Monday, June 26, 2023

The Kung Fu Kid

The Kung Fu Kid- a story against black racism

A group of black teens are watching the movie Men in Black in which an insidious racist movie actor incites violence against little white girls by saying that the image of an eight year old white girl with a book of quantum physics is an alien monster in disguise that he would choose to shoot at. Not realizing that they have been brainwashed by the insidious racist to commit racial violence, the black teens go out to play on Halloween night. When the black teens see some white girls passing by, they make racial slurs against them even though the white girls do not provoke them in anyway. Then the black teens start to assault the white girls viciously. One of the white girls suffers severe head injury when one of the black thugs uses a skateboard to hit her hard on the head while shouting “I hate white people.”

The black thugs are arrested but, because of the rise of black racism in America, none of the black thugs has to go to jail. They are sentenced to the so-called house arrest or reform school. The white girl who suffered severe head injury has to undergo several operations to restore her fractured skull and the damage to one of her eyes. The black people who rioted after the beating of the car thief Rodney King are so racist that, instead of protesting the beating of the innocent white girls by the black thugs like they protested the beating of Rodney King by the cops, they protest the conviction and a slap-on-the-wrist sentencing on the black thugs as racism against blacks.

Many years later, the white girl has a son called Bryan. Bryan’s mom lets him learn Kung Fu from a good Chinese Kung Fu master so that he can defend himself and the family if they are attacked by black racists. The good Chinese Kung Fu master has nothing against black people as he has black students too but he hates black thugs who commit extortions and robberies on the Asian mom and pop store owners as his mother was shot and killed by a black robber who robbed her store.

The black thug who hit the white girl with a skateboard also has a son. His name is Jason. Jason’s father also lets him learn Chinese Kung Fu not for self-defense but for bullying white kids. He learns Kung Fu from a Chinese Kung Fu clown and traitor who pretends to be a Kung Fu master. The Kung Fu traitor has used Kung Fu for his own greed at the expense of vilifying little Chinese kids as bullies against a black kid and as losers in their own turf of Chinese Kung Fu in a black racist movie with a fabricated story which has no merit in truth nor in history. The totalitarian Chinese regime allowed the Kung Fu traitor to film the movie in China even though the movie vilifies little Chinese boys as bullies against a black kid because the Kung Fu traitor is a sycophant of the totalitarian regime by saying that the Chinese people need to be firmly controlled by the government.

Jason, just like his father, continues to bully white kids in school and in the playground and he has become the leader of the black thugs in his school. Bryan does not go to the same school that Jason goes to but his girl friend Vanessa does. She tells Bryan that Jason often bullies the white boys in her school and that Jason likes to insult the white girls, saying that he will make them his bitches like Tiger Woods makes many white sluts his bitches. One day, Vanessa complains to Bryan saying that Jason tried to molest her. She says Jason tried to force a kiss on her after he saw the new movie The Karate Kid in which Jaden Smith kissed a Chinese girl. She has complained to the school but the black thugs lied to the school principal saying that they saw Jason stumbled as he walked pass Vanessa. The school principal who is black says he believes it was just an accident and a misunderstanding on Vanessa’s part. So Bryan goes to give Jason a warning to stay away from Vanessa when Jason is leaving school. But Jason is defiant and he challenges Bryan to a fight.

Bryan tells what is happening to his good Chinese Kung Fu master. The Kung Fu master realizes that Jason will only become a bigger bully if he is not taught a lesson so he tells Bryan that he will allow him to fight Jason but only in a Chinese martial art tournament that is coming to the city. So Bryan and Jason agree to fight each other in the coming tournament.

Bryan practices very hard for the fight so does Jason. Before the fight starts, Bryan’s mom tells Bryan that Jason is the son of the black thug who severely injured her head with a skateboard in the hate crime on Halloween night many years ago. She is filled with tears as she sees Jason’s father bring a skateboard to the tournament to taunt her. Bryan’s father is hugging her and comforting her. The good Chinese Kung Fu master tells Bryan solemnly to remember that he is not just fighting against Jason, he is fighting against the evil of black racism in this country as well. On the other hand the Kung Fu traitor who teaches Jason is very happy around Jason’s family. He is joking around with them like he jokes around with some black comedians in his movies.

Finally it is Bryan and Jason’s turn to fight. Jason did quite a few impressive moves that keeps Bryan at bay. Bryan doesn’t like fighting but he likes Kung Fu as a form of martial art. Since his mom told him that she was severely injured in the head by some black racists so he really wants to learn Kung Fu for self-defense as well. As Bryan thinks about self-defense most of the time and Jason thinks about bullying white boys most of the time, that makes Bryan much less an aggressor than Jason during the fight and Bryant suffers more punches and kicks than Jason does. As Bryan is driven to a corner, he hugs Jason while keeping his head under Jason's right arm to prevent him from punching his head. Bryan's mom suddenly pulls out a big picture from her handbag and goes near the stage to show the picture right in Bryan’s face. “This is the injury I suffered from Jason’s father who hit me on the head with a skateboard while shouting “I hate white people”. You must fight to defeat the black racists, ” Bryan’s mother pleads him. Bryan takes a good look at the picture and is horrified to sees her mother’s disfigured face in a bloody mess. He did not know that some black racists can be so vicious as to cause that kind of injury to an innocent white girl.

Fueled by his desire to defeat the black racist Jason and the determination to prevent himself from become another victim of black racism like his mom, he sees the need to fight aggressively. At that moment, he suddenly sees a vision of Bruce Lee who tells him that he hates to see Chinese Kung Fu being betrayed by a Kung Fu traitor who vilifies the boys of his own race as bullies and losers in their own turf of Kung Fu and, instead of calling the Chinese martial art by its Chinese name Kung Fu, the traitor allows it to be called Karate which is a martial art of the Japanese who have a shameful history of bullying the Chinese and murdering millions of Chinese civilians when they invaded China. Bruce Lee also tells Bryan in the vision that he will help him to defeat Jason, the student of the Kung Fu traitor.

As the vision disappears, Bryan feels that he is being possessed by Bruce Lee’s sprite. Not only that he fights as aggressively as Bruce Lee, his fighting technique, agility and demeanor are just like that of Bruce Lee’s in the movies. Jason is surprised by Bryan’s changes and he got kicked so hard in the head that he starts to lose his balance. As Jason’s father sees that his son is losing, he runs towards the stage with the skateboard in his hand while Bryan’s back is facing him. Bryan feels something is happening behind him. He turns back to look and is struck by the fear that Jason’s father might hit him with the skateboard like he had hit his mother, so he turns his attention to Jason’s father. However, Jason’s father immediately puts the skateboard down on the floor and starts pounding the stage with both of his hands to cheer Jason on. Seeing that Bryan is distracted, Jason wants to strike Bryan with a flying kick to knock him off the stage. However, Bryan is able to duck in time to avoid the kick. Jason ends up flying off the stage and lands with one foot first on the skateboard. He then slips on the skateboard and the back of his head hits hard on the floor. As Jason has passed out after his head hit the floor, Bryan is declared the winner.

After several minutes Jason regains consciousness with the help of a doctor at the tournament. The first thing he says after regaining consciousness is “I can’t see. I can’t see. I can’t see....”.

Many years later, Jason is still blind. He can no longer practice Kung Fu nor can he bully anyone anymore.

Bryant has become a famous movie star in a series of movies called The Kung Fu Kid after he won the tournament. After learning more from his good Kung Fu master and winning more Kung Fu tournaments, Bryan becomes the Grandmaster of a new Kung Fu school. Bryan and Vanessa later get married and they live happily ever after.

Note: The above is only a fictitious story. No part of the story should be construed as facts even though the story contains dramatizations similar to certain real events or characters. Rights of the story reserved.