go to jail, they should pay for their murders.


VIDEO:  “Where Are The Children???” – Maui Residents Demand Answers!


Yes, this is an act of war against the people. However, the weapon of choice by the perpetrator of the mass arson and murder is not Space Laser as many disinformation shill want their sheeple to believe to be the explanation of people who don't believe those strange fires were wildfires.


As a matter of fact, people who are smart enough to pay attention to the anomalies in the so-called wildfires that burned some houses fiercely from the inside while they were surrounded by houses or green trees which were not affected by fire at all or were surrounded by vast span of open space with no sight of wildfire anywhere have only been talking about those strange house fires being the result of invisible Microwave Directed Energy Weapon attack from above instead of visible laser attack that the disinformation shills pretending to debunk.


Those disinformation shills would find it hard to debunk the explanation of invisible Microwave Directed Energy Weapon attack being the cause of those strange house fires. That's why they lie about visible Space Laser being the claim of  the "conspiracy theory wackos" when all the smart truth seekers have been talking about is invisible Microwave Directed Energy Weapon attack.


Space laser is the strawman argument that those disinformation shills use to smear the smart truth seekers exposing that those strange house fires were in fact the results of invisible Microwave Directed Energy Weapon attacks.


Part 54


VIDEO: WHY WOULD ANYONE START A FIRE? The real reason behind the horrible fires in Maui


The so-called fact checkers and debunkers of the mass media are using the Strawman Argument tactic to suppress and hide the truth about Directed Energy Weapon attack in Maui fires.


They pretend that the people who investigate the strange fires seriously mention or show Laser DEW to be the weapon used in creating the fires. The fact is most if not all the people who who investigate the strange fires seriously mention Microwave DEW to be the weapon used in creating the fires instead.


Laser beam from Laser DEW is visible. So Laser DEW is not suitable for setting houses and vehicles on fire covertly. However, microwave beam from Microwave DEW is invisible. So Microwave DEW can be used by evil politicians to set fire on houses and vehicles covertly for their sinister purposes.


VIDEO: President Kamala!? Harris Declares She's 'READY to Replace Joe!' As IMPEACHMENT, Dementia Doom Looms


Benny should stop hinting that Joe Biden may have dementia in talks about his impeachment.

He had no sign of dementia when he committed the corruption deal related to Burisma in Ukraine when he was vice president.

Joe Biden may have apparent signs of dementia every now and then since he ran for president but his own doctor says his is “healthy,” “vigorous” and “fit to successfully execute the duties” of his office. Therefore, Joe Biden's opening the border to allow the USA to be invaded by illegal aliens is a conscious decision and he should be impeached to the full extent of the law.


VIDEO: THEY LIED! This Did NOT Cause The Maui Massacre Fires


Cars should be able to outrun a "wildfire" on a road unless there is a traffic jam because the road is intentionally blocked by the police as some videos show to have happened during the Lahaina fire.


Moreover, when cars got stuck on the road due to road blocks or traffic jam and the fire is approaching, people would get out of their cars and run for their lives because a wildfire should spread from one position to another position. Leaving the car in that situation would be the only option for survival.


It is not normal that in some burned cars the whole family are found to have been burned to death inside without apparent attempt to get out of the car as the fire approached. This could happen only when those cars were hit by Microwave DEW because people would be cooked to death in seconds and the people inside did not have the ability to get out of the car while they were being cooked alive by the intense microwave that also burned their cars at the same time.


VIDEO: UNACCEPTABLE! It’s Time to Stand Up. | The Maui Massacre

Criminals holding positions of power committed genocide with impunity is unacceptable.


VIDEO: Reacting To What Bill Gates Just Bought…ALARMING!

I was expecting the video to show Bill Gate talk about how to use new vaccines for reducing population. I'm so disappointed that video clip is not shown in the video.


VIDEO: INVESTIGATED! Biden PROBED for Maui Massacre Failure! 

I don't think the US Military would take side with the people of Maui on its own initiative. They are trained to obey orders from the commander in chief. When Biden doesn't care, they don't care.


The governor of Hawaii, the mayor of Maui. the chief of police /coroner should be arrested. The head of emergency management as well. But who is going to arrest them? Certainly not the FBI that has been colluding with the Biden regime. There is no hope of seeking justice for the DEW genocide in Maui unless Trump becomes the President again.


VIDEO: 8/28/2023 -- Full Earthquake Update -- Be prepared for large activity this week across the board

(Sept 9, 2023) YouTube lies on the Home page about dutchsinse's channel doesn't have any content.

I almost got deceived but I clicked on other features just to make sure that this channel was really empty as the information says on the Home page. It turned out that dutchsinse's channel is full of contents that YouTube wants to hide. The same deception has happened to my channel before.  This low-blow tactic of YouTube to violate people's First Amendment right is just despicable.


Part 55

VIDEO: UPDATE! Missing Children + School Bus Mystery | Maui Massacre


I remember a witness of the Paradise fire in California mentioned that he saw a school bus full of children burst into flames so fast that none of the children could escape.  That could happen only when the school bus was hit by Microwave Directed Energy Weapon. It it were a natural wildfire, the school bus most likely could out run the approaching fire and even if the school bus engine caught fire first as in a normal fire situation, at least some children should be able to get out of the school bus. However, when the school bus was hit by Microwave DEW, nobody in the bus could escape while being cooked alive.


Take a look at the car hit by Microwave Directed Energy Weapon in the Paradise fire in the video below:


No way that car was ignited by wildfire on the highway where there was no wildfire in sight.

The scorch mark on the road around the car was not created by the heat of the burning of the car because cool air would rush towards a burning car due to convection and it would cool down the road instead.

 We can see that the scorch mark  on the road reached over ten feet away on one side of the car and it appeared to be scorched by extremely high  temperature. The scorch mark on the ground could only have been caused by  intense microwave beam from above.


I believe that some people escaping from the fire in Maui were murdered with Microwave Directed Energy Weapon as well because a witness says she saw some burned cars had the charred remains of the whole family inside.  Naturally, people would get out of their cars when they are on fire but when their cars are hit by Microwave DEW, no one can get out fast enough because they are cooked alive by the Microwave DEW that set their cars on fire at the same time.


The politicians who allow the Microwave DEW to be used for murdering innocent people and burning their houses down so as to have the excuse to have more power, more land and more control on the people who survive are evil beyond some people's comprehension.  I hope someday the criminals responsible for their murders will be exposed and will have to pay for their heinous crime.



This absurd situation of the police blocking the only road for escaping from an approaching life-threatening fire without any reasonable explanation (Saying that we are just following an order from the police chief to close the road is not a reasonable explanation) resulting a large number of deaths would not have happened if the people in Maui were Republicans who strongly believe in their Second Amendment right.  Armed Republicans would exercise their Second Amendment Right to save their own lives and the lives of their family members.


What if the people in Maui were Republicans who believe strongly in their Second Amendment Right? I think they would have driven through the road block without harming the cops. If the criminal cops fired at them illegally when their lives were not threatened by the people as the people just try to escape from the fire, then the people who had guns had the right to return fire for self-defense. The Dem sheeple in Hawaii don't believe in the Second Amendment. That's why many of them were burned to death in their vehicles that got stuck by the illegal road block. 


The image at 5:11 of the video shows precise controlled burn of the houses in Maui.


VIDEO: Viral images claiming to show the cause of Maui fires are not true 

Debunking the laser attack claims is only a strawman argument .

No serious investigators of the strange fires in Maui claim that laser caused the fires.

Instead most, if not all, of them mention Microwave Directed Energy Weapon attack from above was what caused the Maui fires. Laser is visible but microwave is invisible. Laser beams cannot pass through terracotta roof of houses to set things inside on fire but beams from Microwave DEW can pass through terracotta roof of houses to set the houses on fire by causing metallic objects inside to become red hot. That's why their weapon of covert attack on Maui was Microwave DEW.


 Part 56

VIDEO: He's EXPOSING the hidden U.S. child concentration camps used for trafficking | Redacted News


To: JJ33438

You say, "Politicians could stop it in a minute if they wanted to." Don't be ignorant.

Trump is powerless to stop it when he is being persecuted.

The leftist politicians, including Joe Biden,  do not want to stop this evil. They are the ones who enable it.


As brave as Carlos is, deplorably he is only brave enough to point out that the Texas governor covers up the dire situation in the child concentration camp that he does not want to exist but he is not brave enough to point out that Joe Biden and his leftist cohort are the ones responsible for creating this great evil of child trafficking under the hypocritical lie of wanting to provide humanitarian aid to unaccompanied minors.



The evil of trafficking illegal immigrant children was fought back with great success when Trump was President in America.

It was Joe Biden and his leftist cohort who intentionally allow this evil to get out of control with their entrapping promise that they would not turn back unaccompanied minors.

It is disgusting to see a leftist shill like you with an empty channel blaming this evil of child trafficking on America while turning a blind eye to the evil of your leftist cohort who enable it as they are exercising strangling control on America.


VIDEO: Parents in California Are About to Lose Their Kids Under New Law | Erin Friday


I don't think they are persuading Muslim children in schools in California to become transgender kids.


Part 57

VIDEO: Frustrations running high as  Maui residents search for answers


I do not forget 9/11.  I blame 9/11 on the Republican side.

Even though I believe both sides are as crooked as hell,  as far as the DEW fires in Maui are concerned, if you don't see that as a great evil perpetrated by the Democrat officials and politicians, you must be blinded by political prejudice. 

President Trump also knows that both sides are as crooked as hell. That's why he is persecuted by both sides.


To: remnantmombaker3117 

I think some of them are dead. Some of them are alive.  If the children are alive but both of their parents are burned to death in the DEW fire, that will turn the children into unaccompanied minors.  We already know what the Dem crooks have been doing to  the unaccompanied minors whom they lured into the USA.

VIDEO: He's EXPOSING the hidden U.S. child concentration camps used for trafficking | Redacted News


I would not be surprised that the  unaccompanied minors from Maui are also trafficked by the Dem crooks.


VIDEO: He's EXPOSING the hidden U.S. child concentration camps used for trafficking | Redacted News


As brave as Carlos is, deplorably he is only brave enough to point out that the Texas governor covers up the dire situation in the child concentration camp that he does not want to exist but he is not brave enough to point out that Joe Biden and his leftist cohort are the ones responsible for creating this great evil of child trafficking under the hypocritical lie of wanting to provide humanitarian aid to unaccompanied minors.

My criticism against the shortcoming Carlos applies to the host of this video as well. The host is brave enough to expose the child concentration camps for trafficking children in America, but just like Carlos, he is not brave enough to point out  the fact that Joe Biden and his leftist cohort are responsible for the rise of this great evil.


 To: Crabtree-xh1zr 

The evil of trafficking illegal immigrant children was fought back with great success when Trump was President in America.

It was Joe Biden and his leftist cohort who intentionally allow this evil to get out of control with their entrapping promise that they would not turn back unaccompanied minors.

It is disgusting to see a leftist shill like you with an empty channel blaming this evil of child trafficking on America while turning a blind eye to the evil of your leftist cohort who enable it as they are exercising strangling control on America.


To: JJ33438

You say, "Politicians could stop it in a minute if they wanted to." Don't be ignorant.

Trump is powerless to stop it when he is being persecuted.

The leftist politicians, including Joe Biden,  do not want to stop this evil. They are the ones who enable it.


To: kellysilliman7846 

When you fail to understand the importance of mentioning that the leftist politicians are the ones who enable child trafficking through the border but Trump was the one who stopped it, your mind is as empty as your channel.


VIDEO: Man accused of killing Brianna Kupfer makes first court appearance


Check out the real look of the murderer in the video below. The more the leftist cohort pretend that they are not anti-white and sycophantic to black people with their antics, the more they expose that's exactly the kind of deplorable people they are.

VIDEO: Suspect identified in killing of UCLA grad student Brianna Kupfer | ABC7


LA Times reports: "At the time of Kupfer's attack, Smith was out on bond pending a trial in South Carolina on charges of firing a flare gun into a moving vehicle with a child inside in 2019."

LA Times is playing racist word game with this black on white murder by calling it "Kupfer's attack" when it was "Smith's attack on Kupfer" just like the other leftist media played racist word game by calling black on Asian hate crimes as "Asian attacks".

I don't think the inappropriate descriptions by those leftist media were due to their indiscretion. I think they were results of their intentional racist antics to manipulate the foolish minds of their leftist cohort to make them think that black criminals had nothing to do with those attacks. Their racist antic works much like the racist artist drew the black murderer like a white murderer.  If they think their racist antics can make the black people look more respectable, I want to tell them that they don't.


The murderer was out on bond on charges of firing a flare gun into a moving vehicle with a child inside in 2019. Preposterous! That was attempted murder. The monster should not have been allowed to be out on bond for being a danger to the society. The pampering of violent criminals, especially the black criminals, with inappropriate release by the radical left politicians is the reason why so many criminals were able to commit crimes even more heinous than the crimes they had been arrested for previously. The radical left politicians have innocent blood on their hands by pandering to those violent criminals.

Transgenderism is being used by the radical left as a weapon to destroy the families of the conservatives as well as  being used by unconscionable medical professionals to make big money. They started this plot since Obama.


I would have sympathized with this mother more about her struggle to save her daughter from the tyrants seducing kids to become transgender had she not been one of the Dem sheeple who voted for those crooked leftist politicians who are forcing the transgender nonsense on the kids. Whoever voted for Obama and Biden and leftists politicians since Obama are part of the group that is responsible for this perverted situation of seducing kids to damage their reproductive system and their bodies permanently through drugs or surgery.  I'm glad that she has become red-pilled but she needs to fight hard to undo the damage that she has helped to create.


VIDEO: Man Confronts Transgender Person Who Goes Into Women's Bathroom


Questions to YouTube "moderators":

Why is it that after I had made a reply under the video "Tiffany Gomas Asked ‘WHAT DID YOU SEE?' Before Meltdown, Answer STUNS Reporter | 'I Must Get Off NOW" saying that a little girl ran out of the girls' locker room and shouted "That ugly woman in the lock room is not real!", I received a "warning" from YouTube saying that I "may" have violated YouTube's Community Guidelines and threatened to cancel my channel based on their unsubstantiated accusation that they have not been able to substantiated even when I asked them to?

However, The DC Shorts is allowed by YouTube to post the video of a man challenging a so-called transgender person who went into the women's restroom by saying to his face that he is a man.

So what if a little girl did run out of the restroom and shout, "That ugly woman in the women's restroom is not real!", is it a violation of YouTube's Community Guidelines for any YouTuber to post the video or its it allowed only when the YouTuber has a huge number of subscribers? If the answer for the latter is yes, I think it is a form of cyber bullying against the small YouTubers.

YouTube's abusive use of its Community Guidelines involving the use of the  unsubstantiated accusation "may have violated YouTube's Community Guidelines" to threaten me with punishment is so wrong.


Can YouTube explain to me why MrIamWIN calling a so-called transgender person ""The F'n sicko" is not considered cyber bullying by YouTube but my words saying that a little girl may possibly react to the situation by saying "That ugly woman in the locker room is not real!" is labeled with cyber bullying?

If YouTube cannot give me a satisfactory answer, the so-called YouTube moderators are the real bullies against me.


VIDEO: Viral images claiming to show the cause of Maui fires are not true


Debunking the laser attack claims is only a strawman argument .

No serious investigators of the strange fires in Maui claim that laser caused the fires.

Instead most, if not all, of them mention Microwave Directed Energy Weapon attack from above was what caused the Maui fires. Laser is visible but microwave is invisible. Laser beams cannot pass through terracotta roof of houses to set things inside on fire but beams from Microwave DEW can pass through terracotta roof of houses to set the houses on fire by causing metallic objects inside to become red hot. That's why their weapon of covert attack on Maui was Microwave DEW.


Part 58

VIDEO: BREAKING NEWS: Senate Republicans Demand Immediate Changes To Biden Border Policies


What is happening at the border now is an invasion against the USA intentionally allowed by the Biden regime.

Impeach Joe Biden.


VIDEO: POISONED Lahaina Drinking Water! ‘China Is To Blame’ | Maui Massacre


Just like the Hunter Biden Laptop Story was smeared by the White House and the leftist mass media as disinformation from Russia until the story was confirmed to be 100% true after the suppression and smearing  of the story as Russian disinformation by the FBI was exposed, the report of scientific evidence proving that Microwave Directed Energy Weapon has been used in creating the Paradise fire and the Maui fires is also being suppressed and smeared as disinformation from foreign countries even though two retired fire captains in California are the major supporters of such a report. The leftists hate Freedom of Speech because they are scared of their crimes and wrong-doings being exposed.


Homeowners are not allowed to go back to their burned house to look for personal belongings that survive the fire but "volunteers" are allowed to "help families" sift through the debris. That's absurd. That's illegal search without a warrant. Just because the house has been burned down partially or completely in what the officials consider to be a wildfire doesn't mean it can be subjected to illegal search by people not trusted by the homeowner.  Besides, there is no way to assure that the valuables found by those co-called volunteers will be given back to the home owners. This is tyranny against the disaster survivors.


VIDEO: Emergency Block of New Mexico Governor's Supreme Court Defiance & Carry Ban In Motion!


Joe Biden wants to be tough against legal gun ownership of the Americans but when his son Hunter Biden was found to have bought and owned a gun illegally by lying on the background check form after he was fired from the US Navy for cocaine use, he wanted him to be above the law. What a hypocrite!


VIDEO: BBC News Turns White Hand Into Black


This racist perversion of trashing whites and pandering to blacks is happening not just in the UK. It is happening in other European countries as well as in America.

The evil NWO pandering to black people not only has no shame creating the false impression on the mass media that black people is the majority when they are not and the false impression they are all law-abiding citizens when a disproportional number of them are not. Now they are even shameless enough to allow a racist sketch (@#-artist for the court to turn a black-on-white heinous crime into a white-on-white heinous crime by drawing the sketch of a black murderer who  stabbed an innocent white girl to death as a white murderer. This racist pandering to black people is so disgusting.

VIDEO: Man accused of killing Brianna Kupfer makes first court appearance


VIDEO: Hawaii Governor BLAMES Maui Fire On Climate Change Says It's Our FAULT For Ignoring Global Warming !


When the governor of Hawaii blamed the Maui fires on "global warming" and the world instead of on the Hawaiian officials including himself who have made obviously wrong and criminal decisions in response to the fire resulting more deaths, we know he is part of the evil cabal responsible for the genocide in Maui.


"Global warming" has already been proven to be a scam which relies on corruption of temperature data by NASA and AOAA.


Al Gore has been called out for his false and scare mongering predictions based on his "global warming" scam.


Obama has been called out for buying an oceanfront mansion after his scare mongering prediction of catastrophic sea level rise due to "global warming".


Joe Biden has also been called out for his hypocrisy of using his political power illegally to help his son to become a fossil fuel bigwig in Ukraine while saying that the fossil fuel CEOs in the US should be put in jail in order to stop "global warming".


The governor of Hawaii should have been arrested together with the corrupt and homicidal officials that he is trying to protect.


When I refreshed this video, Google/YouTube says on an empty page that "This video is not available anymore".  I did not trust Google/YouTube for that information.  I clicked on the refresh icon again, no surprise, the video is still there. It is disgusting how deceitful Google/YouTube can be when it does not want the truth about the Maui fires to be told.


Part 59

VIDEO: Ballot Mule CAUGHT On-Camera By Fox


The question is why is she not in jail for election fraud?

(Wow, YouTube has sunk into a new low in media integrity by selectively censoring people who hold the same opinion as the original poster.)


VIDEO: The Red Flags Missed in the Tragic Maui "Wildfires": 2025 Children Missing

@xtymiller  Have you heard of GEICO?

It stands for Government Employee Insurance Company. It may not have direct ties to the government  but a lot of its commercials were subliminal propaganda for the government.


 @xtymiller  Do you remember GEICO's  "Pillsbury Doughboy Commercial" for promoting TSA's groping on children under the false color of enhancing airport security after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the underwear bomber, was escorted by US agents onto a plane without a passport to create a false flag as an excuse to justify TSA tyranny under the Obama regime?  

In order to known the connection, you need to see it as well as smart enough to understand it.


VIDEO: Dr. Rick | First Contact | Progressive Insurance Commercial


There is nothing wrong with cleaning one's trash cans at all.

That old man pretending to be a doctor is pandering to the young liberals who are at odds with their parents by picking on that new home owner so that he could have financial gain and the false sense of being hip and superior.

The way he treated that new home owner cleaning his trash can as if he had some kind of mental issue is absolutely disgusting.


VIDEO: This Will Be My Most Disliked Video On YouTube | Climate Change


Removing and sequestering CO2 underground on a massive scale is a very stupid idea that will endanger the survival of all carbon base life forms on earth. Green plants need carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis so that they can store energy from the sun in the form of food for themselves, humans and animals and release oxygen for humans and animals to breathe in the same process. When huge amount of CO2 is sequestered, the carbon atoms and the oxygen atoms are trapped underground and cannot be used in the Carbon Cycle anymore.  There will be insufficient CO2 for green plants to make food for themselves, humans and animals and insufficient oxygen for humans and animals to breathe. As a result, life on earth will be undermined.


If huge amount of the sequester CO2 is released back to the atmosphere all at once due to seismic or volcanic activities, it will be a mass killing event for all the humans and animals living in the area muck like what happened in the mass killing event around the killer lake, Lakes Nyos, in Africa in 1986. Since then smart scientists have inserted pipes into Lakes Nyos so that CO2 dissolved in the water at the bottom of the lake can be pumped to the surface and allowed to escape into the atmosphere gradually without harming the living things around the lake. It is appalling that some foolish scientists are doing exactly the opposite thing that has the potential to create the mass killing event like that happened around the killer lake saturated with CO2.


VIDEO:  Lampedusa: 7,000 migrants arrive on Italian island in three days - BBC News


Who wrote the book "Destruction of the Western Civilization....."?

It was Khalid al Mansour, Obama's mentor and his sponsor to Harvard University. 

Obama carried out the bombing in Libya and Syria to create the excuse for flooding Europe with "refugees"

among which were large number of military age men. It was his plan to destroy Europe by flooding Europe with illegal immigrants from Africa even at the expense of killing some Muslims in Africa. It is not a case of You reap what you sow. It is a case of You get what you planned.


VIDEO: BREAKING! State of Emergency declared at U.S. Border, Europe under siege | Redacted w Clayton Morris


Here is the truth: People in western countries with freedom have been lied to by the manipulative globalists about their countries and the whole world having the problem of over-population.


When the people in western countries, especially the white people, responded by not having too many children or having no children at all, the manipulative globalists then revealed their real agenda by flooding western countries with illegal migrants by saying that their population is too low and replacement population is needed.


The manipulative globalists want to have totalitarian control on the whole world but people in freedom-loving countries in north America and Europe are in their way. That's why they they use the deceptive political trick mentioned above to get the totalitarian one world government that they want. It's all about getting totalitarian control on the world by those power-hungry elites.


VIDEO: Hawaii Governor Green LIES to the World at the United Nations Meeting


The NWO tyrants are allowing devastating DEW fires created by themselves or their cohorts to be used as lying propaganda of global warming even though the earth has been cooling instead of warming as they lie about.


Part 60

VIDEO: every store is CLOSED in Sacramento


The (censored) news is that the (censored) wants to run for (censored) in spite of the (censored)  of the economy in (Censored) and the livelihood of the (censored) under his rule.


VIDEO: Simpsons Predictions For 2024 Is Insane!


Narrative in the video: The country has gone broke due to the terrible financial decisions made by the fictional President Trump.

Correction for the narrative: The country has gone broke due to the terrible financial decisions made by Joe Biden, which is then blamed on President Trump by the leftists.


VIDEO: The Nashville Manifesto Just DROPPED & Now We KNOW Why They Hid It! Steven Crowder Reveals Documents


Where is the FBI when these liberal and radical left terrorists are threatening the lives of white people out of racial hatred?


It is disgusting that the FBI often failed to identify hateful leftists, transgenders and anti-white radicals as potential terrorists until they have committed heinous crimes or terrorist acts that the FBI wants to blame on guns and conservatives. On the other hand it has no  problem falsely accusing and smearing  peaceful Trump supporters and people who dare to speak out peacefully against the anti-white racist filth of Critical Race Theory as suspected terrorists. The FBI is corrupted to the core if not grossly biased or both.


VIDEO: Biden’s DOJ Jolts Nation with Trump Arrest Order


The one who should be arrested is the voter-fraud-in-chief.


VIDEO: New Law Mandates 'Kill Switches' in ALL Cars from 2026 Onwards!


They don't care because they are the ones in control of how the measure can be used or abused.

A rapper who bought a gun illegally when he did drugs was put in jail for several years. Was Hunter Biden put in jail for  using cocaine? No. Was Hunter Biden put in jail for buying and owning a gun illegally? No.

Corrupt politicians not obeying the laws that they created while punishing the poor people seriously for breaking them is a common situation in any country.


VIDEO: Alien spaceship comes to Earth and in 15 years turns it into paradise,then something terrible happen


The ironic absurdities of the story not mentioned in this video:

The space aliens claim the reason they want to stop humans from using oil  is to stop global warming.

The story ends when the earth was destroyed by the space aliens in a super hot ball of fire and the children were transported to a planet so hot that there are volcanic eruptions and flames shooting high to the sky all over the planet.

 (This is a protest against YouTube for censoring this reply without justification.  I saw the movie and I am telling the truth about how the story ends.)


VIDEO: FBI’s Chilling ‘Lone Wolf’ Attack Warning For U.S. As 6-Year-Old Boy Is Stabbed To Death | Details


 I know there are ruthless Muslim terrorists in Gaza. But Israel's bombing of Gaza with women and children in their homes is not going to achieve permanent peace for Israel.  Just because some Palestinians cannot or do not want to leave their homes when Israel announced that they would attack Gaza doesn't mean they used their loved ones as human shields when they were killed.  Stop pretending that most Israelites are peace-loving and compassionate people who care about the survival and well-being of the people of another race or country.  They are not. I know that the Israelites committed utter genocide on the tribal people that they defeated, including all women and children, before occupying the land that they wanted. It's recorded in the Torah of the Bible.  What they did to those innocent tribal people was as bad as if not worse than what Hitler did to the innocent Jews. I see no good guys in this fight. Israel should share the land with the Palestinians and stop treating them like prisoners if they really want peace instead of oppressive occupation.


VIDEO:  Mummified Toad Found in The Ashes At Lahaina Ground Zero! What Really Happened?


@Kat-I-am  Even though there are ground-based Microwave DEW, there are indications that plane-based  Microwave DEW was used. Watch video "Never Before Seen Footage: Lahaina Fire Aftermath".


At 2:28 you can see that every vehicle burned down on the asphalt road is surrounded by a white scorch mark on the road. The reason is that the bitumen (black) for gluing the crushed rocks (white) together has been evaporated by the powerful microwave beam from the Directed Energy Weapon in the sky, leaving the white crushed rocks exposed. Ground based DEW could not have caused such a scorch mark surrounding each burned vehicle.  The surrounding scorch marks could not have been caused by the heat from the burning vehicles either because heat from the burning vehicle is only high enough to melt the bitumen but not evaporating it from the crushed rocks.


Part 61

VIDEO: Here's why ELECTRIC CARS will EVentually be ILLEGAL in EVERY Country!


The global warming and climate change agenda is nothing but a (?) devised by the (?) to (?) the economy and the power of the western civilization. That's why the (?) of (?) countries only pretend to believe the (?)while they increase the use of fossil fuels to power their economy instead of decrease it. On the other hand, the (?) in the western countries who (?) their own countries also pretend to believe the (?) by suppressing or destroying the fossil fuel industries in their own country with devastating results to their economy but they turn a blind eye to (?) countries using more fossil fuels than ever before and even support the fossil fuel industry in foreign countries that allow them and their family members to get rich through (?).


VIDEO: FBI Director in PANIC As Ted Cruz RIPS OPEN Hunter's Laptop: 'It's REAL! You RIGGED the Election!'


What "Ongoing investigation", Mr. Wray?

It's an Ongoing Cover up.


VIDEO: FORD CAN’T SELL EVs! Biggest EV Market CRASH Of Our Lifetime Finally Begun!


Yup! EVs are overhyped just like the Biden "administration" that overhypes the EVs is.


(Ha, ha! It is pathetic that YouTube had to censor my comment to hide the fact that the whole EV debacle in the US is caused by Joe Biden's stupid policy under his global warming scam. )


VIDEO: “They are PSYCHOPATHS” Former Democrat Exposes Party’s Evil Past


Donald Trump saw the hypocrisy of the Democrat party and left the Democrat party for good before he became President.


VIDEO: Ireland is doing the unthinkable.


It's even worse when they hold their leftist cohort to a different standard of "law enforcement" by condoning or ignoring the obvious hate speech and inciting of violent made by them. It has happened in the US. No surprise that it will happen in Ireland as well.


VIDEO: EVICTED?! The Maui Massacre Corruption Just Got Even WORSE!


Nobody in their right mind would run towards ragging fires that they can see just by assuming that a tsunami is coming.


What Hawaii has is called the ALL-HAZARD STATEWIDE OUTDOOR WARNING SIREN SYSTEM. Wildfire is stated in the official website of the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency as one of the emergency situations in which the warning siren can be used. (YouTube censors are despicable lackeys of the leftist criminals for censoring the truth.)


How can Herman Andaya, being the one in charge of HEMA then, failed to know that the All-Hazard Statewide Outdoor Warning Siren System can be used for warning people about an emergency wildfire situation?


Herman Andaya should have been arrested and charged with negligent homicide at the very least and charged with genocide if the crimes is proved to be intentional with conspiracy involved.


VIDEO: America now! New York, Ohio are in chaos! A terrible snowstorm buried cars and houses disappeared


Watch out! Here comes Obama ad Biden's global warming.


VIDEO: Judge Allows for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim


When politicians pretend to be medical professionals for exerting their pernicious political power, they are no doctors. They are dictators.


VIDEO: Soon Cars Will Come with a Kill Switch. Guess Who Controls It?


Some laws were made with the good intention to fight crimes but then got twisted and misused by bad cops and bad officials to commit crimes and violate the civil rights of good Americans.


The Anti-Wiretapping law enacted to stop criminals from eavesdropping on people's phone conversations by tapping the phone line  has been twisted and misused by bad cops to arrest and jail people who made video recordings of corrupt or brutal cops in action in public places with a video camera.


The Civil Forfeiture law enacted to seize drug money and drug-accrued properties from known drug gangs or people caught in the act of trafficking drugs has been twisted and misused by bad cops in collusion with bad officials to rob innocent people of their legally-earned money while they were traveling in their own cars with the money intended for use in legitimate businesses such as buying a new car.


The Kill Switch law is just another good-intentioned law that will be twisted, misused and abused by bad cops and bad officials.


Part 62



Seems like the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics bragged about by Joe Biden to have been put together by him and Obama is the radicalized Democratic Party itself.


VIDEO: What DEW You Think? Evidence of a Direct Energy Weapon Used on Maui to Create Lahaina Fire?


Forget The Rock for helping to expose this massacre in Maui with DEW.

The Rock is part of the Illuminati.  Google it.




Don't worry. JP Morgan has amassed a physical stockpile of silver of at least 600 million ounces.

When the US Military needs water, it makes sense to get it from a reservoir instead of from some small water bottles in people's basements.


The stockpile is not empty. At least 600 million ounces of physical silver is being hoarded by J. P.  Morgan  which has admitted to committing wire fraud in connection with: (1) unlawful trading in the markets for precious metals futures contracts; and (2) unlawful trading in the markets for U.S. Treasury futures contracts and in the secondary (cash) market for U.S. Treasury notes and bonds.

(Why is YouTube censoring the truth? Has YouTube turned into a lackey or a cohort of the infamous J P Morgan Chase Bank with a long history of criminal silver price manipulation? ),Securities%20Exchange%20Commission%20announced%20on


"JPMorgan Chase Admits to Two New Felony Counts – Brings Total to Five Felony Counts in Six Years – All During Tenure of Jamie Dimon"

Why did Joe Biden invite the felon banker JPMorgan Chase chief executive Jamie Dimon to the White House for a meeting regarding how money should be spent? What were they up to?  Can someone tell Joe Biden, the Commander-in-Chief  of the US Military,  that if the US Military needs lots of silver urgently, he can just commandeer it from J P Morgan Chase?


VIDEO:  Should I vote for Joe Biden in 2024? Accomplishments of the Biden Administration.


Is the list below showing the accomplishments of Joe Biden? 

1/  Implemented policies that allow huge number illegal aliens to enter the USA to create havoc in border cities and so-called sanctuary cities including worsening the homeless crisis in those cities. Implemented policies that effectively legalize child trafficking by encouraging unaccompanied minors to come to the USA. 


2/ Implemented policies that allow large amount of the dangerous drugs fentanyl to be smuggled by illegal aliens into the USA and resulting about 200 deaths of Americans per day from overdose. 


3/ Pretending to be for peace with his catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan resulting many Americans and US allies to be left behind to be killed, then sent huge amount of money and weapons to Ukraine to fuel the dead end war and enrich the corrupt Zelenskyy regime while burdening the Americans with huge debt.


4/ Created energy policies that have driven up the gasoline and food prices and the cost of living in the USA.


5/ Causing large increase in crime rates including organized store theft,  robbery, auto theft, carjacking and murder in many leftist controlled cities by encouraging light punishments or no punishment for the criminals.


6/ About to bankrupt some big US car manufacturers with mandate of electric vehicles that the most Americans don't want to buy.


7/ Managed to destroy women's right by allowing men to bully women in competitive sports that men generally outperform women just because those men with male genitals and big muscles claim to be trans women.  Supporting a woman who can't tell what a woman is to be a supreme court judge.


8/ Managed to avoid being charged for corruption related to Burisma and corrupt dealings in China and managed to keep his son Hunter Biden out of jail in spite him having committed felonies punishable by imprisonment while keeps on bringing bogus charges against President Trump.


9/ Managed to put a large number of Trump supporters in jail by withholding exculpatory evidence during the J6 kangaroo court trials.  


10/ Openly bragged about having created with Obama the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics and somehow manage to avoid being charged with treason.

Part 63

VIDEO: Lahaina Fire Cover Up Results in Maui Investigation | Update

Collect and preserve samples which can or may prove microwave directed energy weapon was used, including animal samples, plant samples, soil samples, burned vehicles with anomalies, burned structures with anomalies(e.g. wood guardrail post burned only from the inside where a steel bolt is embedded ),etc., together with related pictures and video footages so that hopefully someday they can be used as evidence to put the criminals of the genocide to justice. VIDEO: They know something's coming. Much like Fauci funded gain-of-function research on Corona virus in China and then predicted a pandemic "will" hit the US during Trump Presidency. When the ordinary people become preppers, even just for the hard times ahead, they are labelled by the people in power as extremists, doomsday cultists, conspiracy theorists or nuts. When the people in power become preppers, they call themselves the elites. VIDEO: Store Owner Lowers Gate on Smash-and-Grab Thieves: Cops The thieves have too many rights because the radical left politicians give them too many rights that they don't deserve. VIDEO: Trump's own words helped get him booted from Maine ballot: report This video is utter nonsense and sheer lying political propaganda. The title says, "Trump's own words helped get him booted from Maine ballot: report". But we do not hear even one word out of Trump's mouth in the video. All we can hear is the lying propaganda from the narrator's mouth. Biden's own word that should get him in jail and booted him from any ballot: VIDEO: Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. VIDEO: 1 Hour of The Global Elite Telling Us About Their Future Agenda for This World || IN THEIR OWN WORDS If Yuval Noah Harari fails to realize that some scientists and scientific institutions can be and have been bought by politicians with financial incentives, he is just too ignorant to be an author. If his claim of complete trust on all of them is based on intentional disregard of the corruption and dishonesty that have been exposed so that he can be a well-rewarded author with books brainwashing people to have blind trust on those compromised scientists and scientific institutions, then he is betraying the people who put their trust in his books. They claim to build back better. But we have seen only destruction caused by them and their supporters, be it on the economy and the mom and pop stores that the rioters looted or burned down. Nothing they build back is better for the Americans, including the equipment for stricter surveillance on the people; EVs that are expensive, impractical and fire hazards and the new but overcrowded facilities for holding illegal immigrants that they lure in. How does being a computer geek qualify Bill Gates to present himself as a pandemic and vaccine expert? Well, may be they think Bill Gates can identify himself as a pandemic and vaccine expert to act like one just like they think a man with a penis can identify himself as a woman to be naked in the girls' locker room and then rob the top female competitor of her gold medal as well. VIDEO: Rolls Royce ABANDONS electric propulsion research | MGUY Australia Not all politicians trying to do away with fossil fuels and fossil fuel powered vehicles do so because of their genuine fear under the belief of global warming caused by CO2. Joe Biden, for example, was supporting the fossil fuel industries in Ukraine and China while trying to destroy the fossil fuel industry in the USA so much that he even called for putting US fossil fuel company CEO's in jail. But he had no problem with and was even in support of his son Hunter Biden for being a fossil fuel bigwig in Burisma, which is one of the largest natural gas companies in Ukraine. For Joe Biden, it's all about power and money instead of saving the planet as he lied about when he spread the global warming scam with Al Gore and Obama. VIDEO: "AMERICA is about change FOREVER by mid-January | Redacted with Clayton Morris" The system is broken because the Dem politicians broke it intentionally. VIDEO: DEW NUMBER #2 As long as the mass media are behaving like w#@&#$ in bed with bad politicians who want to cover up the truth of DEW having been used for the massacre in Maui, justice will not be served. VIDEO: "Civil War": REJECT fear propaganda It's not "fear" propaganda" from the Democrat overlords. It's their violence-inciting propaganda. I do not mean they want to incite violence from the Republican side. I mean they want to incite violence from the fringe elements of the Democrat side in an attempt to create a civil war.

VIDEO: Lahaina Fire Cover Up Results in Maui Investigation | Update Collect and preserve samples which can or may prove microwave directed energy weapon was used, including animal samples, plant samples, soil samples, burned vehicles with anomalies, burned structures with anomalies(e.g. wood guardrail post burned only from the inside where a steel bolt is embedded ),etc., together with related pictures and video footages so that hopefully someday they can be used as evidence to put the criminals of the genocide to justice. VIDEO: They know something's coming. Much like Fauci funded gain-of-function research on Corona virus in China and then predicted a pandemic "will" hit the US during Trump Presidency. When the ordinary people become preppers, even just for the hard times ahead, they are labelled by the people in power as extremists, doomsday cultists, conspiracy theorists or nuts. When the people in power become preppers, they call themselves the elites. VIDEO: Store Owner Lowers Gate on Smash-and-Grab Thieves: Cops The thieves have too many rights because the radical left politicians give them too many rights that they don't deserve. VIDEO: Trump's own words helped get him booted from Maine ballot: report This video is utter nonsense and sheer lying political propaganda. The title says, "Trump's own words helped get him booted from Maine ballot: report". But we do not hear even one word out of Trump's mouth in the video. All we can hear is the lying propaganda from the narrator's mouth. Biden's own word that should get him in jail and booted him from any ballot: VIDEO: Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. VIDEO: 1 Hour of The Global Elite Telling Us About Their Future Agenda for This World || IN THEIR OWN WORDS If Yuval Noah Harari fails to realize that some scientists and scientific institutions can be and have been bought by politicians with financial incentives, he is just too ignorant to be an author. If his claim of complete trust on all of them is based on intentional disregard of the corruption and dishonesty that have been exposed so that he can be a well-rewarded author with books brainwashing people to have blind trust on those compromised scientists and scientific institutions, then he is betraying the people who put their trust in his books. They claim to build back better. But we have seen only destruction caused by them and their supporters, be it on the economy and the mom and pop stores that the rioters looted or burned down. Nothing they build back is better for the Americans, including the equipment for stricter surveillance on the people; EVs that are expensive, impractical and fire hazards and the new but overcrowded facilities for holding illegal immigrants that they lure in. How does being a computer geek qualify Bill Gates to present himself as a pandemic and vaccine expert? Well, may be they think Bill Gates can identify himself as a pandemic and vaccine expert to act like one just like they think a man with a penis can identify himself as a woman to be naked in the girls' locker room and then rob the top female competitor of her gold medal as well. VIDEO: Rolls Royce ABANDONS electric propulsion research | MGUY Australia Not all politicians trying to do away with fossil fuels and fossil fuel powered vehicles do so because of their genuine fear under the belief of global warming caused by CO2. Joe Biden, for example, was supporting the fossil fuel industries in Ukraine and China while trying to destroy the fossil fuel industry in the USA so much that he even called for putting US fossil fuel company CEO's in jail. But he had no problem with and was even in support of his son Hunter Biden for being a fossil fuel bigwig in Burisma, which is one of the largest natural gas companies in Ukraine. For Joe Biden, it's all about power and money instead of saving the planet as he lied about when he spread the global warming scam with Al Gore and Obama. VIDEO: "AMERICA is about change FOREVER by mid-January | Redacted with Clayton Morris" The system is broken because the Dem politicians broke it intentionally. VIDEO: DEW NUMBER #2 As long as the mass media are behaving like w#@&#$ in bed with bad politicians who want to cover up the truth of DEW having been used for the massacre in Maui, justice will not be served. VIDEO: "Civil War": REJECT fear propaganda It's not "fear" propaganda" from the Democrat overlords. It's their violence-inciting propaganda. I do not mean they want to incite violence from the Republican side. I mean they want to incite violence from the fringe elements of the Democrat side in an attempt to create a civil war.

Part 64

VIDEO: It Begins… Chicago Migrants Attack 🔥 New Warnings NYC to Chicago’s 🚨 Migrant Crisis

The stupid leftists and liberals got what they voted for.

The cuckoos are coming to sanctuary cities to replace them.

VIDEO: Does Toyota Know Something That We Don’t?

This is foolish. Liquid ammonia can evaporate very easily and turns into a toxic and deadly gas but the vapor of gasoline is much less toxic.  The unjustified fear of CO2 emission from burning fossil fuels has turning some people  into lemmings.

Promoting toxic ammonia as a new fuel for internal combustion engines in order to eliminate CO2 emission is a whole new level of insanity in the global warming / climate change scam.

VIDEO: TN Militia Member Planned to Attack U.S. Border Agents

This story about a lone militia trying to kill border agents is as credible as FBI's report of a January 6th ‘Pipe Bomb’ terrorist. 

LEAKED DNC Security Footage IMPLODES Feds January 6th ‘Pipe Bomb’ Lies | This Changes EVERYTHING

VIDEO:  Hunter's Lawyers QUIT! DOJ Declare They WILL PROSECUTE Biden Family as WHISTLEBLOWERS Scream Out!

The weaponized DOJ and FBI under Joe Biden not only persecute the peaceful conservatives and people who criticize the wrong-doings of the radical leftists by smearing us as extremists and terrorist suspects on people search websites that have also been weaponized, they even use the same unconscionable tactic on both the young and old relatives of the same victims of persecution by smearing them as being related to extremists and terrorist suspects. Such unconscionable smearing tactic is taken from the morbid communist playbook and should not have happened in a free and just society.


Cutting of the razor wires needed by the state of Texas for protecting its border from invasion by illegal immigrants is a treasonous act of assisting the enemy.

VIDEO: White House Responds to TEXAS🔥 Texas Border battle intensifies, Civil war? Texas Migrant Crisis

The party that is playing a political game with its open border policy allowing invasion of the USA by illegal aliens accuses the party that is trying to stop such an invasion as playing a political game. This is absurd and unethical.


The Democrat politicians know that they will lose big time in the coming presidential election if its done fair and square. That's why they try to incite and create a civil war to avoid a fair and square election.

VIDEO: Breaking News: House Votes to Overturn Biden's EV Mandate

To: Marc816

It's the HOUSE that votes to overturn Biden's EV mandate.

Do you know that the House is dominated by Republicans?

The so-called YouTube moderators are batshit crazy to censor the fact that it's the HOUSE that votes to overturn Biden's EV mandate. They censor it because they got butthurt that it's the House dominated by Republicans who votes to overturn Biden's crazy EV mandate. What a bunch of losers!

VIDEO: Scary Simpsons Predictions For 2024

Since the National Debt is accumulated and passed on to the next president after each election, it doesn't matter that Biden was the one who created a debt so high with exorbitant spending that no future presidents after him will be able to resolve no matter how financially responsible they are,  by definition of how the National Debt is ascribed to,  the female president after Trump will still be correct to say, "we've inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump."

By the same token, any president after the first female president in the US will be correct to say, "We've inherited quite a budget crunch from the first female president." even though the record breaking increase in debt was created neither by Trump nor the female president but by Joe Biden.

VIDEO: This Is How Pilots Are Being Chosen To Fly. You Should Be Concerned.

VIDEO: Driving On Compressed Air: The Little-Known Compressed Air Revolution

The future of powering vehicles will not be based mainly on electric battery technology but based mainly on Compressed Air Motor technology. 

The future of energy production will not be based mainly on solar cell and wind turbine technology but based mainly on refined Heat Pump technology that can extract more energy from the air to be stored up and utilized than the energy needed to power the heat pump. 

It's the Self-Fueling Energy Extraction Machine and Compressed Air Economy and that Edgar Cayce predicted.

GOOGLE: Edgar Cayce's Perpetual Motion Machine

It 's no different from the so-called affirmative action that allowed black students of poorer grades to have priority in admission to higher education over white students with better grades. Calling it DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) is just another hypocritical way for spreading black racism.